Morgthorak's Journal 7/22/2024
Simplicius' new article; Has Kamala wrapped up the nomination?; Democrats set Biden up, threatened 25th amendment; Kamala rakes in the cash; Biden and Kamala's weird phone call
Good evening friends,
I am writing late tonight, but I was out doing deliveries until earlier this evening. So I have not had time until just now to sit down and gather my thoughts. There’s been a great deal of news, so I thought a journal article would work better tonight than a single-topic article. I hope all of you had a good day.
🔥 Simplicius’ new article
Simplicius released a terrific article tonight that I wish I had written (curse him 😂). In it, he covers all the drama going on inside the regime, and I highly recommend that you read it.
There’s something rotten in Denmark.
The beltway is abuzz with some of the wildest rumors imaginable. ‘Is Joe Biden even alive?’ is whispered through the storied halls of the capitol.
The unelected despot-in-chief seemingly renounced his election campaign via suspicious Twitter note on a lazy Sunday afternoon, after which he hasn’t been seen or heard from since.
Here are some of my thoughts after reading it:
Biden’s resignation was strange, to say the least. Did he even know it was happening? Does he know he’s not running?
Something else is going on with Biden in terms of medical problems. That bit from his brother the other day is likely right—Biden is on his way out, and I don’t just mean out of the presidency. I think Biden is dying, and I think the top Democrats knew about it and knew they had to get rid of him. Biden has cancelled nine trips, and the COVID story was likely bullshit to cover up a more serious medical crisis.
Nancy Pelosi proves once again that she is an Alpha Bitch. She made it clear Biden was going to leave, and she got it done. Had he continued to resist, she would have followed through with her threats and destroyed him.
Cheatle’s testimony before Congress was a complete joke. She answered nothing of consequence and stone-walled at every opportunity.
The FBI was involved with Crooks; they are, as usual, preventing the public from knowing the extent of their involvement. In other words, it’s a cover-up, and it’s well underway.
Simplicius speculates that the CrowdStrike outage was used to wipe the FBI’s servers of connections to the assassination. I am not technically sophisticated enough to understand why the outage would be necessary. If you know and can explain it, please post it in the comments.
The idea that this country is a “democracy” becomes more laughable every day. I don’t know how anyone can be stupid enough to believe such nonsense. America is a fascist oligarchy, masquerading as a republic, pretending to be a democracy.
The control donors have over both fake political parties is astounding. They can easily bend the politicians to their will simply by cutting off the cash.
The Clinton versus Obamas saga is nauseating, but not surprising. Two gangs of criminals are fighting over who controls the grift provided by the Democratic Party. Sickening!
The idea that Biden is “one of our greatest presidents” is also sickening and downright stupid. He will go down in history as one of the worst, and as yet another mass murderer for provoking the war in Ukraine with Putin and for the ongoing holocaust in Gaza.
I do not care who Kamala picks as VP. If they do not kill Trump, she will lose, even with their usual cheating. She is that bad of a candidate.
🔥 Kamala might have wrapped up the nomination
I’ve written about the drama surrounding Hillary, Kamala, etc. Now it looks like Kamala might have wrapped up enough delegates to - at least on paper - have sown up the nomination. Is this going to last? I don’t know, but I’m very suspicious about all of it.
Kamala is not going to wear well, even with just 100 days or so left until the election. She will make gaffe after gaffe, and her personality is repellant to just about everyone except partisan Democrats, who will pretend to like her just to try to get her elected so they can continue looting the country.
🔥 Democrats set Biden up, threatened 25th amendment
It doesn’t surprise me at all to see that the Democrats set Biden up and were willing to use the 25th Amendment against him. You see here the same ruthlessness that they used against Trump. Biden was fine as long as he did what the party elites told him to do, but the minute he went against their will, he was going to be removed, one way or another.
Imagine if the Republicans, the other fake political party, actually fought the Democrats with that sort of determination and utter disregard for rules. But that would require the Republicans to be a serious political force instead of the designated loser party operating inside a fake republic.
🔥 Kamala is raking in the cash for her campaign
Who are these idiots who gave Kamala more than $80 million in 24 hours? 🙄
You know what they say: A fool and his money are soon parted. When all is said and done, a lot of those fools are going to regret pissing away their cash on Kamala. She has only begun to disappoint. Fast-forward to the day of the election, and many will rue the day they jumped on the Harris train.
🔥 The strange phone call between Kamala and Biden
I don’t know what to make of the supposed phone call between Kamala and Biden. It seems to play into the possibility that Biden is in some sort of medical crisis and that it might have been a recording. The whole thing is just bizarre, but then again, we live in Clown World, so why not? Fake phone calls to cover up something should be considered par for the course in Clown World.
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re "Simplicius speculates that the CrowdStrike outage was used to wipe the FBI’s servers of connections to the assassination. I am not technically sophisticated enough to understand why the outage would be necessary. "
no technical sophistication necessary. it's just a good enough excuse for why the data was "lost" to satisfy the plebes who don't know a CPU from a sound chip. the media runs with whatever Uncle Sugar tells them to no matter how idiotic and how many people with backgrounds to deny the lie say otherwise.
a weak but barely plausible technical excuse: lost bitlocker encryption keys for the drive, couldn't get into safe mode with the system drive mounted to delete the bugged crowdstrike file preventing startup, so the drive had to be wiped and reinstalled
Our national bar for gravitas and a modicum of intelligence has sunk to such low levels that the vapid laughing hyena could very well make a scary good showing.