Good riddance to Obama's bullshit
The era of Obama is coming to an end, and it can't happen fast enough!
I don’t know if I’ve ever told you how much I loathe Barry Soetero. Oh, excuse me, how dare I “deadname” him. 🙄 Barack Obama. Stop and consider that name for a moment. It is as pretentious and fake as his intellect and his ego. I detest Obama, and I have done so ever since he shocked me by winning the 2008 election.
I remember when he first came on the political scene; I thought he was a joke. In those days, I did not realize that too many older White people had already died off, and the woke mind virus had also begun widespread infection of the country and its institutions. So I did not take Obama seriously, and I was certain he would go down in flames, even if his opponent was neocon trash like John McCain. I could not imagine that America would ever vote someone like him in as president; the very idea was laughable to me.
In my defense, he was a half-black, former Muslim who clearly wasn’t qualified to be elected to the office of dogcatcher. I did not think he had a chance to defeat Hillary, never mind actually becoming president. I truly did not realize how far the country had already fallen by the time Obama managed to become president. In 2008, my sense of the country and who lived in it was still rooted in the 70s and 80s. I simply did not realize that things had changed all around me, and I was shocked that Obama won.
I think my blindness had something to do with being Gen X. We are the last generation to be born and raised in an overwhelmingly White society. White was the default in my childhood and teen years. I could not imagine then or later that being White would become a mark of shame for some people who had been brainwashed by regime media and the country’s institutions, and they would thus be vulnerable to the manipulations of a race hustler and demagogue like Obama. Yet it happened, and I remember seeing White people I knew cheering Obama on, thinking that it made them better people. Fools! 🙄
The NY Post had a great opinion column that summed much of the damage Obama did to the country:
You can smell it in the air. A deep sense of betrayal among Democratic voters.
An underlying realization that the Democratic party’s politburo — Obama, Pelosi, Schumer, Jeffries, and their courtiers of elected official and consultant sycophants — sold voters a bill of goods: the gaslighting of the public on President Biden’s decrepitude; the false idol of the Kamala Harris “campaign of joy” as a smart last-minute stand-in; and the repeated cowering to the far left whose wokeness and moral condescension turns off most voters.
Simply put, the Obama Era is characterized by a set of ideas and tactics directly linked to the Democrats’ loss. The first is the “Demography is Destiny” delusion — a kind of manifest destiny of the left, adopted in the second Obama term, that promises an ever-diversifying electorate would inexorably vote Democratic and must therefore be patronized with cartoonish appeals to identity and big government wardship.
This proved to be not only deeply un-American but politically foolish.
Upon taking office, Biden mandated race preferences and DEI rules across 90 different federal agencies — what leading race theorist Coleman Hughes refers to as the neo-racism of the left.
Open borders were supposed to buy Hispanic votes. Green New Deal wars on oil and gas industries that most of the big players on the global stage would reject were supposed to buy young voters.
This spawning bureaucracy had a profound and often underestimated reach by foisting critical race and gender ideologies in federal and state agencies (e.g. prioritizing COVID checks on the basis of race), in public schools across the country and, ultimately, into a multi-billion dollar DEI industrial complex in corporate America.
However, now much of this second pillar of the Obama Era is now likely to fall to constitutional challenges unlikely to withstand equal protection challenges, widespread public disaffection with the underlying ideology, and the Trump administration’s DOGE scalpel.
The third pillar of the Obama Era is the massive cancel culture and accompanying online authoritarianism.
Former New York Times reporter David Samuels chronicles how the Obama White House conceived and perfected the strategy of using affiliate left-wing public intellectuals to sell often false or misleading narratives to mainstream news and political elites on, say, the deeply defective Iranian nuclear deal, and then to quell dissent with cancel tactics.
I must admit that I found it utterly delicious that Obama (along with Pelosi and Schumer) pushed Biden out, only for Kamala to outmaneuver all of them and force her way into being the nominee. Obama’s strategy to stop Trump blew up in his face, and he has been very quiet ever since. Obama always considered himself to be smarter than everyone else on the planet, and it was delightful to see him fail in such a gigantic way against the one man who had a chance to upend and overturn everything Obama had ever done to change America.
Trump’s victory in 2024 was a direct repudiation of Obama and his “third term” through the dementia-addled puppet Joe Biden. In that sense, we all owe Donald Trump a debt of gratitude for persevering through endless lawfare and two assassination attempts. Trump hasn’t taken office yet, but can any of you imagine how bad things would have gotten if the Drunken Slut had triumphed and a fourth Obama term had happened? She would have been as much of a puppet for Obama as Biden.
The only good thing Obama ever did was to defeat Hillary Clinton the first time she tried to become president, but that came at a terrible price for America when he became president. As much as I savored Hillary’s defeat, it wasn’t worth what it ended up costing the country. I concede here though that perhaps Hillary would have been worse in some ways. It’s impossible to know for sure, but it would have been better for all of us if she had ended his career back in 2008. Hillary failed colossally back then and later became Obama’s tame lapdog as Secretary of State.
The hate machine that Obama spawned against White males has helped increase suicides in that group. An endless litany of historical and political lies, smears, and finger-pointing have created a society hostile to its very backbone: White males. All of that began in earnest during the Obama years and was revved up into overdrive during Biden’s administration after he stole the 2020 election. Obama has always hated White males, and he made sure that the machinery of government was used to full effect to create a hostile climate in every institution in the country.
I remember seeing a woman I knew on Facebook (who was White and whose son killed himself) post a ridiculous meme during the 2012 election that had a picture of Obama in it with the caption: He’s got your back, do you have his? She, of course, was a brain-dead boomer raised on the retarded Martin Luther King dreck “content of character” and all the rest of the lies told to that generation. It never occurred to her that perhaps part of the reason her son killed himself was because he was living in a society that was innately hostile to him, a society that has told White males over and over again that they are sub-human scum and filth. Stupid woman, she helped support the very man who created the anti-White hate climate that helped push her son to suicide.
One of the other things I always despised about Obama was his snotty, condescending attitude toward the entire world. He is a guy who truly believes his shit doesn’t stink and that he was some sort of savior for America. The arrogance of Obama always disgusted me, but he was protected by the regime media because of the color of his skin. People I knew who did not like him and were on the left remained silent no matter what he did for fear of being called a racist. That was one of the worst things about him being elevated to the presidency, it gave him the ultimate platform to race-bait the entire country.
Obama also turned the Democratic Party into the party of woke communism, war and Wall Street (though the Clintons got the ball rolling on the Wall Street thing back in the 90s). I remember being shocked at how the party changed during his years, and how nobody seemed to even want to try to stop it. Obama also killed more people with the damned drones than Bush did, and he and idiot Hillary destroyed Libya and unleashed an unholy wave of death and destruction in that country. Despite pretending to be a “peace president,” Obama was as big of a warmonger as the accursed neocon George W. Bush.
The Democratic Party was supposed to represent poor and working-class people, but Obama turned it into an extension of his authoritarian personality cult. Since Obama’s first election, the Democrats have wiped their asses with the concerns of the poor and working class. Instead of running on a platform of serving the interests of the poor and working class, the Democrats went full woke retard, stupidly thinking they could foist it on the entire country and no one would dare to try to stop them. Well, nobody was able to do so until Donald Trump came along.
Obama truly was the first diversity-hire president, and I hope he will be the last. If he had not been half-black, he would never have made it to the Senate, never mind to the presidency. Throughout his entire career, he traded on his skin color, and he used it (with the help of regime media and the Democratic Party itself) to beat down all opposition to his woke communist bullshit. He was and is one of the worst race hustlers to ever exist in this country.
We are not far now from Trump taking power again. Despite being irritated with him about the H-1B visa issue thanks to Elon the Infant starting all the shit about it, I am looking forward to Trump’s first year. I want him to do everything in his power to utterly smash to pieces everything Barry Soetero did while he was in office. I want Trump to reduce Obama to a mere footnote in history because that is all Obama deserves to be after his disastrous and vicious tenure as president.
I have faith in Trump’s narcissism and ego to propel him into destroying everything Obama did while in office. Obama stupidly mocked Trump at that dinner way back before the 2016 election, and likely was one of the prime reasons Trump ran in the first place. Obama spit in Trump’s face publicly, and Trump was not going to let him get away with it. So he ran for president and won, and that set Obama (and the rest of the Democratic Party) off on a path to destroy Trump.
They did everything they could to stop Trump, but it backfired in their faces, and now Trump will be president in about two weeks, and this time Trump is not a political novice. Now he knows how things work, and he has had four years to prepare his assault on the Deep State and on whatever remains of Obama’s legacy of authoritarianism and woke communism. Trump also knows that this is his last chance to leave his mark in history; there will be no third term. So expect him to pull out all the stops to implement his agenda and change the course of the country’s history.
Good riddance to Obama and all of his bullshit. He should never have been allowed anywhere near the presidency, and screw all of the stupid people that voted him into office twice (though I concede McCain and Romney sucked in their own ways but for different reasons). Every single Obama voter should be deeply ashamed of themselves for what their votes ultimately did to this country.
If you are White and voted for Obama I can only say this: WTF were you thinking? 🙄
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Hallelujah. Someone who agrees with me about Obama the grifter. He cheated to get into the Senate by unsealing his opponent's divorce file and was then going to use embarrassing information in it. Jack Ryan dropped out of the race and Obama was unopposed. He has been using a stolen Connecticut SSN since his mid-20s, which I have spread across the internet with supporting documents since 2009. Finally the worm turns.
Everyone who helped him illegally get into the White House, knowing he was ineligible, should be charged with a RICO violation; they all made money off of him. Throw them all in jail and make them forfeit every asset they gained, including the Bidens.
Obama is an uneducated, lazy, worthless POS and I am delighted that people are no longer afraid to call him out. He tried to destroy our country and it is time for us to return the favor by destroying him: turn him into the nothing that he has always been.
I voted for Obama in 2008 because I thought he was anti-war and at that time, ending the foreign adventurism was my driving issue. Boy, was I fucking wrong! McCain was going to escalate the war in my deluded beliefs. Carbon taxes and the ironically named Affordable Care Act were my absolute wakeup call that all of these bastards are out to screw us.
On a side note, the Democrats fucked over every non-government union member that had good benefits with the ACA. It's fun at Local meetings when one of the officers tries to promote a Donk politician and everyone else laughs at them.
The State Department/CIA Deep State faction has really run the Presidency since 1988 other than the Trump interludes. I really hope Trump can resist whatever false flag the CIA and Mossad can cook up to expand the Middle East adventures. The shit already started in NOLA. Here come the Muslim wind-up toys out of the Al-Qaeda intelligence dataBASE. Funny how Obama was stirring up that Secret Squirrel shit all over the world. Only Ukraine remains unresolved for the most part.