Donald Trump gets hip to mail-in ballots and early voting
Trump has embraced mail-in ballots at long last, but will Republican voters use them?
If you remember, back in 2020, many Republican voters were spooked by mail-in ballots and refused to use them. Most of them went to the polling place on election day and, in some places, were unable to vote because of a lack of ballots, machine problems, and other convenient snafus that served the interests of the Democrats.
Well, wonder of all wonders, Fat Orange Retard himself has finally embraced mail-in ballots and is urging his voters to use them instead of waiting until election day to vote:
Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday officially got behind his supporters using mail-in ballots and voting early in the November election with the launch of an initiative dubbed 'Swamp the Vote USA.'
'Many Republicans like to vote on Election Day and we must swamp the radical Democrats with massive turnout on Tuesday, November 5,' Trump said.
The ex-president and presumptive Republican nominee filmed a video at Mar-a-Lago where he explained that he still wanted elections to be conducted only on Election Day with paper ballots and voter ID.
However, that's not how current election laws stand.
'But until then, Republicans must win,' Trump said. 'And we must use every appropriate tool available to beat the Democrats, they are destroying our country.'
Trump has even set up a site for mail-in and early voting called “Swamp the Vote.”
Well, better late than never, right? 🙄
Will Republican voters use mail-in ballots?
Still, I’m forced to wonder: How many Republican voters will actually use mail-in ballots? Many of them were convinced the US postal service would be in on any cheating and would nab their ballots then put them in a shredder or set them on fire. So will they heed Trump’s call to vote by mail? Who knows? We'll have to wait and see.
Trump himself deserves some blame for his voters waiting until election day to vote. He and others on his team fed the paranoia about mail-in ballots, and many of his supporters adopted a similar attitude. That made it easy for the Democrats; they only had to ensure that polling places in certain locations (where there were many Republican voters) had, um, shall we say, unexpected problems?
The Democrats are scheming even as I write this article
There is another aspect to the story that the Daily Mail did not cover: the Democrats. Say what you will about them; the Democrats are shrewd and sleazy operators. In 2020, they were way ahead of Trump and the rest of the Republicans when it came to cheating and scheming. Hey, you have to give it to the Democrats; they wanted that election, and they got it.
So what are the Democrats planning for 2024? There is no fake pandemic happening to help them (though they seem to be trying to start one with the Bird Flu nonsense), and mail-in ballots won’t do much this time if Republicans also make use of them. So what are the Democrats going to do to try to cheat this time? You know that they are busy plotting and planning somewhere, even as I type this article.
So far, I have heard nothing of substance, but I never underestimate the Democratic machine. It regularly runs rings about the Republicans, and the Republicans aren’t called the Stupid Party for nothing. I have complete faith in the Republicans to try to win the last war instead of winning the current one.
By now, you’d think that the Republicans would have operatives inside the Democratic Party to tip them off to the latest scheme by the Democrats. Alas, the Republicans are likely blissfully ignorant about whatever the Democrats are planning. And make no mistake about it, the Democrats are not sitting around waiting for the Republicans to make use of mail-in ballots.
Merrick Garland prepares to defend the election results (as long as Biden wins)
In fact, the fake Attorney General, Merrick Garland, is already planning to go after anybody who dares to challenge the election results:
I wonder what he’ll do if Trump wins? I bet his “task force” is somehow turned into an investigative body determined to prove that Trump didn’t win. You know how partisan hack sleazebags like Garland operate. Whatever label they use for their organization will either be cast aside completely, or the organization will simply do the opposite of whatever its name suggests it should do.
If you are going to vote, don’t wait until election day
As some of you already know, I have issues with Trump. But I give him credit for trying to avoid the mistake Republicans made back in 2020. Will it help? Will it push him over the top? I do not know, and I don’t think anybody else does either.
But if you are going to vote, vote early, and don’t run the risk of going to the polling place only to find out that the Democrats stole all the ballots and burned them. Hey, if they did it last time, they are likely to try to do it again in places where there are many Republican voters.
I also recommend sharing the “Swamp the Vote” site with your friends and family members. It couldn’t hurt for more people to know if you are a Trump supporter.
One thing is certain: 2024 is going to be an election with some unexpected surprises.
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What will the Democrats do?
Biden’s already signed by decree that illegals get amnesty. How long until he signs a decree saying they have full voting privileges.
It’ll be done as an October surprise and leave Republican lawyers with no chance to get it blocked.
Once the democrats win, and people question the October surprise illegal immigrates voting, then in swoops the slime ball Garland to investigate anyone who questions it.
Merrick Garland is a fascist brownshirt stasi sympathizer.
As American's we have the absolute right to question everything that flows from the cesspool that is our capital city.