I don't give a damn about Israel or Ukraine
Why doesn't the GAE's government start taking care of its own people instead of wasting money on bloodsucking parasite countries?
As I’m sure you already know, the media is currently overloaded with articles, images, and videos from Israel and Gaza. Remember that old saying about the media: if it bleeds, it leads! And plenty of bleeding is happening in the Middle East at the moment.
Screw Israel and Ukraine
But you know what? I don’t give a damn. Yes, you heard me: I do not care about Israel any more than I care about Ukraine. Neither country is worth ten cents to me, and I’m sick and tired of being told I should care about them.
The latest drama between Israel and the Palestinians has every knob licker in DC lining up to fling money and weapons at Israel. People like Tom Cotton, Marjorie Taylor Greene, and the rest of the usual suspects in the imperial capital cannot wait to publicly kneel and kiss (lick?) the asses of the real rulers of the GAE: the ethnic oligarchs who have a vested, personal interest in the survival of Israel.
The forgotten poor and working class people
Me? I’m worried about the poor and working-class people who live in the GAE. They are being eaten alive by inflation and high energy costs. Where the hell is their help from the government? Why isn’t anything of substance being done to help them?
Remember: Inflation means nothing to the rich and inconveniences the upper middle class. But to the poor and working class, inflation is death. Inflation eats away at every cent they earn as they desperately try to make ends meet. Where is the outrage in Washington DC about the millions of poor and working-class people whose lives are being destroyed due to the policies of the Corrupt Pedophile who stole the election and is now squatting in the White House?
When was the last time you heard anybody in DC mention poor and working-class people suffering under the Biden Regime? No, you won’t hear about them because the people in power in DC simply don’t give a damn. Not at all, not in any way whatsoever.
Yet they want to spend another $60 billion on their failed proxy war in Ukraine and immediately came up with $4.5 billion for Israel. Add those two amounts together and imagine the difference it could make in the lives of the poor and working class in the GAE. $64.5 billion allocated to help poor and working-class people survive could accomplish great good.
The neocons and the parasite countries of Ukraine and Israel
But it will never happen because the neocons and the rest of the scum and filth in DC would never even think of using those dollars to benefit the people living in the GAE. Oh no, we can’t have the government doing something for the people of the GAE instead of two foreign parasite countries like Israel and Ukraine.
Ukraine alone has already consumed around $150 billion! Can you imagine what $150 billion could do for poor and working-class people? Yet not a dime of it will ever end up in their hands. Instead, it has been wasted on a failed proxy war that was always going to be won by Russia. But the brain-dead retards that run the GAE wasted the money on Ukraine anyway.
And we all know that the money earmarked for Ukraine is one of the ways money laundering is done in DC. There are plenty of people in that depraved hellhole who will personally profit from the $150 billion pissed away in Ukraine. Hey, a grifter has to grift, right? There’s big money in the MIC, and everybody in DC knows it.
However, the Ukrainians must be furious that Israel will now take attention and money away from them. Can you imagine the look on Zelensky’s face when he was told about what has been happening in Gaza and Israel? He must be furious that his grift could end since the GAE was already starting to tire of having Ukranian fangs embedded in its neck, drawing ever more blood.
And let’s face it: Ukraine was never more than a useful tool for the GAE to go after Russia. Israel, however, is another matter entirely. If forced to choose between the two countries, the rotten curs running the GAE will favor Israel and kick Ukraine to the curb without hesitation or remorse.
Nobody in Washington DC gives a damn about poor and working class people
The sad thing about poor and working-class people in the GAE is that they have no one to represent their interests in Congress, unlike the military-industrial complex, which controls plenty of votes on Capitol Hill. Anything the MIC wants, it gets, no matter how expensive or downright stupid it is, the political whores in Congress will always cough up the money for the MIC.
Since no help is coming for poor and working-class people, and money will continue to be funneled to the parasite countries of Israel and Ukraine, I can at least take some satisfaction that the drama in Israel and Gaza will put additional strain on the GAE. The empire is already stretched thin in many places and has emptied its arsenals to prop up Ukraine. So pissing away another $4.5 billion on Israel just puts more pressure on an already falling empire.
When life serves you a lemon, you must try to make it into lemonade. The empire must fall; there is no other way. So if Israel and Ukraine help bring it down, then so much the better. At least then, the two bloodsucking parasite countries will finally have served a useful purpose.
Screw Israel and Ukraine.
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If only regular Americans had as much representation in DC as the Israelis and Ukrainians do.
Israel is the new Ukraine. Turn off the spigot and miraculously another faucet appears in Israel where you can be sure, like Ukraine, the money laundering apparatus has long been established and is ready to go.
Sickeningly predictable. BTW - What happened to the billion dollar dome we built for them decades ago?