The real reason why illegal aliens have been allowed to flood into the U.S.
Jerome Powell and Janet Yellen tried to avoid a wage/price spiral by flooding the US with illegal aliens to lower wages for workers.
For the last four years, we have had to watch illegal aliens pour into the country. Many people have become victims of crimes by illegals, and many cities and states have had to spend many billions of dollars trying to cope with a sudden increase in population. We’ve all heard and seen the stories on social media and in some of the large news outlets.
But have you ever wondered what the real reason is that illegal aliens have been allowed to come into the country in such vast numbers? Some people think it’s because the Democrats want more voters, and that is certainly part of it. The Democrats have seen citizens pouring out of their corrupt, badly managed blue states to move to better run red states.
Unfortunately, that is only part of the picture. Do you remember when the Fed printed up lots of money during the fake pandemic? I believe around 40% of the dollars that have ever existed were printed during that time. What was the result of this money printing? Inflation.
The Fed knew inflation was coming and knew it would have to deal with it, but they printed the money up anyway because the main goal of the fake pandemic was to create the conditions to remove Trump from office. The fact that Big Pharma was able to cash in too by trying to force the not-vaccines on the population was a by-product of the effort to get rid of Trump.
The Fed, however, was locked in a tight box. US government debt is so high now that it was impossible for the Fed to raise rates high enough to break the back of inflation, as it did during the Volcker years. If the Fed had raised rates to 15–20%, it would have blown up the debt and a sovereign debt default would have happened. The US government would have defaulted, with calamitous results for the entire world.
In such an inflationary environment, a wage/price spiral could have happened. Here is the definition of a wage/price spiral:
As I noted above, the Fed could not use its usual tools to stop a wage-price spiral. Nor was it willing to risk a collapse in stock market prices, because that would have been very bad for the rich people who hold such stocks, and it would have ripped the fig leaf off the idea that the economy was doing well. The stock market has long been used as a psyop tool by the Fed and the US government to convince people that things are better than they actually are in this country.
But don’t worry, my friends, because there was another way to stop a wage-price spiral: Crash the labor market by flooding it with cheap labor to keep wages down, and to lower the wages of citizens who live inside the borders of the country. This was easy for the Biden administration and the Fed, they simply opened the border and allowed illegal aliens to pour into the country.
See this post from X:
Powell, Yellen and the rest of the Biden administration partly succeeded in the sense that they crashed the labor market, making it incredibly difficult for people to find good-paying jobs. But they also screwed over workers at the bottom, who are desperately trying to survive in an inflationary environment. Those workers must now compete with illegal aliens for work, making it even more difficult to pay their bills.
I speak from personal experience as I do delivery work. I see illegal aliens at delivery depots. They get licenses from sanctuary states, and that gives them the ability to get work inside the country. You can tell when you see them because they don’t speak a word of English, and they are there taking work from citizens and lower the wages of citizens by their numbers and their willingness to work for low wages.
Unfortunately for Powell, Yellen and the Biden administration, their plans have not worked as they had hoped. The illegal aliens have cost more than they are worth by driving up social welfare program costs and infrastructure costs for cities and states. The influx of illegals has also not slowed down inflation much because the government keeps spending like a madman. The US national debt has just hit $36 trillion, with no end in sight because the spending just rolls on day after day, month after month, year after year.
So who ends up getting screwed by all of this? The poor and the working-class, who cannot make enough money to make ends meet. The middle class, upper middle class, and rich can get by easily enough because they make enough money to pay the inflationary costs. But the poor and working-class get fucked hard by inflation, to the point where they are barely surviving.
Of course, the government lies about everything, including the real inflation rate, which is far higher than they let on. But what difference does that make to government bureaucrats, politicians, etc.? Their salaries more than cover the cost; it’s just the people at the bottom who get screwed, and nobody gives a damn about us.
Ironic, isn’t it? The Deep State created the fake pandemic to get rid of Trump, and yet here he is again, headed back into the White House. Unfortunately, the rest of us have had to pay for the Deep State’s arrogance and stupidity by living through a period of high inflation that is showing no signs of slowing down or stopping.
One of the reasons I voted for Trump was to inflict him on the Deep State scum for another four years. I had no illusions that Trump can fix everything (he cannot), but I wanted to dish out some payback to the Deep State for what they’ve done to me and other people. I hope Trump makes their fucking lives miserable for the next four years, and that includes Jerome Powell.
It’s always the little people that get screwed by this crap. I cannot convey how disgusted I am by all of this. People are desperately trying to survive in this environment, and it’s just so typical of the US government and the Fed not to give a damn about us. Why would they? They are all rich and connected, and they have plenty of money to live comfortably even in an inflationary environment. Screw the little people! Let them eat stocks if they are hungry!
For companies, this has worked out well in some ways. They’ve been able to lay off as many workers as they want, and they have been able to be incredibly picky about who they hire because any time a job becomes available, they have their pick of applicants. So they can be ridiculously picky about who they hire and how much they pay them.
Where is this inflationary nightmare going to end? Well, it isn’t going to end until the government spending is curtailed, and I don’t see that happening under any administration. I voted for Trump, but I haven’t heard any plan from him or anyone connected to him that indicates they understand all of this. So, the spending will likely continue, and inflation will continue.
In other words, the poor and the working-class will continue to be screwed. 🙄
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Great observation on crushing the incentive to have a job. I've been competing with illegals in construction for 30 years while trying to fend off the ever growing white collar monkey on my back. The monkey is sucking up more and more of my income with BS safety costs,taxes,fees,time robbing regulatory BS and ever higher materials costs at the same time as Jose A and Jose B are being let in to work for what to them is a windfall wage. Who can blame them? I think that the economics is only part of the picture though, the dilution of cultural norms with mass immigration is a stepping stone to erasing our identity as a country. Then they can really stick it to us.
This is an excellent paleomarxist analysis. Some day soon I'll define that term, but trust me, it fits this. My only quibble is your claim they did the plandemic to get rid of Trump. I think they would have done that anyway, to enrich Big Pharma and to advance the globalist goals of the WEF, etc.
Not that it matters now. Great job of following the money.