America: Once a republic, now a falling empire
The Globalist American Empire is crumbling into the dust, and good riddance to it!
I believe that the original republic, created by America’s founders, died after the War of Northern Aggression (the Civil War for those of you who still believe the narratives you were told in school). However, that is beyond the scope of this article to get into, so just understand that that is my perspective on when the republic began to die.
Federal supremacy and the rise of the Globalist American Empire
After the War of Northern Aggression, the federal government became supreme in America. The states had their wings clipped, so to speak, once Lincoln used his power to smash Southern independence into the dust. True power was found mainly in Washington, with the states reduced to being financial and political vassals of their masters in DC.
But what was left of the founder’s republic was dealt a real death blow at the end of World War 2. Then, America morphed into the Globalist American Empire when that nation was given the privilege of being the world’s reserve currency. The only thing that held the empire in check was another empire: the Soviet Union.
When the Soviet Union died in 1990, no other power on earth could resist the empire. Russia was a train wreck, and China was far too weak and backward to consider taking on the GAE. Like it or not, the world was stuck with the Globalist American Empire and the criminal oligarchs that own and control the empire loved it!
It was not until September 11, 2001, that someone hit the empire hard on its own territory. Osama Bin Laden and Al Qaeda shrewdly took advantage of the empire’s hubris and launched a deadly surprise attack on New York and the imperial capital of Washington, DC. Thousands were killed and the empire’s leaders were left looking powerless and weak when their own airplanes were used as missiles to destroy buildings in NYC and DC.
The empire struck back but failed in Afghanistan
The empire, of course, struck back by invading Afghanistan and later Iraq. Given the circumstances, the attack on Afghanistan was understandable, but the idiotic decision to stay there for 20 years was a harbinger of the empire’s collapse. After all, they don’t call Afghanistan the “graveyard of empires” for nothing. Alexander the Great, the British Empire, and the Soviet Union tried to subdue the Afghans, but they all failed.
And, of course, the Globalist American Empire also failed, running out of Afghanistan with its tail between its legs. The empire wasted around $2 trillion and many thousands of casualties before it limped home in disgrace. Yet Afghanistan heralded the beginning of the end of the post-World War 2 geopolitical order.
Being the issuer of the world’s reserve currency, you see, has utterly corrupted and debased what was left of the American republic. The people in the imperial capital of Washington DC have become arrogant on a level that hasn’t been seen since the height of the Roman Empire, and they have also become utterly depraved and morally bankrupt.
Russia: A major roadblock for the empire
Yet, despite the defeat in Afghanistan, the neocons that infest the power structure in Washington DC decided to use Ukraine as a proxy in a hare-brained attempt to overthrow Putin and break Russia up into smaller republics that could be dominated and exploited by the empire. They planned to loot Russia and enslave its population as low cost workers for the empire’s oligarchs.
As you have seen for yourself, if you’ve been following the Ukraine war, the Russian people have decided to back their president and put a stop to the empire’s plans to turn them into slaves of the ethnic oligarchs that own and control the Globalist American Empire. The Russian people know that they must conquer in Ukraine if Russia is to survive as a sovereign nation, free of the empire’s domination and control.
And the best part? Russia is winning and will achieve a final victory in the war in Ukraine. Those ethnic oligarchs, and the idiotic and corrupt politicians they own and control, stupidly sent the GAE's manufacturing industries and jobs to countries like China, Mexico, and India. So the GAE cannot match Russia's industrial production, which means it cannot arm Ukraine and keep it fighting the GAE's proxy war.
SWIFT and Russia: A stupid mistake on the empire’s part
The other significant part of the war in Ukraine is the neocon's stupid decision to cut Russia off from SWIFT. Once they did that (purportedly without the knowledge of the Fed), every sovereign country on the planet saw that the GAE's financial system could not be trusted. Any country that pissed off the GAE for any reason ran the risk of also being cut off from SWIFT.
Russia, China, India, Iran, Brazil and other nations are now working on an alternative reserve currency that can be used for international trade outside of the dollar based system. This new currency will make sure that the GAE can not destroy the economies of other nations by cutting them off from the dollar based system.
Why is this so important? Because it is the beginning of the end of the dollar as the world's reserve currency, and when that goes, the power of the GAE crumbles along with it. The GAE will be unable to continually roll over its debt and print money with reckless abandon while exporting much of the inflation to the rest of the world.
The GAE’s bloated and ineffective military will also have to be cut to the bone, thus making sure that the corrupt scum in Washington DC and New York will no longer be able to project force into the world to loot and enslave other countries.
In other words, it’s game over for the empire. In the short term, this will mean hardship and a massive restructuring of the financial and political system inside the GAE as it shrinks down to becoming just another country on this planet. But, over the long term, it is the best chance to revive the fallen republic the founders created and to destroy or remake the institutions inside the imperial capital of Washington DC that have oppressed and persecuted the people of America (CIA, NSA, FBI, Federal Reserve, etc.).
From a republic to a war-mongering empire
Look at what being an empire has done to the country that used to be America. The corruption and depravity know no limits now; the country's infrastructure is falling apart, but so are its people. Compare the GAE to what America was like 100 years ago and the difference is palpable. The people living inside of the GAE are no longer sovereign and are instead the subdued subjects of the selfish and destructive elites that run the GAE.
The GAE also spends $850 billion per year on its military to maintain its imperial dominance. But the war in Ukraine has demonstrated how much of a waste that spending is since Russia - with a much smaller military budget - is beating the crap out of Ukraine and destroying the GAE's weapons and ammo with reckless abandon. None of the GAE’s vaunted military weapons has made a real difference in the war, and the GAE itself has been revealed to be a paper tiger when confronted by a peer competitor who can exceed its weak industrial manufacturing capabilities.
Despite this, the lunatic neocons have signaled they want a war with China around 2025, in a ridiculous and feeble effort to stop China’s rise and preserve the GAE as hegemon of the world. As a certain commentator on the Duran has said many times: the necons have no off switch and no reverse gear. They press on with their mad schemes, no matter how much evidence exists that they should stop.
And the ethnic oligarchs that own and control the GAE have stupidly demonized the very backbone of the country: White males. ESG and DIE were deliberately designed to destroy the ability of White males to earn a living, and they have succeeded in doing so to a shocking degree. White males are under propaganda assault by the media of the ethnic oligarchs twenty four hours per day, seven days per week.
Do I even need to bring up the stolen election in 2020? Or the fake pandemic? Or the deaths of many thousands of people because of the not-vaccines? Or the injuries on many thousands more? All of this comes from the republic's fall and the empire's rise. The death toll caused by the not-vaccines will roll on for many years too, and yet none of the criminals responsible for it have been brought to justice.
A fascist oligarchy
The Globalist American Empire is a fascist oligarchy, masquerading as a republic, pretending to be a democracy. That is the best description of the GAE I have ever seen, and it sums up how hollow and fake the GAE’s political and economic system is for the average citizen. Your average Joe or Jane gets nothing from the empire except inflation, higher taxes, and a lower quality of life. But the ethnic oligarchs and their pawns get everything at the expense of the little people.
Well, you know what? It’s time to bring down the empire and end the power of the ethnic oligarchs who own and control it. And here’s the best part: it’s already happening, and we didn’t need to do a thing. We just had to let the arrogant fools in Washington, DC, and New York work their magic by allowing their greed and sense that they are entitled to rule the world to run wild.
The handwriting is on the wall for the empire; all that remains to be seen now is how long it will last and whether it will go out with a bang or a whimper. If it goes out with a bang then there is likely to be a terrible war that results in the deaths of hundreds of millions or billions of people. If it goes out with a whimper then the world can finally turn the page on the empire in a relatively peaceful way.
The empire must fall
Either way, I’ll be glad to see an end to the empire. Unlike the Roman Empire, which at least still retained some virtues for a while, the GAE has nothing to offer anyone who isn’t part of the 1% at the very top who get all of the benefits of empire while bearing none of the costs. It is only working class people and the poor who pay the real costs of empire, with their labor and their lives.
No empire that hates its people and deliberately persecutes them should be allowed to continue. No empire that promotes depravity, mutilates, and drugs its children should be allowed to continue. No empire that engages in endless wars while its people suffer should be allowed to continue. No empire that holds fraudulent elections and tries to force its people to take experimental mRNA gene therapy poisons should be allowed to continue.
The empire must fall so that the republic can live again. The empire must fall so that the American people can live again in a country that serves them and not the elites.
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You're right, I was just curious (since I rarely have definite views on history) why the 9/11 would have any logical connection with Afghanistan... as the most compelling thesis for 9/11 seems to be the inside coup with the benevolent help of arab volunteers...
The Civil War is a key marker, agreed. I often default in such conversations to the Federal Reserve Act as a huge turning point. But i would contend there is evidence going back further yet, to the founding of this country as a set-up for our Luciferian overlords' Great Work. In modernity, we have called it The New World Order and currently in practice, the #GreatReset