Sharon Stone: Another rich, woke retard
A trashy actress slams Americans for not voting for the Drunken Slut in 2024.
As always, I like to spend a little time reading the tawdry tabloid “The Daily Mail,” and tonight I came across a story about Sharon Stone. Stone, a rich Hollywood actress best known for opening her legs in a trashy murder movie back in 1992, had some nasty things to say about Americans who refused to vote for Kamala Harris:
Stone said her fellow Americans elected Donald Trump because they are 'uneducated' and don't travel enough.
'My country is in the midst of adolescence. Adolescence is very arrogant. Adolescence thinks it knows everything,' the Basic Instinct actress said.
'Adolescence is naïve and ignorant and arrogant. And we are in our ignorant, arrogant adolescence.
'We haven't seen this before in our country. So Americans who don't travel, who 80 percent don't have a passport, who are uneducated, are in their extraordinary naivete,' she continued.
Stone compared Italy's long history with America's before saying Italy has 'seen fascism,' 'seen what happens' under a fascist government and that the 'only way that we can help with these issues, is to help each other.'
The actresses added that 'helping each other' requires recognizing 'good men':
'Good men, must help good men,' she said. 'And those men must be very aware that a lot of your friends are not good men.
'You must be very clear-minded and understand that your friends who are not good men are dangerous, violent men, and you have to keep them away from your daughters and your wives and your girlfriends.
'This is a time we can no longer look away when bad men are bad,' she concluded.
I’d love to have been in the room when Stone used the word “fascist.” Most of these woke commie retards cannot even define that word when asked directly to do so. The best they can do is mumble something about “Hitler” and “the Nazis” and pretend to know more than they actually do. Yet, somehow they never realize how pretentious and stupid they sound when they try to portray their political opponents as “fascists.” Remember that anyone who disagrees with them about anything is Hitler.
Stone is emblematic of how cut off from reality the Hollywood morons are these days. People like her live in a bubble where they reinforce each other’s woke communist brainwashing, and anyone who is outside that bubble is a “Nazi.” It shows you how utterly deluded these clowns are as they fly around the world in their private jets and travel in limousines from one destination to another. There’s nothing they can’t buy with their money except intelligence and common sense, both of which are completely lacking in Hollywood.
Stone also exemplifies how the Democratic Party is now the party of rich elitists. There is no place in that party now for poor or working-class Americans. According to people like Stone, we are all low-life scum who have never read a book in our lives and who would be better off if we just let rich, woke trash like Stone do our thinking for us. Surely the world would be a better place if we all just went along with what Sharon Stone wants, right? 🙄
In times past, the Democratic Party certainly had its share of celebrities. But such people were milked for money, and were not allowed to have much of an effect on the party’s primary purpose of representing poor and working-class people. However, now rich people like Stone are the main reason the Democratic Party exists. The party now dances to their tune and simply ignores the poor and working-class people that used to make up its base.
Remember when Hillary and Kamala thought it was a great idea to hob-knob with celebrities like Stone instead of going out and campaigning for the votes of the poor and working class? I knew back in 2016 that it was going to blow up in Hillary’s face, but I was flabbergasted that even Kamala would be stupid enough to do the same thing! It’s as if the 2016 campaign never happened! But it worked out great for Trump. The Democrats went after the celebrity vote and left millions of poor and working-class votes on the table for Trump to take and defeat his opponent both times.
The fact that people like Sharon Stone hate Donald Trump so much gives me great delight in the fact that I voted for him in 2016, 2020, and 2024. Trump has his faults, but voting for him was a fantastic way to shove a finger into the eye of Hollywood scum like Stone, Barbra Streisand, Whoopi Goldberg, and the rest of the fools. Moreover, the fact that Trump managed to triumph in 2024, against all odds, must gall Stone and the other Hollywood idiots. Every day for the next four years, they will have to wake up knowing he is there in the White House.
The Hollywood trash are the biggest hypocrites in the world. Do you remember how they were all babbling non-stop about Tibet years ago? And then suddenly China became a huge market for Hollywood, and then NONE of the Hollywood Hypocrites said another word about Tibet. Hey, you don’t want to cut into your Chinese profits by bringing up Tibet, right? Gotta keep that sweet cash flowing out of China, and pissing off the CPC is a sure-fire way to lose money.
The Daily Mail article indicates that Stone promised she would leave America if Trump won. Good, get the hell out of here, Sharon. Your movies and TV shows suck, and you are way past your prime as an actress. Not that that mattered much, as I never liked you anyway. But at least now you’ve aged to the point where you seem to be keeping your legs closed.
Good riddance, Sharon. Hit the road and don’t look back. We won’t miss you.
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These actors pontificate about “traveling the world,” as if that gives them some mantle of moral authority within in the political realm. Many of us peasants have traversed the globe as well. We’ve seen the dark corners of the world absent of Western Civilization where nasty, brutish, and short are the norm. Just not said about these actors are that these trips to places like Cannes, France for red carpet events, or a highly scripted guided tour of Kenya’s savannah does not make them arbiters to tell us what’s best.
Sharon Stone. I had to look in IMBD to see if she'd done anything since the 90's. She has, usually one shitty movie a year, and I've never heard of any of them.
If this was a fascist society, she'd be making movies for free or she'd be tilling the fields.