A clarification about my writing
Some of my readers are expecting Con Inc. drivel, but they will not get it here
Good evening frens,
I received a very unhappy comment from a subscriber tonight in the thread about my recent post about Donald Trump. Here is a screenshot of the comment, with my own thoughts after it:
Okay, now that you’ve seen the comment, here are my thoughts:
I do the best I can to write informative, entertaining content. But please remember that this is not a full-time job for me, as most of my income comes from doing deliveries. This means that I must write when I have time to do so, and I am often out on the road for hours and hours. When I get home, I am tired, and I do not have the luxury of time to spend writing and editing articles for days at a time. Nor do I have the time or bandwidth to write 10,000-word articles.
I posted a warning at the top of the article about Trump. I could not have been clearer when I warned fans of Trump not to scroll down and read the article. Obviously, Bradd did not heed my warning and took great offense at my commentary. Well, whose fault is that? You read a warning, and then you read the article anyway and then get angry about it? 🙄
I do not understand the reference to being a liar; that one surprised me, but I will leave it to Bradd to explain it because I do not know what he is talking about with that accusation.
It says on my About page that I am undead, and it is in my byline. If the idea of reading commentary from an undead disgusts someone, then it is on them for coming to my substack in the first place. I will certainly not hide in a closet because of my race. As I have often said, the undead are the most marginalized group on the planet, and Bradd’s attack on my race exemplifies that very comment.
Why would I move to another country? I would say the same things about the Globalist American Empire there that I say here. Since when is it required that one slavishly turn off their mind and pledge blind obedience to a country when that country has morphed into a globe-spanning empire that the founding fathers would be disgusted by?
Obviously, Bradd is not happy reading my content, and that’s fine. However, I made it a point to post the following on my About page a while ago:
Remember that I must call it as I see it, so do not be upset if some of what I write does not align with your own perspective on the topic. Just roll with it and share your own thoughts in the comments. 💀
I could not have been clearer in letting people know that there would be times when my commentary would upset them. But I must call things as I see them, not as readers want me to see them.
One final point that must be made here: I am NOT a Con Inc. kind of writer. Anyone who comes to my substack and expects “rah rah MAGA go Trump!” type content is in the wrong place. I am not a paid Con Inc shill, and the only money I make here is from paid subs and tips via BMAC or crypto. I am not on the Con Inc. payroll, so I am not going to toe their line and regurgitate their pablum.
So I will say this to all of my readers: If you want Con Inc. type commentary, please unsubscribe and unfollow me on Notes. I will take no offense at this, nor will there be any hostility on my end. I wish you well, and I hope you find a substack that better suits your reading preferences. But you will never get that kind of content from me, as it is alien to my nature to write it.
Regarding Trump, I made it clear how I felt about him way back when I wrote my first open letter to him on May 8, 2023, nearly a year ago. Yet some readers are shocked when I criticize him or use the word “retard” to smack him around. How can that be a surprise to anyone when I have written about him a number of times long before today’s article?
For those of you wondering why I finally stated that I would not vote for him and why I did not care what happened to him at the hands of his enemies, it was not just because of him fellating Israel or betraying his supporters. You simply need to read my letter to my dead friend, Jason. He died because he took the shots that Trump allowed to be pushed onto the population of the country.
To top it all off, Trump had the gall to run around the country claiming credit for releasing dangerous, health-destroying mRNA shots that took the life of my friend. Yet some readers think I owe Trump some sort of allegiance? Bullshit, I owe Fat Orange Retard nothing but contempt and loathing. If he had had the balls to stand up to Fauci, my friend Jason and many others might still be alive.
So fuck Donald Trump for that, and fuck anybody who defends him for releasing the poisonous mRNA shots on vulnerable, frightened people like Jason. Donald Trump is a disgusting, lying asshole, and I will not pretend that I support him to please any of my readers.
Trump whines constantly about his current problems with lawfare, but at least he is still alive to complain. Jason is dead in his grave, and he cannot say a word. I went to his grave recently and said some things I needed to say. I prayed for his soul, and I touched the plaque on his grave. I said goodbye and left with tears in my undead eyes.
So fuck Donald Trump. I couldn't care less about what happens to him.
So there you go. Some clarity for all of my readers. If you choose to leave, go in peace and with my blessing. I bear you no ill will, and I wish you safe travels on your journey through life. May Christ bless and protect you. 🙏🏻
Morgthorak the Undead
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Trunp, at this point in time, is just like any other Republican. I really do not understand why people still worship this guy.
Fuck ‘em all, Morg.
Ya don’t read an opinion piece then shit on the author for expressing it.
Ifn ya don’t like it, don’t read it. Put on your big boy pants and scroll on by.