Did Jill Biden stick the knife in Bathhouse Barry's back?
The Bidens slapped Obama upside the head when they endorsed Kamala, but which Biden made that decision, and why was it done?
In case you haven’t noticed, I am reveling in the Game of Thrones drama happening within the Democratic Party lately. The Democrats are enmeshed in a delightful net of lies, treachery, backstabbing and deceit. The factions within the Democratic Party are still warring with one another, and that war continues, even after Biden’s withdrawal from the presidential race.
The NY Post had a very amusing story about Biden doing a major “fuck you” to Obama by immediately endorsing Kamala Harris, thus making it damn near impossible for Obama to have a “mini-primary” at the convention that would, of course, be won by a candidate that he wanted to put into office:
There’s buzz swirling within the Biden camp that the president’s swift endorsement of Kamala Harris was his revenge on prominent party leaders — including Barack Obama — who pressured him to bow out of the race against his will, sources told The Post.
Joe Biden, who said he was dropping out “in defense of democracy” during his public address Wednesday, had been told by Obama to allow delegates at next month’s Democratic National Convention in Chicago to decide a new candidate, a source close to the Biden family claimed.
“It was Joe’s big f–k you,” the source said. “Joe said, ‘If I’m out, then I am endorsing her.'”
Talk among insiders is that Biden saw this as a final way to assert some control over his ouster.
A well-placed Democratic Party source said they have heard the same, telling The Post that Obama, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and New York Senator Chuck Schumer wanted to hold “a mini primary” which Obama believed Harris would not win.
Multiple sources told The Post that Obama had wanted Arizona Senator and former astronaut Mark Kelly “at the top of the ticket” at the convention.
I posted that story on Notes and somebody pointed out that it is doubtful that Biden himself wielded the knife that is now sticking out of Obama’s back. That commentator pointed out that there was another person who likely did it:
Jill Biden.
I hadn’t stopped to think about that, but the more I did, the more it made perfect sense. We all know that Joe Biden isn’t there anymore, or if he is, it’s in a fleeting way. One minute he’s coherent, and the next minute he’s in la-la land, depending on the array of drugs they’ve given him that day. As time goes on, Biden’s condition will just get worse until he eventually passes away.
But Jill Biden is all there mentally, and what’s more, she clearly loves living in the White House. Oh yes, my friends, Jill has enjoyed being First Lady and loves all the trappings of power. In fact, she loves them so much that she had planned to enjoy them for another four years until Obama swooped in and took them away from her. Hell hath no fury like a power-grubbing First Lady scorned!
And make no mistake about it: Jill Biden was scorned by Obama. Well, I don’t know if scorned is the right word. How about screwed instead? Obama screwed her and Joe royally in an epic example of political backstabbing. What she regarded as hers was taken away by Obama, Pelosi, and Schumer acting in unison to create a vicious media campaign to drive her husband out of the campaign and perhaps even out of the presidency altogether.
So far, Biden has refused to exit the presidency. But it’s clear that if Obama and company had had their way, he would have left that behind too. Biden has indicated that he is going to serve out his full term, and I see no way for Obama to have him removed barring the use of the 25th Amendment, which would be politically messy and very difficult to do as long as Biden can at least pretend to be able to act as president.
I don’t doubt Jill Biden’s fingerprints are all over the knife used on Obama. Remember that she knew how bad Joe Biden’s dementia and other problems were, but she had no problem with him being put into the presidency after the theft of the 2020 election? She could not have cared less that the presidency is like a flame that burns the life out of every president who serves; they age significantly faster while in office than they would have out of office.
Consider Bill Clinton, Obama, Bush junior and senior, and even Trump. Take a look at what they looked like right before they took office, and then look at how much they had aged by the time they left office. In the case of a man like Joe Biden, the presidency has likely been killing him and burning away the years he had left faster than would have otherwise happened if he had never become president.
Did Jill care? Nope, she wanted to be First Lady, and she got what she wanted. Some have even accused her of elder abuse by pushing her husband to run for reelection when she knew how bad his mental and physical health had become. I cannot argue with the charge of elder abuse, since it’s obvious to everyone that Biden should never have been allowed to become president in the first place.
Can you imagine how furious Jill Biden must have been when she realized that Joe was being pushed out of the campaign? She must have burned with fury once she realized that Pelosi, Schumer and especially Obama were behind all of it. All the years she and Joe had wanted him to become president, and then they finally achieved their goal, only to have a second term snatched away by a conspiracy in their own party, led by Bathhouse Barry himself.
What to do? Oh yes, endorse Kamala! Once the endorsement was given, the Clintons jumped in too, and then the ball really got rolling. Kamala got one endorsement after another until Barry’s scheme about a “mini-primary” was totally blown out of the water, leaving him with egg all over his face. How Jill Biden must have smiled, knowing that the Bidens endorsing Kamala screwed Barry over just as he had screwed the Bidens!
But I don’t believe for a second that the war of the Bidens against Obama is over. No way! The backstabbing that Barry did has caused bad blood that will last for a generation. The Biden family is not going to forgive and forget. Revenge will be uppermost on their minds for a very long time to come. So don’t be surprised if some very nasty information about Obama starts leaking out in the days ahead.
Given what a smug, arrogant prick Obama is, I’m rooting for the Bidens. Go Jill! 😂
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The elites made it impossible for Biden to win; Biden made it impossible for Trump to lose.
The delicious irony is that it was Obama who had picked Kamala for VP in the first place. How the tables turn.