Victoria Nuland: The queen bitch of the neocons is on the run!
Victoria Nuland is leaving the State Department with the blood of hundreds of thousands on her hands, including Gonzalo Lira
There are some people who are not just reprehensible; they are flat-out evil. Victoria Nuland, queen bitch of the Neocons, is one of them. Nuland has the blood of hundreds of thousands of people on her hands. This rotten ghoul has stopped at nothing to encourage war and death in every part of the globe.
Nuland is on the run before Trump takes power again
It has been announced that Nuland is leaving the State Department. Why is she leaving? Well, Clandestine had a few words to say about it:
Nuland is one of the slimiest Deep State rats on Earth, complicit in crimes against humanity. She is resigning because she knows her plot to overthrow Russia ultimately failed, and the incoming administration will hold her and everyone accountable. She is running before Justice comes knocking.
I will deal with Nuland and justice later in this post, but Clandestine is right. The neocon plot to overthrow Putin and divide Russia into weak countries that the Globalist American Empire could rape at will for resources has utterly failed. Russia will finish the war in Ukraine on its own terms, and Nuland knows it.
She is now on the run, getting out of dodge while she can. She will soon be forced to lawyer up if Trump wins in November and investigations begin into her conduct and policies. I doubt it will happen, but nothing would please me more than to see her convicted of something or other and sent to prison.
Her departure is a blow to the cocaine-addled loser Zelensky. She was one of the people keeping him in power, and it will be interesting to see if his enemies in Ukraine take him down now that Fat Momma Nuland is no longer around to extend the GAE’s protection to him.
Nuland is one of Gonzalo Lira’s murderers
As I said before, Nuland has blood on her hands, and one of her victims was Gonzalo Lira. With a simple phone call, Nuland could have saved his life. Instead, she and the rest of the filth at the State Department did nothing, and Gonzalo was assassinated by the corrupt, depraved regime of Zelensky.
If you read my article called “Goodbye Gonzalo,” then you know that I have placed an undead curse on everyone involved - directly or indirectly - in Gonzalo’s murder. He was 55 when he died, so the curse is in effect for 55 years.
Whoever they are, wherever they are, my curse will find them, and it will exact vengeance for Gonzalo. Nuland can run and hide, but it will not matter. She and the rest of Gonzalo’s murderers will be found by my curse, and what they dished out to Gonzalo will come back on them.
A curse put out by an undead is powerful and unrelenting. It cannot be stopped, and it cannot be recalled, not even by me. That is why I have always avoided releasing one, but I made an exception for the murderers of Gonzalo Lira. The curse is out there, working slowly but inevitably. None shall escape it.
Gonzalo had the goods on Victoria Nuland
If you aren’t familiar with Nuland’s track record, then I want you to watch this video. It might very well have cost Gonzalo his life, so please take the time to watch it, and you will understand just how evil Victoria Nuland is, and why she needs to pay for the people that have died at her hands and the hands of the rest of the neocon scum and filth in the imperial capital.
Gonzalo, rest in peace, brother. Justice for your murderers is just beginning. I know you are up there with Christ, and I hope you enjoy the show my curse produces, starting with Nuland. She is one of the first, but she won’t be the last.
Run, Victoria; run as fast and far as you can, but it won’t save you. Justice for the murder of Gonzalo and many hundreds of thousands of your other victims is coming, courtesy of my curse. 😈
UPDATE: Revolver News has a post explaining exactly why Nuland resigned. It seems she was in a huff over not getting a promotion that she felt was rightfully hers:
According to two senior state department sources who spoke with Revolver News, Nuland quit in a rage at having been passed over for a key promotion. Specifically, Nuland was thought to be a shoe-in to replace the retired Wendy Sherman in the role of Deputy Secretary of State. Rather than elevate Nuland to the post, however, Secretary of State Blinken chose Kurt Campbell, a former NSC official who had served as one of the key architects of Obama’s famed “pivot to Asia” policy. Nuland was so incensed at being passed over, and passed over specifically for Campbell, that she resigned in anger.
UPDATE 2: Also, see this Rumble video of Bannon and Beattie discussing Nuland and color revolutions.
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Amazing man - what insight - thanks for posting video - a standing tribute 🙏
Let's keep in mind that Putin got in power in the first place thanks to U.S. meddling. When Boris Yeltsin was up for election, his opponent was Vladimir Zhirinovsky,whose public statements resembled something coming out of John Birch Society. The U.S. supported Yeltsin against Zhirinovsky, and Putin was part of the Yeltsin government...
(Fun fact: I sent my copy of "None Dare Call It Conspiracy" into the Soviet Union a few months before Zhirinovsky came to prominence. Oops!?)