Vengeance: An open letter to Donald Trump
Trump has one last chance to bring justice to his enemies, and to exact a price from them for everything they have done to him and his supporters
Greetings Donald,
It has been quite a while since my last open letter to you, but much has happened since then, and I felt it was time to share more thoughts with you. I closed my last letter by predicting that you would never be president again; the jury is still out on that prediction, but we’ll see in November.
You are a wronged man, Donald, and we both know it. The 2020 election was stolen from you, and you have been persecuted by lawfare ever since. Worse, your family members have also been subjected to political persecution. Remember when the FBI raided your home in Florida and rifled through Melania’s underwear drawer under the absurd pretense that she had nuclear secrets hidden there? Your enemies humiliated your wife in front of the entire world.
You are angry, Donald, and you should be. But we both know you have engaged in vendettas of your own in years past. Revenge is not something new to you; you have sought it often when someone screwed you. You would never have survived NY City’s real estate market if you had been a pussy that let people walk all over you.
Your problem was that when you got into politics, you were a neophyte, and you are also a boomer. As a boomer, you believed the bullshit lies you were fed about the country’s institutions: the FBI, the military, the judiciary, and all the rest of it. Well, you certainly know better now, don’t you? You know it is all corrupt and politically weaponized, and you know that you have been their main target for years.
Your other problem was your alpha male ego, which made you want to be liked by people in the imperial capital. You did not understand how Washington, DC, works: People there only respect you if they fear the power that you hold can be used against them or their interests. You didn’t use the power you had, and none of your enemies respected or liked you. Not only that, but you stupidly tried to “reach out” to your enemies, over and over again.
They distracted you with the Russiagate hoax, the first impeachment, then the second, and all the rest of the dirty tricks used against you. Worse, when the riots happened and the White House itself was attacked, you failed to respond forcefully. The Antifa and BLM communists damn near pulled you out of the White House and killed you. From that point on, your enemies knew you were weak and that you would never retaliate against them.
When the election was stolen, you went into a tailspin of rage and despair. You felt power slipping through your fingers, despite winning the election, and in your rage, you stupidly brought your supporters to the imperial capital, despite the fact that there was nothing whatsoever they could do to save you. You should have known better, but you did it anyway.
One of your supporters was murdered by a Democratic apparatchik, while many others went to jail to rot for years. You failed to issue a blanket pardon to protect your supporters, a base act of betrayal and cowardice on your part that will be a black mark in history against you forever. I called you out on it in my first letter to you, and I stand by every word I wrote then. What a disgrace!
But what of a second term, Donald? If you get one, you will finally have the opportunity to achieve vengeance for yourself and for your supporters. We both know that much of what I wrote above has been on your mind since you were chased out of the White House by the dementia-addled pedophile. You have never wavered in your desire to seek another term; not a single thing your enemies have done has made you hesitate for a second.
You want power again; your mind is utterly bent on getting it, and you will not allow your enemies to stop you in pursuit of it. Good, that tells me that you have something in mind to do if you are successful, and it had better include wielding that power against your enemies, and also using it for the benefit of those who restored you to power.
Your enemies sense that you might move against them, Donald. They know that you are no longer a neophyte in politics, and they have pulled out all the stops to try to prevent you from regaining office. They fear you and the retribution you might bring them. So far, they have failed to stop you, but you would do well to look after your security and avoid taking any unnecessary chances. Yes, some of them are likely desperate enough to try to do the unthinkable, so take heed and do not give them any openings whatsoever.
We both know you have to play it cool during the election. I took note of the insipid “we must bring America together” rhetoric you used recently, and I approve of it. You must make sure that your plans for vengeance remain cloaked until after the election. Your opponents must be kept off their guard for as long as possible, before you strike them legally, politically and financially after your inauguration.
If you are successful, America will be far better off than it is right now. The nexus of the CIA, NSA, FBI, Democratic Party, legacy media, NGOs, indoctrination centers (schools, colleges), and the ethnic oligarchs who rule the country have caused utter destruction to American society. The country is nothing like it was 40 years ago, and you know it. It is a complete train wreck, and it is coming apart at the seams.
A second term is your last chance at vengeance, Donald. There will be no third term, no third chance to get revenge or to overthrow the regime of your enemies. It must be done in the next four years, or it will never happen at all. Can you live the rest of your life knowing that you attained office again, but never brought justice to your enemies?
If you truly desire revenge against those who have wronged you and your family, then you must act if you attain office again. You must destroy all your enemies have built for themselves in the imperial capital; you must purge them from their offices of power and money. You must drive them out of their positions of comfort and cast them face-first into the muck.
If you want an inspiring example, you can find it in Conan the Barbarian. Remember that quote from one of the old Conan movies? Here it is if you’ve forgotten it, Donald:
What is best in life? To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.
I believe the quote is actually based on something Genghis Khan said, but he should be yet another example for you, and you should heed his wisdom.
The reason your enemies kept attacking you with no hesitation and no remorse is because YOU NEVER FOUGHT BACK AND EXACTED A PRICE FROM THEM FOR WHAT THEY DID TO YOU AND YOUR SUPPORTERS. Crush them over the next four years, Donald. Destroy them legally, politically and financially; show them no mercy because none was given to you or your family. Remember what they did to you with lawfare, and deal out to them what they dealt to you.
One last thing, Donald: Should you attain power again and do nothing whatsoever to your enemies, then your second term will be as wasted and meaningless as the first one. You will be marked in history forever as a loser and a coward who took punch after punch, but never threw one of his own.
Remember that, Donald. This is your last chance. Don’t blow it.
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Agree 100 except with one caveat.
Pardon Julian Assange.
Morgthorak, I agree with virtually everything you said in your Open Letter to Donald Trump. No, he didn’t “drain the swamp” as he intended during his first term as President. But as you strongly and correctly advise, he MUST take vengeance during his upcoming term as President, not merely for his sake (or his family’s), but especially for the sake of “We the People.” The cesspool in Washington, D.C. must be expunged. The oligarchy must go. There must be authentic justice rendered that identifies and convicts the guilty crooks in the Deep State. Using his executive powers, Trump must do what he did on his TV program, “The Apprentice,” and forcefully say, “You’re Fired.” There must be a tribunal. Big-time. I think Trump has successfully traveled up a steep exponential learning curve and he is now equipped to bring government back to “We the People.”