As I’m sure you have probably heard by now, Gonzalo Lira was assassinated by the Ukrainian government in one of their prisons. I don’t doubt for a second that they deliberately withheld medical treatment and tortured him to death for the crime of being a critical voice about the war, the GAE, and the regime in Ukraine.
Condolences to the Lira family
My deepest condolences to Gonzalo’s father and the rest of the Lira family. Your loved one was taken from you by a disgusting, corrupt cabal of vile criminals. He didn’t deserve what happened to him.
Gonzalo, I have prayed for the repose of your soul in Heaven. Rest in peace, fren.
I remember Gonzalo’s videos on YouTube
I bumped into Gonzalo on YouTube a couple of years ago and found that I enjoyed his videos. He was a straight shooter and never held back in criticizing the GAE, the regime in Ukraine, or any other target of his commentary. He was fearless, honest, and direct in sharing his thoughts.
If you missed his videos, you can watch some of them here and here.
I curse all who were involved in his murder
And now I will do something I have never done before in my long life as an undead.
I hereby lay a curse on everyone involved with the murder of Gonzalo Lira. My curse will find them, wherever they are and whoever they are, and they will pay a high price for what they did to Gonzalo. What they dished out to Gonzalo will come back on them, and they will suffer just as he suffered.
Do not make light of this; a curse issued by an undead is powerful, and it does not dissipate until the end date set for the curse.
Since Gonzalo was 55 when he was murdered, my curse will last for 55 years.
The curse is in effect for all of those in Ukraine, in the GAE, and anywhere else on this planet who were involved - directly or indirectly - with Gonzalo’s murder.
Keep your eyes open, and you will know when my curse finds the right people. One by one, wherever they are, my curse will find them as the years go by, and they will be paid back for what they did to Gonzalo, even if it was just to withhold help they could have offered to save him.
I curse all of you who assassinated him. You wretched, rotten filth. Damn you all.
RIP Gonzalo
Rest in peace in the arms of Christ, Gonzalo. You will be missed, brother. 🙏🏻
Update: Gonzalo has a memorial page on the Find A Grave site.
Update 2: Gonzalo’s father did an interview with Glenn Greenwald, and says that Gonzalo was assassinated by the Ukrainian government. I believe him too.
The corrupt, vile, depraved Ukrainian government also cremated Gonzalo’s body so that his family could not have an independent autopsy done in Chile. The cremation was obviously done to hide evidence of torture and medical deprivation.
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This is so sad and horrible. Had he only become a woman or a cat, Biden would have rescued him. Sad for Gonzalo, his wife and family and all in the world he touched.
Just terrible. Prayers for Gonzalo and his family.