Beware of the words "freedom" and "democracy"
The uniparty scum in DC keep conning the rubes with their rhetorical bullshit
Have you noticed that any time somebody in Washington, DC, says the words “freedom” or “democracy,” they are lying to you? I see it over and over again, yet some people always fall for it.
I split it up this way: Democrats usually prattle on about “democracy” while Republicans babble about “freedom.” Partisans on both sides eat it up with reckless abandon. The Democratic partisans really believe they are “protecting democracy,” and the Republican partisans believe they are “protecting freedom.”
But you know what? They are all brain-dead dingbats who are taking the most obvious political bait imaginable, and the politicians in both parties know it.
What is it going to take to wake people up to this scam? Let me be very blunt here for those who are still falling for this crap:
There, is that clear enough now? Does anyone not understand this? It boggles the mind that so many people on both sides still fall for this rhetorical con job, over and over and over again.
The instant you hear the word “freedom” or “democracy” come out of the mouth of one of the slimy denizens of the imperial capital, know immediately that they are lying to you. Those words have no meaning to them whatsoever; they are simply used to manipulate the masses that live outside of DC into going along with whatever corrupt bullshit the uniparty apparatchiks of the empire want to do.
You can see this in how “freedom” and “democracy” are used by people on CNN and Fox News. Fox News leans heavily into “freedom,” and CNN does the same with “democracy.” But both of those media outlets are controlled by the regime in Washington, DC. They are regime media.
The only difference is that Fox News pedals its “freedom” propaganda while working the right side of the street, and CNN pedals its “democracy” propaganda while working the left side.
There is no difference; it’s all regime propaganda designed to manipulate you into going along with the regime’s narratives and policies. You have been split into two audiences that respond to two different words, much like Pavlov’s dogs were conditioned to respond to certain stimuli.
I’d have thought that people would have figured this out by now. I am by no means the brightest bulb in the bunch, but even my undead brain figured it out a while ago.
Wake up, people. Nobody in DC gives a damn about “freedom” or “democracy.”
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With some rounding you are correct. Zoom in and you will find some Republicans who believe in freedom and some Democrats who believe in democracy. Both are outnumbered by the remoras.
The cure involves work: rebuilding the grassroots parties to the point where core ideals matter more than pandering to special interests. See Heinlein's "Take Back Your Government."
Something I wrote a while ago along these lines:
"It is actually not too hard to tell the difference between neocons and neoliberals. See if someone says we are bombing another country in the name of "freedom," while trying to take away yours, that person is a neocon, but if someone says we are bombing another country in the name of "human rights" while not giving a shit about them, that is a neoliberal. Now if someone says they are kissing corporate ass in the name of "free markets," that person is a neocon, but if they say they are kissing corporate ass in the name of "social justice," that person is a neoliberal. If you are a traditional liberal or conservative you just might wonder how they have anything to with your principles or values. Not to worry! As far as they are concerned all of your principles and values are outdated and they are smarter, better, and more moral than you ever were. What evidence they base this on given how questionable and sociopathic many of their current policies and actions are is still a mystery."