Have you ever had to deal with a woke communist woman? If you have then you probably walked away, shaking your head at the sheer intensity of the Marxist brainwashing they demonstrate. There’s a level of ideological viciousness in them that you rarely see from their male counterparts.
This should come as no surprise to anyone familiar with the Chinese Cultural Revolution unleashed by Mao. That was a disaster for China and caused the deaths of millions of Chinese. One notable facet of it was that Mao used Chinese youth as his cultural stormtroopers and a similar thing has happened in the Globalist American Empire.
Feminism and the Globalist American Empire
But there is a crucial difference with the GAE: feminism.
Feminism has long been a mainstay of the left in the GAE. But it became far more insidious and dangerous when woke communism was vomited forth by the universities in Western countries. Left-wing women, always hungry for power and for avenues to express their man-hate, quickly became fanatical adherents of woke communism.
We saw this during the fake pandemic with the rise of the “Karens.” These women ate up the covid narrative and quickly became demonic pushers of the not-vaccines and the torture of children with forced masking. There are videos of these psycho broads screaming at people in supermarkets for not wearing masks, and they were in the vanguard of family fragmentation as they banned those who refused to take the not-vaccines from family gatherings.
And no, not all of the Karens were White females. There were plenty of Karens from other racial groups, but they all had one thing in common: they were power-hungry, vicious monsters who didn’t give a damn about anyone. They delighted in using their power to destroy the lives of their fellow men and women and even children.
The vicious bitches survived the fake pandemic
But the end of the fake pandemic did not mean the end of the reign of the vicious bitches. Oh no, not at all. Have you applied for a corporate job lately? If you have then you’ll be familiar with the worst of the woke communist woman: Millenial females. They infest HR departments and whenever they are given managerial power, they ruthlessly enforce the regime’s Marxist narratives and rules.
The Millenial female director of HR at most GAE corporations.
DIE and ESG opened the door for these harpies to let loose and try to crush all dissident thoughts and expressions inside corporations. If you are a male with fair skin then you had better pretend to be a member of the alphabet tribe if you want a job. If you like women then the Millenial females running corporate HR departments and occupying managerial jobs are likely to block you from even talking to the hiring manager.
You can see these Marxist mental cases on LinkedIn and other social media services. They inevitably have “she/her” or some variation of an insipid pronoun next to their name, signaling their loyalty to the regime, and warning anyone who has to deal with them that they had better not dare to engage in wrong-think or wrong-speak.
The vicious bitches worship child sacrifice
These demonic women are also fanatically devoted to child sacrifice. Abortion is the altar they worship at, and the overturning of Roe versus Wade hit them hard and increased their man-hate and bitterness. Unfortunately for them, the regime quickly became bogged down in the war in Ukraine, and the end of Roe failed to cause the widespread protests and riots the harpies had wanted to see across the country.
Caution is in order if you have to deal with any of these women, regardless of whether they are Millenials, Gen X, Boomers, or Zoomers. They are all brainwashed Marxist zombies and should never be trusted. In a professional setting, it is best to wear a mask that conceals your contempt for them, lest they detect it and arrange for you not to have a job. Yes, they are that ruthless and evil.
Beware of the vicious bitches in your life
I had a friend that was one of them, whom I had known for many years. I had a blind spot with her and thought she was just misguided. But I discovered to my shock and disgust that she believed the woke communist bullshit. She was one of the vicious bitches and my affection for her prevented me from seeing it until long after I should have done so.
If you are a man, it can be easy to overlook the reality of such women. But you do so at your peril because their loyalty to the woke communist ideology and to the regime that enforces it far outweighs whatever affection they might have for you.
And if you are a man with fair skin, beware of the vicious bitches. They have been taught to despise fair-skinned males (especially older men) and to blame them for everything bad in the world throughout history. Given the chance, they are likely to stick a knife in your back if you are foolish enough to trust them.
How long will the power of the vicious bitches last?
Nothing lasts forever, not even the vicious bitches.
Remember that the power of these witches is tied to the regime, and the regime’s power comes from the GAE’s status as the global hegemon. As the GAE’s power collapses throughout the world, there will be instability inside the empire itself. Other elite factions will emerge, and those factions are likely to cause enough chaos to weaken the power of woke communist women.
There might also be lawsuits designed to undermine and destroy DIE and ESG. If both of those things were destroyed inside of the corporations, the power of the vicious bitches would also decline, fizzle, and ultimately go out.
However, in the short term, we are stuck with these harpies. But over the long term, I am optimistic that the regulations, laws, and institutions that they rely on for power will be shattered by the fall of the empire.
When that happens all of the woke communist women had better start looking over their shoulders because they’ve screwed a lot of people during their reign. As you know, revenge is a dish best served cold and there’s a roaring blizzard headed toward the vicious bitches.
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Good essay. It hurts, though, when I constantly see my name used as shorthand for women behaving badly.
I plan to live long enough to see the witch empire fall.
Like all the marxist campaigns they are not new inventions, just rebranding of the same dialectic of division. Class, race, sex, orientation, opinion, affiliation, religion, they all have been used, but this version, the "vicious bitches" may have been one of the most powerful and insidious since it damaged the very bonds of humanity.