Time to flush the geriatric turds
The Globalist American Empire is run by nursing home residents
Have you noticed that the GAE (Globalist American Empire) is run by people who should be in nursing homes? It’s gotten so bizarre that Diane Feinstein recently arrived in a wheelchair at the capitol building in DC to “resume her senate duties.
Diane Feinstein: A walking cadaver
Have a look at this story from the Daily Mail:
Senator Dianne Feinstein arrived at the Senate on Wednesday in a wheelchair and said she has to work a lighter schedule due to side-effects from shingles.
A car drove her to the entrance of the Capitol building. The 89-year-old Democratic Senator from California looked frail, weak and pale as aides helped her out. Her left eye was closed.
Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer walked by her side as an aide wheeled her into Senate.
'Hi everybody,' Feinstein said as she came into the building.
She looks like a cadaver already at the ripe old age of 89:
Feinstein isn’t the only geriatric who won’t shut up and retire
And it’s not just Feinstein: Trump, Biden, Pelosi, Schumer, etc. are all way past their prime and should have been put out to pasture years ago. Yet they hang on and on and on, never letting go of power until they breathe their last breath.
Remember Fat Teddy Kennedy and the Songbird John McCain? Those two are emblematic of how screwed up the GAE has become with these old bats clinging to power until they are lowered into the ground. Kennedy and McCain both adamantly refused to resign their senate seats, thus ensuring that their states lacked senate representation while the two nursing home narcissists clung to power while on their deathbeds.
McCain was arrogant enough to try to pressure the governor of Arizona to appoint his wife as a senator to be his replacement. That just goes to show you how these people view their government offices. They see them as belonging to their respective families, to be passed on to a spouse, child, or other relative at the time of their death.
At times it becomes comical as it did when Nancy Pelosi knelt at the capitol with other communists to curry favor with the BLM race grifters. Watch in this video how she cannot get up after kneeling, and an aid has to race to her side to help her up:
Geriatrics and a crumbling, dying empire
Republics are not supposed to operate this way, and the GAE was once a real republic. These days, of course, it’s a dying empire that is propped up by the lingering status from WW2 of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency, and the once strong but now hollowed-out US military.
Keeping very old people in power until the end of their lives is dangerous because they live in an out-of-touch bubble rooted in another time. Nowhere is that made clearer than in the case of the Pedophile in Chief who stole the 2020 election and now occupies the White House as a dementia-addled squatter. Biden is stuck so far in the past that he, and the neocons that surround him, actually believe that the GAE is as strong as it was shortly after World War 2, and you can see the result of being so far out of date in the unfolding travesty happening in Ukraine.
In the case of Ukraine, Biden and his neocons thought they could screw with the Russian bear, with no consequences to the GAE or its vassal states in Europe. They thought they could regime change Putin and then break Russia up into smaller republics they could dominate and control, thus taking possession of Russia’s natural resources.
It hasn’t worked out that way at all, and the result has been runaway inflation in the GAE and the eurotrash slave states. The standard of living is plummeting in Europe, and the GAE itself is facing a massive recession. All of this happened because there is an 80-year-old man squatting in the White House, who is completely out of touch with reality, and whose worldview comes from 60 years ago.
Term limits aren’t enough, the GAE needs age limits
I’ve heard people argue for term limits and that’s fine, but it seems to me that what the GAE needs are age limits. Once you hit 70, you should be forced into retirement if you hold an office. And the maximum age to even run for president should be 60 years old. No one should be in that office after the age of 70, it’s just too demanding and anybody over 70 no longer has the mental acumen to serve in that job.
However, no age limit is going to be put in place as long as the current crew of drooling, pudding-eating oldsters is still in power. Not a single one of them will give up the offices they hold until their bodies give out and they turn into corpses. What does it say about these people that power means so much to them? There is something very wrong with people like that, and they should never have had power over other people in the first place.
Accelerationists can celebrate the fall of the empire
There is an upside to all of this if you are an accelerationist who wants to see the GAE go down, once and for all. Biden and his crew of neocons have sped up the end of the dollar as the world reserve currency with their arrogant “rules-based order” bullshit and the lost war in Ukraine. Once they cut Russia off from SWIFT, every country on the planet knew the GAE’s financial system could not be trusted.
Thus, we see efforts by the BRICS countries to trade in their own currencies as a way of skipping the dollar altogether. They are also laying the groundwork for an alternative to the dollar so that they are not vulnerable to the GAE’s demands and politics.
And all it took for the dollar’s status as the world’s reserve currency to begin to end was one corrupt, old politician and a stolen election. That is what you get when you allow the geriatrics to run everything. Corruption, stupidity, incompetence, arrogance, and a quicker road to the final collapse of the empire.
Come to think of it, maybe it’s not such a bad idea to keep these old bats around for a while longer. They’ve screwed everything up so badly that they’ve hit the fast-forward button to the end of the empire, and that’s a good thing for dissidents trapped in the GAE, and for the rest of the world that wants freedom from the empire’s tyranny.
However, no matter how much they dye their hair or mutilate their faces with plastic surgery, Father Time comes for all of us. The clock is ticking for the GAE’s geriatrics and, sooner or later, they will all be gone from this world forever.
Good riddance!
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Poor Mrs Feinstein probably is barely aware of where she is and has very little effective control over her movements. The incentive for her longevity in her public position arises from her staff, not herself. Probably a staff of at least 300, she goes, and their lives and careers are hugely disrupted; therefore she stays. ( x 100). Same incentives from her extended family. She goes, and the $1000/hour "consulting" gigs end for her grand daughter's son-in-law.
Institute intelligence tests for senators to weed out anyone with an IQ below 150. Or even 160. Also, a test of courage is required, because courage can be worth even more than brains in situations where information is limited (and enemies need to be intimidated). Let the best lead.