The woke commies begin to flee Substack
Jonathan Katz, Casey Newton and other commie vermin are on the run!
If you’ve been following the “great nahtzee saga” then you probably already know that Jonathan Katz and Casey Newton have decided to flee Substack. The fools utterly failed to force Substack to do “content moderation,” and now they are going to rage-quit Substack.
Well, good riddance to them and their fellow travelers. They never had any interest in Nazis whatsoever. Their plan was to use the Nazis as an excuse to force Substack’s management to create and enforce a censorship regime. It is an old strategy that they used on Twitter and many other social media platforms.
The difference now is that many of us know the playbook, and know we must stop them right from the start. No ground can be given to the commies whatsoever. They must be utterly crushed and defeated and sent packing off to some safe-space shithole like Mastodon.
That is exactly what we did: we did not allow them to gain a foothold by creating a censorship regime. As soon as we were aware of their efforts, we united and hammered them and Substack’s management to make it clear that we knew it was never about Nazis, it was always about censoring the rest of us who opposed their woke communist politics.
Morgthorak the Undead versus Jonathan Katz
What none of you know is that I had a run-in with Katz shortly after I arrived on Substack. I called him out as a woke communist in one of his posts, and he did not like it one bit. You see, the commies like to label anybody who disagrees with them as a “nahtzee” but when they are labeled as the Marxist scum that they are, they tend to get angry.
He and I went back and forth sniping at each other late one night, each of us daring the other to use block, and neither of us were willing to do so as it would have been an admission of defeat. I smacked him around hard, and, in desperation, he went through my content, and the worst he could do was to nitpick my definition of fascism (the very first post I wrote on Substack back in December 2022).
In the end, Katz beat a retreat and fled the field of battle. He knew I was his enemy and that I would give no ground to him whatsoever. That is the same thing he ended up doing when he and Newton lost the battle to take control of Substack’s content policies.
They ran away with their tails between their legs.
Woke communists are cowards
Take note of all of this; these disgusting commies are cowards at heart. When confronted directly, they fold and then cut and run. They cannot bear to have their regime-fellating ideology called into question. When they can’t convince the authorities on a platform to give in to them, they bail and go elsewhere, looking for yet another place to corrupt and destroy.
In the case of Newton and Casey, their departure will remove two lying regime propagandists and will hopefully encourage other commies to flee as well. The more of them that leave Substack, the better.
Ideally, we could cleanse this platform of as many of them as possible.
Heather Cox Richardson needs to go too
However, there remains one truly atrocious woke communist that I would like to see go: Heather Cox Richardson. This creature writes the insipid, vomitatius "Letters from An American." She is rolling in cash given to her by her audience of mooing Karen Cows, who stand in their own poop and are stupid enough to think she is some sort of intellectual.
So far, I have heard no plans of Richardson leaving, but if she does, then we will have a far bigger trophy than Katz or Newton. Keep your fingers crossed. I hope she takes her wretched propaganda publication and leaves for some other platform.
And if you think I’m exaggerating about how awful her content is, try a free subscription and each day you will roll your eyes at her lies, manipulations and pure bullshit. I was going to do my own version of her formula called “Letters from an Undead American,” so I subscribed, and I was nauseated each day her crap was published. I could not bear it for more than a few days, so I unsubscribed to end the torture.
I eventually decided I didn’t have time to write another substack, so for now “Letters From an Undead American” is on hold. But who knows? Maybe someday I will have time to get to it.
Savor our victory, but be ready to fight again
Let us savor our victory over the communists. They will be back eventually, of course. It is in their nature to never allow others to be happy or to simply be left alone to do as they will. When they show their ugly faces again, we will defeat them again.
In the meantime, rest, rejuvenate, and prepare for the next battle.
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As with most things, early detection is the key. Taking a stand and pushing back before they can establish a precedent of them being listened to is important. The reason their tantrums are effective in so many other places is because their behavior was indulged at some early stage and they were given leverage to take advantage of. If they’re never taken seriously in the first place they’ll flail about for a while and move on.
To be a woke communist is to harbour the nagging fear that someone, somewhere, doesn’t agree with you about anything, yet happily carries on with their life.