Nikki Haley: Vicious neocon bitch
There's more than one kind of vicious bitch to watch out for, guys
A while ago, I wrote a post about the “Vicious Bitches,” which covered woke communist women. It proved to be a popular post with many readers and still shows up in the top list on the Tomb of Morgthorak.
Neocon women are just as bad as woke commie females
However, woke communist women are not the only vicious bitches out there. Neocon females are just as bad and, in the case of Nikki Haley, might be far more dangerous.
Haley is bought and paid for by the military-industrial complex. She is their puppet, and she has no hesitations whatsoever about pushing the Globalist American Empire into the latest potential forever war so those who hold her leash can profit from the destruction.
Here’s some info on how she managed to build an 8 million dollar fortune after leaving the government:
Indeed. Since then, Haley’s net worth has ballooned from less than $1 million to an estimated $8 million. How did she make so much money in so little time? By following a tried-and-true playbook for politicians looking to cash in on their fame. Speeches to companies like Barclays and organizations such as the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs provided more money in a day than Haley had previously earned in a year. It’s not clear how many talks she gave from 2019 to 2021, but Haley hauled in $2.3 million from just 11 events in 2022.
She wrote two books after leaving the Trump administration. A 2019 memoir sold more than 100,000 copies. A 2022 title provided more than $350,000 in advance payments. Haley also offered consulting services, generating more than $700,000 in fees. Then there were corporate boards. She became a director of Boeing in 2019, then stepped down the next year, collecting over $300,000 in cash and stock. Haley remains on the board of the United Homes Group, which has provided her with more than $250,000, as well as the promise of earning much more as equity grants vest down the road.
The information above should be a warning to anyone stupid enough to consider voting for her. When I said bought and paid for, I meant it. She is exactly the type of individual who should be kept out of public office. She knows who her masters are, and if she attains real power, she will do their bidding.
Nikki Haley versus Donald Trump
Haley has also become the favorite of the haters of Trump. They want her to stop him from getting the nomination again. That is not going to happen, but the stupidity of the Trump haters cannot be underestimated. They hate him with such ferocity that they will grasp at any straw to try to prevent his nomination for president.
The latest polls show that Haley has moved ahead of DeSantis and the other dwarfs who are feebly trying to get the nomination, but she shows no sign whatsoever of seriously challenging Trump. Politically, she is on a suicide mission, but never doubt that she is being well paid to do so. So do not expect her to stop her campaign until the process is over. She will keep going until the primaries are over.
Neocons like Haley sicken me. These people don’t give a damn how many people get killed in their wars. They simply want the sweet government cash to keep flowing into their coffers, human lives be damned. In that sense, they truly are vampires, motivated by blood money.
Nikki Haley’s real name and identity
Haley’s true name is Nimrata Nikki Randhawa. She got the last name “Haley” through marriage. The use of her middle name instead of her true first name is yet another deception she uses to fool voters. If she is such an appealing candidate, then why not use her first name instead of the middle one?
To some of you reading this, the name thing might seem inconsequential, but I think it’s a good example of what a deceptive individual she has been right from the beginning. She is not someone to be trusted in any way. Anyone who does trust her deserves exactly what they get when she slips the knife into their back.
Vivek Rama-ding-dong went after Nimrata in some of the debates, and he did a good job too. While I don’t like or trust Rama-ding-dong either, I give him credit for taking her on and cutting her down to size in a rather vicious way in the last debate. He pulled no punches with her, and he destroyed her claims of being experienced in foreign policy.
Here’s the video clip:
Haley was utterly clueless, you could see it on her face. She had no idea how to answer Vivek’s attack, and she knew it. The game was up as far as her “foreign policy credentials” go, and everybody knows it now. She was discredited in less than a minute by someone who she likely despises for not having served in government before in any foreign policy-related job.
Nikki Haley and the end of online anonymity
She was also stupid enough to advocate the end of online anonymity, and she got pasted all over the Internet for her idiocy. Haley tried to walk it back later on, but by then the damage had been done. Can you imagine what sort of policies she would put in place if she ever became president?
It’s amazing that someone like Nimrata could ever be taken seriously as a candidate for president. She has no business even running for dogcatcher, never mind president. She’s corrupt, unqualified, and downright stupid.
However, it worries me that she has risen in the polls. Are the polls correct? Who the hell knows? I certainly don’t trust them, we all know how corrupt polls can be in elections. Still, if they are correct and she has gained more support, then it’s a sad statement about Republican voters.
Beware of Nikki Haley and all of the neocons
Haley is one of the reasons why I warned young White males to stay the hell out of the GAE’s military a while back. If she did somehow manage to become president, she would send White males to die in massive numbers for no valid reason whatsoever. She would not think twice about their deaths and the pain that would be inflicted on their families.
Beware of Nimrata Nikki Randhawa Haley. She is a vicious neocon bitch with no scruples and no reason to care about the deaths she would inflict on the world if she ever had the power she craves.
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I’ve said for sometime now, the greatest threat to civilization is the crazy female. All one has to do is look at the elected unelected leadership of the government, the states and the towns in America and the leadership positions in Europe to see this..the unhinged war rhetoric and the totalitarian push back when people complain is a flashing red light..every demonstration you see now has untold numbers of college age females raging and carrying signs for one extreme cause or another..i call it mean girl syndrome. It’s undermining social order
Congratulations on a truly prescient essay and one that I enjoyed immensely. You nailed every odious feature about this corrupt fraud. Bravo!