I jumped the gun about Kash Patel
I made a mistake publishing my first article about Kash Patel. My apologies to all of you for not waiting until all the facts came in about Elon's email.
Good evening, my friends.
In my previous article about Kash Patel, I goofed. Yes, I made a mistake when I wrote and published that article. I moved too fast, before I had all the facts related to what was going on with Elon’s DOGE email and Patel’s response to it. One of my readers (Susan) posted a clarification, and I updated the article to include it. Thank you again, Susan.
However, I wanted to apologize to you for making that mistake. I usually like to wait 24–48 hours before commenting, and I should have stuck to that rule. So, my apologies to all of you for jumping the gun and publishing that article.
I also wish to clarify my feelings regarding Indians. I have had dealings with them and I do not like them. I will spare you the details, but suffice to say I do not trust Indians because I have been screwed over by them. So what you saw in the previous article was some anti-Indian bias on my part, and that fueled the speed at which I wrote the article. I felt that Patel had proven my own internal bias, so I let it rip too soon, before I had all the facts related to Elon’s memo.
I said in the previous article, however, that I wanted to be fair to Kash Patel. So here are some additional thoughts about him and what he has done (and not done) since becoming FBI Director. I thank you for your patience and your understanding. I will try to make sure that in future articles that my commentary hits the mark and does not stray into unnecessary error as the first Kash Patel article did.
Kash Patel’s initial moves as FBI Director
There are a couple of notable things that I like that Patel has already done:
He’s moved 1500 FBI agents from Washington, DC, to field offices. This is a good move, as they ought to be investigating actual crimes instead of being squirreled away inside the beltway hellhole.
He appointed Dan Bongino as Deputy FBI Director. This will help Patel keep the bureau in line with Trump’s MAGA priorities. I think Bongino will do a good job.
Kash Patel and the investigation of James Comey
You might have heard that Patel has launched an investigation into former FBI Director James Comey:
New leadership at the FBI is starting an investigation into the origins of the agency’s plan a decade ago to infiltrate the campaign of then-candidate Donald Trump using two female undercover “honeypot” agents.
The off-the-books investigation, launched in 2015 by former FBI Director James Comey, was revealed by an agency whistleblower in a protected disclosure to the House Judiciary Committee last year and first reported exclusively by The Washington Times in October.
In the intelligence community, a honeypot commonly refers to an undercover operative, usually a woman, who feigns sexual or romantic interest to obtain information from a target.
According to the whistleblower, two female FBI undercover employees infiltrated Mr. Trump’s 2016 campaign at high levels and were directed to act as “honeypots” while traveling with Mr. Trump and his campaign staff.
The whistleblower said the undercover operation was obscured from Justice Department Inspector General Michael E. Horowitz, who investigated misconduct in the bureau’s probe of the Trump campaign.
“The case had no predicated foundation, so Comey personally directed the investigation without creating an official case file in Sentinel or any other FBI system,” according to the whistleblower’s disclosure. “The FBI has multiple methods of protecting highly sensitive investigations, so Comey did not have a legitimate reason not to officially create an official investigation file or have a file number.
I was very glad to see this, as Comey is a crook and was one of the people directly responsible for persecuting Trump and his MAGA supporters. If it is all possible, he needs to be prosecuted and put into prison for as long as possible. Yes, he was appointed by Trump, but he proved to be a Deep State plant and never deviated from doing everything he could to destroy Trump and his supporters.
You can tell from this video that Comey was shitting his pants at the thought of Trump becoming president, and now his fears are coming true:
Where is the Epstein client list, Kash?
What I listed above are some of the good things Kash Patel has done since taking over the FBI. However, there is one glaring omission: the release of the Epstein client list. Patel said that it should be released on day one:
Attorney General Pam Bondi has said that the list is sitting on her desk, but so far nothing has been done to release it. Bondi is Patel’s boss, so the final call is hers, but the fact that it still hasn’t been released doesn’t speak well of her or Patel. It feels like they are dragging their feet. The list is just a list of names. Release it and be done with it. Let the public make up its own mind about the actions of the people who are on the list.
Perhaps they are waiting to release it until preparations are made to arrest certain people? That is possible, or perhaps there are other reasons. I do not know, but I hope they are aware that people are watching and waiting. We want to know who is on that list, and we do not care if they are wealthy scumbags like Bill Gates, Hollywood celebrities or politicians. We have a right to know, and the list should be released ASAP.
It’s still too early to judge Kash Patel as FBI Director
So, as you can see, Patel has already done some good things as FBI Director, and has stumbled (along with Bondi) on the release of the Epstein client list. As I said in my first article about him, it’s too early to judge his performance as FBI Director. We will know over the next four years what kind of FBI Director he will be, and I am willing to give him time to grow into the job.
I thank you for reading, and I will do my best to avoid jumping the gun in future posts.
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We do not always agree but I appreciate your heartfelt apology and desire to “get it right”. Best wishes!!
1000% more humility than the corporate media