Does Trump believe Iran tried to assassinate him?
Is Trump buying into the Deep State's bullshit or is he playing it cool until the election?
The Deep State neocon scum have longed for a war with Iran for many years, and recently they’ve been pushing the narrative that Iran is responsible for the attempts on Trump’s life. This is pure, unadulterated bullshit on their part, and you’d have to be a complete moron to believe it.
Imagine my shock when I see this post on X from Trump:
George Galloway posted a response that also summed up my reaction:
There are two possibilities here:
Trump is stupid enough to believe the bullshit narrative from the Deep State about Iran trying to kill him.
Trump is attempting to make nice with the Deep State in an attempt to stay alive long enough to slip through their nets and make it back into the White House.
I find it hard to believe that Trump actually believes the lies about Iran trying to kill him that come from the CIA, FBI, etc. Those agencies are part of the Deep State and are controlled directly by his enemies. He is smart enough to know that and to know they are lying to him. I don’t doubt that the CIA manufactured evidence and then showed it to Trump to try to convince him that Iran was behind the attempts to kill him.
It is much more likely that Trump knows they are lying to him and that he is trying to take advantage of it politically. If he were to come out publicly and accuse the Deep State of trying to kill him, he would gain nothing from it, and it would simply cause them to make another attempt on his life. By playing along, he signals to them that he’ll play their game on Iran.
Take note of how he mentions the US military and how he positions himself as being under threat by an outside power. It gives people a rallying point and pushes Kamala out of the scene entirely. Trump takes center stage as the leader that a foreign power wants dead, and he makes the Deep State his protector against that foreign threat.
It’s all nauseating, if you ask me, because we know the Deep State hates him, but the Iran card might be their way out of the assassination mess they have created. By blaming Iran for their own wrongdoing, the Deep State might also be signaling to Trump that they’ve had enough and are willing to accept him back into the presidency.
I’m speculating here, and I could be wrong on all of this. But I find it hard to believe Trump would be stupid enough to buy the Deep State’s bullshit.
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I want to believe he’s not this stupid, but then again, he did fall for the deep state plandemic bullshit and he believes everything Jared Kushner says…And we all know who Jared Kushner represents and how they want Iran to be bombed like Iraq.