The squishiness of Joe Rogan
There's something off about Joe Rogan, and I can't quite put my finger on it. 🤔
Joe Rogan’s name has been mentioned all over the place since his conversation with Donald Trump, and his subsequent endorsement of Trump. Rogan has been hailed as the God Emperor of New Media and has been croaked about by various presttitutes as a “dark threat” to the aging and increasingly feeble Regime Media.
Let me begin by saying that I appreciate Rogan endorsing Trump. Who knows how many votes he might have thrown Trump’s way by steering his audience to the ballot box? However, it is necessary to point out that Rogan waited until the day before the election to offer his endorsement:
Take note of this, because it illustrates one of the problems with Rogan: He is supremely cautious in acting in any way that goes against the political and behavioral mores established by the regime. It wasn’t until after Elon Musk endorsed Trump and threw millions of dollars into the election on Trump’s behalf that Rogan felt it was safe enough to offer an endorsement.
I’m forced to wonder: What if Elon had not endorsed Trump? Would Rogan have come out and endorsed Trump without Elon providing political and financial cover? We’ll never know the answer for sure, but my money is on Rogan remaining silent in that situation. I think Elon was the big reason why Rogan finally felt it was safe enough to publicly embrace Trump.
The near-assassination of Trump and its aftermath might also have affected Rogan’s decision to endorse Trump. The cultural climate shifted drastically once the population of the country saw Trump get shot and bravely raise his fist and shout “FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!” to his supporters. Suddenly, the fear of being associated with Trump that had been created by the woke communists evaporated like the stink of a passing fart.
It might be that Rogan’s conversation with Trump helped to sway him over to Trump’s side. But that conversation was also late in coming, and, frankly, I’m surprised that it did happen. I didn’t think Rogan would do it, and it makes me wonder if that too was facilitated by Elon, working behind the scenes. Rogan certainly could have invited Trump on years before he finally did, but Rogan never made an offer to Trump, and even went out of his way to disassociate himself with Trump.
I give Rogan credit for avoiding the not-vaccines. That was a smart move on his part, but I don’t remember him being very bold in his public statements about it at the time, either. He seemed to play his cards close to his vest during the fake pandemic. Another example of his public caution while protecting himself privately. If I’m off on this, tell me in the comments, as I cannot remember everything Rogan said at the time, and I might have missed some of it.
Compare Rogan’s behavior to that of Dana White. White, remembering how Trump helped establish the UFC by hosting it at his properties when nobody else wanted to touch it, has long been a friend and supporter of Trump. He has never hidden it, even in the dark years of Trump’s exile from power.
Yet Joe Rogan kept his public distance from Trump until very late in the 2024 presidential campaign. I can’t help but wonder: Why? Joe Rogan is a rich man. He is not somebody who will ever have to worry about paying his bills, as his net worth is somewhere around $200 million:
Was Rogan worried that Spotify might cancel his contract or something? So what if they did? He could easily survive without that contract. He’s so rich that he could retire right now and just live off the money he has and his investments.
It's strange, isn’t it? If I had that much “fuck you” money, I would not give a damn what people thought of me. But perhaps Rogan wasn’t afraid of losing his audience or of pissing off people in general? Maybe he was simply afraid of the Deep State coming after him? 🤔
Rogan’s hesitation to embrace Trump publicly aside, there is another thing that gives me pause for thought about him. After Trump won, Rogan started babbling about how Trump needed to “unite” America:
Joe Rogan warned President-elect Donald Trump against “attacking” Democrats now that he’s defeated Vice President Kamala Harris on Thursday.
In a new episode of The Joe Rogan Experience Rogan spoke to comedian and outspoken Libertarian Dave Smith about the election.
Rogan, who endorsed Trump and interviewed him shortly before Election Day, argued that a second Trump term presents a “real chance to make real tangible change.” Trump, he said, just has to “unite” people.
“He’s got to unite people. He’s got to not attack the left, not attack everybody, let them all talk their shit, but unite. Now it’s time to unite everybody,” said Rogan.
Rogan endorsed Trump on the eve of the election despite his past criticism of the past and future president. He also interviewed Trump weeks before the election and said at the time he was pushing for Harris to have the same kind of hours-long sit-down with him.
This particular nonsense from Rogan made me roll my eyes, and it’s what got me to write this article. Unite? Don’t attack the left? Really, Joe. Have you been asleep for the last four years? The woke commies have been attacking Trump and his family non-stop since he left office, and you want to make nice with them now? You want Trump to pull his punches after they used the power of the federal government and state governments to try to destroy him? 🙄
This is what I meant in the title of this article: The squishiness of Joe Rogan. He came out and endorsed Trump, Trump won, and then Rogan immediately starts tacking the other way, trying to distance himself from Trump and preemptively protect himself from criticism if Trump goes after the enemies who have been persecuting him and his family for years and who nearly killed him.
Let me be blunt here: Donald Trump has scores to settle, and not just for him and his family but for all of us. It is said that if you are going to take a shot at the king, you had best not miss. Well, the Deep State missed twice. Moreover, the Deep State didn’t just persecute Trump for the last four years, they persecuted all of us. A debt was created by the Deep State, and now it is time for Trump to collect payment on that debt.
Yet, Rogan would have Trump disarm himself and “reach out” to his enemies? Trump’s failure to utilize the full power of the presidency in his first term is one of the reasons why his enemies were able to nearly destroy him. Making that mistake again would waste Trump’s second and last chance to inflict the pain necessary to teach the Deep State scum never to try it again with another president. In that sense, Trump’s score settling is a way of protecting the presidency itself from future attacks and interference by the Deep State.
Joe Rogan is Gen X, like me. So you’d think I’d have an affinity for him, right? Well, you’d be wrong. The squishiness of Rogan annoys me, and it makes me write him off when I consider anything he says on his show. He never quite says something and then just lets it stand, he always has to try to position himself in a way that keeps him firmly in what he perceives to be the center, rather than taking a side and sticking with it.
Perhaps that is why he has been so successful? One cannot argue with his achievements in terms of media and podcasting. Yet, I find myself bored with Rogan and unable to see what others see in him. I find his caution to be tedious, and it makes me tune him out and listen to others that don’t squirm around the way that he does.
No doubt my view of Rogan is a minority view, given his popularity. But I simply cannot warm up to the man. There is something off about him, but I cannot put my finger on it, beyond his squishiness. It’s almost as if he is concealing something, keeping it hidden, under the surface of his just-a-regular-guy mannerisms? 🤔
If he is concealing something, then perhaps that might explain why he steered clear of Trump for so long? Perhaps somebody inside the Deep State knows about it and told Rogan to keep clear of Trump or face retribution? If so, then did Rogan endorse Trump after he was given the okay to do so by the Deep State? 🤔
I am spitballing here, my friends. I have no evidence whatsoever that he is hiding something, but there is something off about Joe Rogan. I feel it in my undead bones. I wonder if it will come out someday in the future?
We shall see.
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Rogan is very much a liberal still, albeit an open minded one (not many exist these days). I think he describes himself as a 90s liberal. To make snap judgements about him based off of hours and hours of podcasts of his that I’ve listened to: he heavily pushes psychedelics, is very “pro choice”/pro-abortion, pro-welfare, somewhat anti-white, anti-Christian, pro-1st Amendment & pro- second amendment, anti-Catholic, fearful of being cancelled by Zionists, pro-globohomo, pro-trans propaganda to a certain extent such as going along with the pronoun crap, pro-green energy, goes on. He definitely flipped “for Trump” recently, but I think he flipped more-so against the unhinged tyrannical left and more for his buddies Elon and Dana and for RFK. Elon has his own reasons for flipping and definitely could be an anti-Christ. Dana is loyal to Trump. Agree with your points.
I don't know if there's anything nefarious there. I think he's just a hippie. "Why can't we be friends" style. I get it. Used to feel the same way, before too many lines were crossed. If he had something hanging over him I don't think he'd be lukewarm, I think he'd be screeching about death camps like the rest of the freaks who fear justice.