Desperate Globalist American Empire tries to con immigrants into dying for the empire
White males are abandoning the GAE's military, so the empire wants brown and bronze cannon fodder
In one of my last posts, I covered how White males are either leaving voluntarily or are being driven out of the Globalist American Empire’s military by woke communism, as well as the earlier not-vaccine mandates. The GAE, deep in planning by the neocons for an upcoming war with China, is desperately grasping at straws to try to fill its military with brown or bronze immigrants:
Desperate to overcome recruiting shortfalls, the US Army and Air Force are making a major push to recruit immigrants, using the enticement of citizenship granted in a matter of weeks.
The Marine Corps is the only branch that's on track to make its 2023 recruiting goal. The Army is coming off its worst recruiting performance in decades, and its surveys have determined that young Americans' fear of death and mental illness are the biggest reasons they won't sign up. On top of that, it's estimated that only 23% of 17- to 24-year-olds meet physical, mental and moral requirements for Army service without obtaining a waiver.
Break out that late stage empire check list:
✅Open debauchery celebrated in the streets
✅Endless wars meant to enrich only the elites
✅Leaders increasingly insane/senile/brain damaged
✅Military recruiting immigrants to replace citizens
— Auron MacIntyre (@AuronMacintyre) June 11, 2023
The dismal situation has the Army and Air Force setting its sights on legal immigrants, luring them with not only the standard pitches about training and education benefits, but also with the promise of taking a major shortcut to American citizenship.
Will the Globalist American Empire use its military against its own people?
I’ve seen comments from some that the GAE might plan to use its new brown and bronze military against its people, particularly dissidents. While I don’t disagree with that necessarily, I believe it is the idiotic war with China that is being planned by the neocons that are driving the GAE’s desperate attempts to get recruits.
As Alexander Mercurois has said many times: the neocons have no off switch and no reverse gear. Aggression is the only strategy they have, and they use it with reckless abandon. But you can’t have a war without cannon fodder to feed into the vortex of destruction, thus the new call for giving immigrants citizenship in exchange for getting blown up by Chinese missiles or a Russian artillery barrage.
Is this going to work? Let’s remember that the Roman Empire more or less did the same thing. As time went on, immigrants became the foot soldiers of the Roman elites, while native-born Romans avoided serving in the empire’s military for one reason or another.
What ultimately ended up happening to the Roman Empire? It fell, as all empires eventually do over time. The same thing is likely to happen to the Globalist American Empire since it has declared war on men with fair skin. Those men have been waking up to the realization that their government hates them, and fewer and fewer of them want to risk their lives for an empire that despises them.
The Globalist American Empire gets weaker without White males
That leaves the GAE in a very bad spot, it’s hard to start wars to protect your place as the world’s hegemon if you can’t con your native population into serving as cannon fodder. So the GAE is doing what it can to take advantage of the flood of illegal aliens coming into the country. It’s the only remaining pool of manpower that it can leverage since the population of native White males has started wising up to the racism and hatred coming from the GAE’s elites.
I hope that enough of the brown and bronze men flooding into the empire realize that the GAE elites just want to use them as pawns. I do not know if this is the case or not, but the immigrants that are foolish enough to sign up now will likely regret it later when the neocons start an armed conflict with China.
Still, the fact that the GAE cannot meet its military recruiting numbers is a good sign for dissidents. It demonstrates that the GAE is indeed an empire in decline and that the native population of the empire does not want to serve the corrupt, depraved elites that rule the GAE. That is a very good thing and a hopeful indication that the empire is in a slow collapse, and the pro-war narratives being pushed by the regime’s media are not working.
Stay tuned as the empire’s collapse accelerates. 👍🏻
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Makes sense that the military is following the same pattern established in other occupations, using mass immigration to address personnel shortages. Next, they'll try outsourcing, hiring foreign non-English speaking mercenaries to be their cannon fodder. I still think they're trying to create a military that they can use to wage war on their own citizens, and even though such an army would be very combat ineffective against foreign adversaries, the neo-con artists are so foolish that they could be aiming for both a war against China and a war on the heritage Americans at home, at the same time. Regardless, once the dollar goes, it's all over. That military-for-hire won't stay loyal when they're not getting paid.