The Democrats will re-elect Trump (again)
The stupid lawfare and other partisan bullshit will insure Trump's third win of the presidency
Like the rest of you, I’ve been watching the Democrats attack Trump for a long time, and I am constantly amazed at their stupidity. Over and over again, they cast aside precedents, laws and the Constitution itself to try to destroy Trump, and it always backfires and blows up in their faces. Yet they keep doing it: like moths to a flame, they must attack Trump at all costs.
The FBI raid on Melania’s underwear drawer
Do you remember when the FBI raided Mar-a-Lago? They made a point of going through Melania’s underwear drawer under the pretext of “searching for nuclear secrets” and everybody knew it was a total bullshit excuse. Nobody believed that Donald Trump’s wife was hiding state secrets among her private, intimate garments.
What was the end result of violating Melania’s privacy? Trump went up in the polls again, and he raked in millions of dollars in campaign contributions from angry voters who knew the FBI was lying about why they did it. Those voters struck back at the FBI with their wallets by flooding Trump’s campaign with money.
Worse, the idiots at the FBI pissed off Suzy Soccer Mom out in the heartland. No woman wants to see another woman’s intimate clothing rifled through by government thugs. The FBI, as stupid as they are corrupt and clumsy, generated an enormous amount of sympathy for Melania and Trump.
The Democrats unleash an avalanche of lawfare on Trump
But the Democrats didn’t stop there. Oh no, not at all. Instead, they unleashed a torrent of inane indictments based on absurd charges that nobody but a partisan Democrat could ever believe. This too has helped Trump immeasurably by rallying the Republican base to him in a way that was utterly predictable to anyone with any kind of political smarts.
Now what will happen if he is convicted by a partisan Democrat jury on one of these charges? Do the Democrats believe that this will stop him from being the nominee of the Republican Party? I bet they do, and I bet there are some GOP establishment types that will try to use a phony conviction to stop him.
Will it work? No, I do not think so. It will result in what has continually happened: the Republican base will rally around him overwhelmingly, and he will be nominated again for the presidency. The second he is convicted, he becomes a permanent political martyr in the eyes of Republican voters, and they will never forsake him.
Another point to consider here: what will happen if the Democrats who are running the lawfare scams attempt to put him in jail or prison after a phony conviction? His status as a former president complicates any attempt to jail him, and the Secret Service would certainly have a say in the security arrangements in such a process.
Moreover, what would be the reaction of the Republican base and the public in general if Trump were to be jailed or put in prison on a partisan political conviction? Everybody will know that the fix is in and that the jury involved is made up of partisans who hate Trump and want to stop him from becoming president again.
The Democrats will set another bad precedent for “democracy”
Can you imagine the precedent that would be set if Trump is convicted and jailed? From that point on, all political candidates could be subject to partisan political prosecutions that could result in them going to jail on the flimsiest of charges. Wow, talk about a real "threat to democracy," yet this is the direction the Democrats are going with their endless lawfare prosecution of Trump.
Where are the senior statesmen of the Democratic Party? Is there no one left in that party who can see that this isn’t going to end well and that the party needs an off-ramp to the lawfare persecution of Trump before it blows up in their faces yet again? Unfortunately, I do not think there is anybody in that party with the wisdom to put a stop to all of it.
Instead, I think the Democrats will continue on their present course, hell-bent to try to destroy Trump, and the end result will be exactly what they fear the most: Donald Trump will win the presidency for the third time.
Well, the Democrats can’t say they weren’t warned. Stupid is as stupid does, and when it comes to Donald Trump, the Democrats are complete idiots.
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Democrats will be democrats. They've been democrats since reconstruction.
They want the serfs on the plantations, just as they want to circumvent democracy
They might elect him, but they won’t let him win.
It’s important to protect “democracy,”-- even if you have to thwart the will of the people to do it.