How will Muslims in Michigan vote in November?
Biden and his band of neocon idiots have pissed off Muslims with their carte blanche support of Israel. Will Michigan's Muslims still vote for him?
I generally dislike worrying too much about presidential politics. After all, it’s only April, so who the hell knows where things will be by November? Not to mention the fact that the choice this time is Geriatric A or Geriatric B. There’s not much to be excited about in November in terms of the presidential candidates.
However, one interesting wrinkle in this year’s election is Muslims, specifically the Muslims in Michigan. Heretofore, they have apparently been staunch Democrats, but the dementia-addled pedophile’s total support for Israel’s genocide of the Palestinians in Gaza has pissed Michigan’s Muslims off royally.
So, at the moment, Michigan’s Muslims are not fans of Biden, to say the least. Michigan, of course, is a swing state, and such states have greater importance in the election than states that are either solid blue or solid red.
Why are Muslims significant in Michigan? Here are some details for you:
Arab and Muslim Americans make up a small percentage of the population, but they have outsize influence in battleground states like Michigan, where the rejection of voters like Hammoud — who feel hurt and betrayed by the Biden administration – could cost Biden both the state and reelection.
Michigan has more than 200,000 Muslim American voters — 146,000 of whom turned out to vote in 2020 –— according to an analysis by Emgage, an organization that seeks to build the political power of Muslim Americans. Biden won Michigan — a state that narrowly went to Donald Trump in 2016 — by 155,000 votes.
“That just proves that the Biden administration needs the Muslim vote to win,” said Nada Al-Hanooti, the Michigan executive director of Emgage Action.
But how will they vote in November? Are they going to “stay the course” and continue to vote for Democrats, including Biden? I don’t think there’s any way to know right now, but the situation indicates serious cracks in the Democrats’ political coalition in Michigan.
Consider Israel’s attack on the Iranian embassy in Syria and Iran’s response to that provocation. How do you think all of that is playing out in the minds of Muslims in Michigan? Obviously, most are going to come down on the side of Iran, not Israel, particularly considering that Israel has killed more than 30,000 people in Gaza.
Biden is a neocon, but he is also a hapless puppet of the neocons that surround him. He has been completely unable to stand up to Netanyahu because of AIPAC and the Jewish Oligarchs who own and control so much of America. Biden lives in fear of AIPAC and the oligarchs, despite having the power to cut off all money and weapons to Israel at any time. He understands quite well who holds his leash, and he doesn’t want to anger his masters.
The best Biden could do is to tell Netanyahu that the US would not support Israel if it retaliates against Iran. But so what? The weapons and money are still flowing to Israel, with the neocons in Congress pushing for yet another Israeli “aid” package so that the killing can go on in Gaza. So Biden’s words are empty, and Netanyahu knows it.
It’s amazing to watch all of this play out, and you’d think that it might bode well for Trump, right? Perhaps Michigan’s Muslims would switch and vote for him instead of Biden? Well, you might be wrong on that account. Get a load of some of what Trump has been posting on his Truth Social account:
As you can see, Fat Orange Retard is going all in with fellating Israel, and is simply trying to outdo Biden in that regard. Is it me, or is all of this nauseating to watch? Two presidential candidates are completely in thrall to a foreign country. 🤮
Unfortunately, it also leaves Michigan’s Muslims with no viable alternative to the two Israeli ass-kissers. Perhaps they can throw a third party a vote in protest, and that might be enough to kill Biden’s chances to win in Michigan, but it also helps Trump. If Trump wins, he’ll do even more than Biden for Israel.
So Michigan’s Muslims are in a very bad spot politically in November, as are many non-Muslims who do not support the Israeli genocide in Gaza. There’s nobody to vote for and nowhere else to go politically.
And that, my frens, is just what AIPAC and the oligarchs wanted.
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I always like reading your posts but none of us know what is occurring on the inside. I’d advise you to read the book of Revelations in the Bible. Pretty interesting. Let’s all pray and bow to Almighty God. Only He knows.
The absolute dumbest Westerners are the antisemitic apologists for Muslims terrorists. Just last week in Michigan, your Muslim friends were chanting Death to America. On Monday 4/15, they blocked roads to major airports and burned American flags. These people hate white people and Christians; they say this all the time. But for some reason the problem is the Jews. If the right ever gains power, it will be because people stopped listening to these retards.