Fat Orange Retard prepares to throw away the 2026 election because of Elon's greed
Will Trump backstab his working-class base to funnel more cash into Elon's pockets by flooding the country with cheap labor from India? If so, get ready for Impeachment 3.0 after the Dems win in 2026.
Note to readers: When I use the term “Fat Orange Retard” you know that Trump is back on my shit list. If you are still basking in the afterglow of the 2024 election, I recommend skipping this article entirely. You will not enjoy it. You’ve been warned. 🧐
In my last article, I pointed out the bullshit Elon Musk has been pulling on X, pushing the idea that America desperately needs more workers from India via the H1-B program. Elon has not only doubled down; he’s tripled and quadrupled down. Trump finally responded, but before I get into what Trump has been saying, take a look at some of what Elon has been posting:
Regarding “racists” in the Republican Party in the top screenshot, what Elon really means is that anybody who disagrees with him flooding the country with brown people from India is a “racist.” He’s pushing the old boomer colorblind bullshit because “America is an idea,” not a nation of human beings primarily composed of those of White European descent. So the country can be flooded with people from anywhere, and the “magic dirt” they step onto will instantly make them like us.
Given what has happened to South Africa since Mandela and his crew took it over, you’d think Elon would know better. Then again, Elon cut and ran to America, leaving South Africa to rot. Isn’t that odd? Elon, who wants to bring in as many brown bodies as possible from India to be his tech slaves, left South Africa and moved to a country with a White majority. I wonder why he did that. Can anyone explain this? 🤔
Elon can wrap his “racist” bullshit up in as much boomer rhetoric as he wants, but the truth is that he wants as many brown bodies to move here as he can get, so he can use them as indentured servants to pad his bottom line as much as possible. In the end, it’s not about “meritocracy” or any of the other bullshit he is lying about; it’s all about money in his pocket and in the pockets of his shareholders. Money is what motivates Musk on the issue of H1-B visas. He is greedy on a level that most normal people cannot comprehend. 💰
Regarding Elon “going to war,” I could not care less. He can pack up his companies and move them to South Africa, India, or some other country. America was here long before those companies existed, and it will be here long after they are no more. Elon’s war babble shows you how much he has been discombobulated by Trump voters, making it clear how they feel about him flooding the country with cheap labor to line his already bulging pockets. Take your companies and GTFO out of America, Elon. You won’t be missed, you selfish POS.
And then there was this other post from Elon, which drew a comprehensive and passionate rejoinder from an X user:
More disturbing is this audio from a Spaces where Elon supposedly used an alt account to go after MAGA supporters.
Press play to hear what he said:
I cannot prove for sure that that was Elon, but the words sure sounded like something he would say. So, if it was him, he’s obviously pissed off that MAGA voters are not buying his H1-B bullshit and are making a point to tell him publicly. Since he purchased Old Twitter, he feels entitled to endless gratitude from MAGA voters. In other words, we should all shut the fuck up and just let Elon and his toady Ramaswamy flood the country with India’s surplus population. 🙄
You can see how completely out of touch Elon Musk is with Trump’s political base. In no way, shape, or form does he understand why people voted for Trump. To Elon, Trump’s base should simply hate China (the boogeyman used by Elon and the other oligarchs to scare people), shut the fuck up, and let Elon “win” by flooding the country with brown people from India. White Americans should be grateful to be colonized by these people, whom Elon can mercilessly exploit for their labor.
QUESTION: If Indians are so much better, smarter workers than White Americans, then why didn’t Elon just start his companies in India? He could have hired as many Indians as possible in their native land. Instead, he came to America. I wonder why? 🤔
Elon and Trump: A bromance doomed?
One other thing that I want to note here before I get into Trump’s remarks. How long is the bromance between Trump and Elon going to continue? The two men have gigantic egos, and it’s hard to believe they will be able to tolerate each other for any length of time. How long until there is a clash and the two of them get into a fight?
Let’s face it, Trump’s ego is large enough to fill the entire universe. It is what has propelled him through years of political and legal warfare, and it is what has made him utterly relentless in the pursuit of power after the stolen 2020 election. But how long is Donald Trump going to be willing to share the spotlight with Elon Musk?
Musk’s ego isn’t much smaller than Trump, but Musk is also an autist. So the combination of Trump’s mega-narcissm, and Elon’s autistic self-absorption is combustible, to say the least. Sooner or later, the two of them are going to find themselves at odds, and we’re likely to see some serious fireworks. The more they work together, the more likely they are going to clash at some point.
Donald Trump weighs in on the H-1B bullshit
Now let’s look at what Fat Orange Retard just said about Elon’s bullshit. You better grab a receptacle to puke into before you read this, because you are going to feel nauseous after reading this article from the NY Post:
President-elect Trump told The Post Saturday he supports immigration visas for highly skilled workers, appearing to side with Elon Musk in the roiling intra-MAGA debate on the issue.
“I’ve always liked the visas, I have always been in favor of the visas. That’s why we have them,” Trump said by phone, referring to the H-1B program, which permits companies to hire foreign workers in specialty occupations.
“I have many H-1B visas on my properties. I’ve been a believer in H-1B. I have used it many times. It’s a great program,” added Trump, who restricted access to foreign worker visas in his first administration and has been critical of the program in the past.
Musk and other tech barons argued this week that the H-1B visa program is critical to ensuring American companies can find highly skilled labor which may not be easily available in the U.S. labor force and must be expanded.
MAGA hardliners want Trump to follow through with his promise to promote US workers and impose tougher restrictions on immigration.
Trump’s Saturday comments come a day after Musk vowed to go to “war” on the issue, telling one mocking opponent to go “f–k yourself.”
If you’ve been reading my Substack, you know that I endorsed Trump and encouraged people to vote for him because the Drunken Slut would have been much worse. I still believe that, but I can see Trump’s knife headed toward my back and the backs of the rest of his White working-class supporters. If he follows through along the lines of his comments in that NY Post article, there will be consequences in 2026.
Trump is riding high right now, still intoxicated by his victory last month. His return to power is so close, he can taste it. Air Force One and the rest of the presidential bling, power, and attention are almost his again. He has waited for years for all of it to return to him, and likely thinks that he is nearly untouchable by his political base. He’ll never be on a ballot again, so why worry too much about what we think, right?
Trump needs us one last time in 2026. Remember that the Republicans always do worse when he is not on the ballot, and he will not be on the ballot in 2026. This means that Trump needs EVERY vote he can get to stop the Democrats from taking the House and/or the Senate. He and the Republican Party cannot afford to alienate the millions of working-class voters who put him back into office in 2024.
Now consider what will happen if Trump backstabs the working-class people who defected to him from the Democratic Party. A certain portion of them will stay home, and others will boomerang back to the Democrats. Some will still vote for Republican candidates, but it is unlikely there will be enough of them to stave off the Democrats regaining control of one or both houses of Congress.
Remember what Nancy Pelosi did to him the last time the Democrats controlled the House? She impeached him twice and made his life in office a miserable hell. That will happen again if the Democrats take over the House. The Democrats will stop at nothing to try to destroy him. His agenda will be stalled, and he will get nothing done in Congress for the last two years of his presidency.
Get ready for IMPEACHMENT 3.0. Oh yes, my friends, the Democrats will come up with another bullshit impeachment charge, and they will drag Trump into the muck once again. If it happens, he will get no sympathy from me if he screws over his working-class base. He will deserve whatever the Democrats decide to do to him.
This is the risk Trump is running if he sides with Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy on the issue of H-1B visas. It might be that Trump is just mouthing what he thinks Elon wants to hear. Trump has done this in the past. He says one thing, then does another later. It is impossible for us to know what he will do until he is back in power and does it. But his comments do not lend themselves to me having any confidence in what he will do about H-1B parasites flooding into the country and stealing jobs from native workers.
My promise to Fat Orange Retard for the 2026 election
I will finish this article by making a promise to Donald Trump and to all of you.
If Trump backstabs his working-class base yet again, I will vote a straight Democratic ticket in 2026 to screw him over, and I will encourage others to do the same. Then, if the Democrats retake the House, I will take great delight in watching them impeach him again and make his life a miserable hell. Does that sound cold to you? It shouldn't, because it will be exactly what he deserves for fucking over his supporters yet again.
Payback is a bitch, Donald. Elon cannot save you from the Democrats, but we can. So remember who put you back into office in 2024, or suffer the consequences in 2026. 😈
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Morg et al, You may be overreacting to this. Do you actually know how many H1-B visas there are? It is measured in the tens of thousands, and applies to particular classes of tech/professional workers that have requirements that are hard to fill (I have tried and have generally been successful, but it is a lot of work). One has to find the few US graduates that: 1) are anxious, willing, qualified, and able to work and 2) have not been ruined by a woke college education to render them more of a workplace problem then solution.
Do you know how much less H1-B employees are paid than US employees? 10% on the average. This amount is typically dwarfed by the amount of grief it takes to get someone admitted on one of those visas. But it should be clear that neither the gross numbers of visas nor the modest shortfall in wages amount to a hill of beans. It is just a mechanic used by someone (not us good guys) to divide the good guys. It has to stop.
Those of us who hire would LOVE to hire 100% US properly trained workers who are willing to work the 60-80 hours a week most of us have been working our whole lives. It is a real pain to recruit under an H1-B; we would all be thrilled not to do so. But one more speech about work-life balance is one more than I need to hear. I have not worked fewer than 80 hours a week since I was in high school. My peers are similar. People whose primary preoccupation in life is how much time they can take off do not contribute nearly as much to any endeavor, whether it is care of patients, research on new ways of improving health, or any of the other areas in which I have worked my whole life.
I think this tempest in a teapot is just meant to distract us. The 50,000+/- highly technical jobs we are talking about here are dwarfed by the actual numbers of jobs that need to be created and filled where a broader pool of applicants (who are ready, willing and able to work) that are US citizens can apply, be trained and be forevermore productive. Manufacturing, energy -- the list of need areas is long and I have seen no indication that the incoming administration is anything other than behind supporting that in economic ways that have been shown to work.
I also would be thrilled to see colleges revert to turning out non-woke, motivated individuals in the sciences and professions, especially applied, that love what they do and are inspired to work. Degrees in gender studies, as many as there are, are not useful to most of us. I believe that some of these changes will ensue as DEI admissions and promotions are scaled back/eliminated. This is especially needed in medicine where the disaster to come from admitting non-qualified students is looming and you will HOPE you get a doctor properly trained elsewhere who is here on an H1-B visa until a cohort who is interested in patient care, not social justice, and who has the mental ability to handle the tasks is back in place. Gen Alpha seems like they will fit the bill, but we are 10 years away from realizing doctors from that cohort.
Remember H1-B visa holders are LEGAL and come for particular time periods to do particular jobs that cannot/will not wait and THAT CANNOT BE FILLED BY QUALIFIED AMERICANS one can find. Every H1-B position has to be broadly advertised with Americans given priority if there are any...too often, there are not. THIS is the problem that needs to be fixed -- the rest will follow.
We are all in this "hope we can save the country" group together -- I felt much worse about it a year ago than I do now, although our hopes may still be dashed. But rising up in Twitter Tirades every time someone is not completely "pure" without knowing much more about any situation will doom us from within. For as much as I can influence against that happening, I intend to continue. All of our futures rely on it.
Now now, there's no need to go off the deep end in 2026 and vote straight Democrat if and when Trump screws you over. Besides, if you do that, you'll feel dirty. Maybe even icky. Take George Carlin's advice instead:
"Don't vote. It only encourages them."
You'll also feel much cleaner.