John Lennon committed hippy suicide
John Lennon's hubris and utopian communism were what got him killed
The release of the last Beatles song and the latest Rolling Stones album, has had my mind remembering earlier days. The Beatles song, of course, is a poignant reminder of what might have been if John Lennon had not been shot by the psycho-retard whose name I am not going to include in this article.
I have never been a Beatles fan. My liking for Beatles music is casual at best. So I do not have much direct emotion wrapped in the Beatles or their music. I found the “Beatlemania” thing to be silly, eye-rolling, and something that only a teenage girl in the 1960s could take seriously.
However, I do enjoy their songs from time to time. But whenever one comes on, I always end up wondering what the Beatles might have done if Lennon had not been killed. Consider how long the Stones have been rolling, and then imagine what might have happened if the Beatles had gotten back together and resumed releasing new music.
Well, we’ll never know because a psycho-retard murdered Lennon in 1980.
The murder of John Lennon
Here’s an account of the murder, without the psycho-retard’s name included:
On the evening of 8 December 1980, English musician John Lennon, formerly of the Beatles, was shot and fatally wounded in the archway of the Dakota, his residence in New York City. Psycho-retard was an American Beatles fan who was jealous and enraged by Lennon's lifestyle, alongside his 1966 comment that the Beatles were "more popular than Jesus". Psycho-retard said he was inspired by the fictional character Holden Caulfield from J. D. Salinger's novel The Catcher in the Rye, a "phony-killer" who loathes hypocrisy.
Psycho-retard planned the killing over several months and waited for Lennon at the Dakota on the morning of 8 December. Early in the evening, Psycho-retard met Lennon, who signed his copy of the album Double Fantasy and subsequently left for a recording session at the Record Plant. Later that night, Lennon and his wife, Yoko Ono, returned to the Dakota.
As Lennon and Ono approached the entrance of the building, Psycho-retard fired five hollow-point bullets from a .38 special revolver, four of which hit Lennon in the back. Lennon was rushed to Roosevelt Hospital in a police car, where he was pronounced dead on arrival at 11:15 p.m. at age 40. Psycho-retard remained at the scene reading The Catcher in the Rye until he was arrested by the police. It was later discovered that Psycho-retard considered Lennon's friend David Bowie a target.[3]
There is also a much longer, more detailed article about Lennon’s death.
John Lennon certainly had an amazing talent for music; there’s no doubt about that whatsoever. However, his murder is a tale of caution for rich, celebrities. Lennon made the fatal mistake of directly engaging with people he did not know on a public street, with no security to protect him. After his murder, many celebrities changed their own behavior and became much more cautious in their interactions with the public.
Lennon’s hippy-dippy world view made him vulnerable
In Lennon’s case, I’ve always wondered if the hippy-dippy 60s bullshit wasn’t part of the reason he risked his life without seeming to realize that he was playing Russian roulette by not protecting himself and his family. He certainly had the money to do so, but he seemed to lack the street smarts to even consider that he might be a target for someone like Psycho-retard.
That was his undoing, and it cut his life short by many years. It was a loss for all of his fans, and a terrible tragedy for his family. However, I have heard some say that if Psycho-retard had aimed at Yoko, he might have gone down in history as beloved by Beatles fans everywhere since many of them blamed her for the breakup of the band. Such sentiments seem tacky to me, but in an alternate timeline, those expressing them might have been proven right, but we’ll never know.
Imagine: Some of the worst lyrics ever written
As far as Lennon’s music goes, I enjoy some of his songs, as I said earlier. However, there is one song I utterly despise: Imagine. It is one of the worst songs ever written, and it emits a depraved cloud of marxist utopian bullshit.
Here are the lyrics for you to see what I mean:
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us, only sky
Imagine all the people
Living for today
[Verse 2]
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people
Living life in peace
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will be as one
[Verse 3]
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday you'll join us
And the world will live as one
Have you ever seen so much insipid nonsense in one song? I believe that this song exemplifies the mindset that got John Lennon killed. It’s all there for those with eyes to see. The idiotic notion that the “world will live as one” underscores how far up his own ass Lennon had his head.
Let me be blunt: I have been around for many thousands of years as an undead, and I can tell you right now that humanity will never “live as one” because it is the differences that make humanity interesting, and it is the differences that keep humanity alive through constant struggle and creation, from one generation to the next.
In Lennon’s warped, commie-hippie brain, the erasure of all the differences in humanity is something to be celebrated. But I tell you that such a thing would produce a species of boring, grey-sludge-beings who would simply exist and who would never produce anything of value in any field of endeavor. Who would want to live in such a world? Even an undead such as myself would long for death!
There would be no distinct races, languages, cultures or societies. Everything would boil down to the lowest common denominator, and humanity would lose all the things that make it a species worth surviving, and worth preserving to eventually spread off of this planet and to someday live among the stars, out there in the endless universe.
Lennon’s slap at religion is also hubris of the highest order. As someone who has met Christ and Lucifer, I can tell you that both of them have seen countless humans like Lennon who thought they could raise humanity to the level of God by trying to remove the very faith that allows humans to connect to the divine.
Do you know what happened to those humans? They all eventually died, and their souls were taken by Christ or Lucifer, depending on whether the human in question repented for his or her stupidity.
John Lennon and J.R.R. Tolkien
In other words, Lennon was a fool to write such lyrics, and, in the end, it was part of the reason he exposed himself to attack and murder by Psycho-retard. His utopian view of humanity did not take into account the realities of human psychology and behavior. Greed, jealousy, stupidity, hate, and flat-out psychosis are all part of the larger repertoire of human behavior.
Compare Lennon’s arrogant attitude toward religion with J. R. R. Tolkien’s reverence for the Mass of the Ages. Tolkien would shout out Latin during mass, after the commies took over the Catholic Church and forced the vile “novus ordo” fake, crap mass on Catholics. Tolkien knew it wasn’t the real deal, and he did not hesitate to express his disgust by shouting the Latin responses.
What does that have to do with John Lennon? Unlike Lennon, Tolkien knew that he was a human being, fallible, and a sinner, and he did not put himself on the same level as God. Do I need to even bring up Lennon’s comments about the Beatles being “more popular than Jesus?" That statement was one of the things that Psycho-retard seized upon as a reason to kill Lennon.
Here is a quote from Lennon in that interview that exemplifies his hubris:
Christianity will go. It will vanish and shrink. I needn't argue about that; I'm right and I'll be proved right. We're more popular than Jesus now; I don't know which will go first – rock 'n' roll or Christianity. Jesus was all right but his disciples were thick and ordinary. It's them twisting it that ruins it for me.
To make matters worse, Lennon did not want to apologize for his comments, but was finally convinced to do so by his manager to try to put the controversy to rest. But his apology was grudging, self-serving, and not heartfelt at all:
"I suppose if I had said television was more popular than Jesus, I would have got away with it. I'm sorry I opened my mouth. I'm not anti-God, anti-Christ, or anti-religion. I was not knocking it. I was not saying we are greater or better."[53] He stressed that he had been remarking on how other people viewed and popularised the Beatles.
He described his own view of God by quoting the Bishop of Woolwich, "not as an old man in the sky. I believe that what people call God is something in all of us."[61] He was adamant that he was not comparing himself with Christ, but attempting to explain the decline of Christianity in the UK. "If you want me to apologise," he concluded, "if that will make you happy, then OK, I'm sorry.”
For the record, if we compare the art of Tolkien to the art of Lennon (and the Beatles), Tolkien blows them off the map. Tolkien’s works will be around long after the Beatles and Lennon are forgotten because Tolkien’s literature is rooted in the divine, and it celebrates all that is good, beautiful and true.
Imagine a different John Lennon
Well, what goes around, comes around. Psycho-retard might have pulled the trigger, but it was Lennon’s hubris and utopian commie world view that opened the door to the attack that killed him. His public statements, his lyrics, and his lifestyle drew Psycho-retard to him like a moth to a flame.
Imagine how Lennon’s life might have played out if he had humbled himself before Christ the way that J. R. R. Tolkien did.
Imagine what might have happened if John Lennon had accepted his own flawed, frail humanity and sought the grace and forgiveness of God instead of trying to elevate humanity to the level of God.
Imagine if Lennon had been a faithful Christian man instead of turning his face away from God in a foolish and self-destructive attempt to live without the divine.
Yes, imagine all of that, my dear frens.
Imagine, indeed.
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I also hate that song, but I really loved how you put this:
“because it is the differences that make humanity interesting, and it is the differences that keep humanity alive through constant struggle and creation, from one generation to the next.”
I love that about people; about humanity. Thanks for a thoughtful reflection on truth, a great man, and a wanna be great man.
I always thought that song had a vein of apathy and death. No passions, simply existence, means no 'people'.
As we are seeing the results are not communal living for the betterment of all, but a severing of the divine light that turns entire nations into addiction fueled favelas.
I liken a Buddhist notion to this. The Bhudda's head may be in heaven, but his feet are in hell. That and the immortal image of the perfect lotus growing from stinking mud. One must accept all negative things in order to reach the greatest positives. His song is the rejection of the material and the divisive without resolution.