What if Donald Trump's head had exploded like JFK's did in 1963?
The attempts on Trump's life were designed by the Deep State to send a message to Trump supporters, the rest of the country, and to the world.
The first attempt on Donald Trump’s life has been lingering in the back of my mind since it first happened. If you have forgotten what happened, here are some reminders before I get into the rest of this article. Use these images and videos to take your mind back to that day and remember how you felt about the first attempt on his life.
Scroll down for the rest of my commentary.
Okay, with the reminders out of the way, I want to talk about this first attempt on Trump’s life. Have you wondered why it was done at one of his rallies? Why would the Deep State try to kill Trump in such a public way? They could have placed a bomb on one of his planes or cars, or done it in a place where there were few or no eyes or cameras on him. For example, it could have been done inside a building while he was moving from room to room, as happened with Robert Kennedy in 1968.
But that is not what they did. They did it at one of his rallies, with thousands of eyes on him and with many cameras all over the place, and with it being live-streamed. The intent here is very clear if you think about it: The Deep State wanted to send the message to all of Trump’s supporters, to the entire country, and to the world itself that no one is safe from their vengeance if that person is brave enough to stand up to them.
The assassination of John F. Kennedy
Remember the last time something like this happened? On that occasion, the public execution of a chief executive was successful. It occurred in November 1963, and this is what happened:
That, of course, is the Zapruder film, and every president since Kennedy has likely seen it. It has long been a lesson to every one of them not to get out of line and to stay within the lines painted by the Deep State and the military-industrial complex. Kennedy once sought to go beyond such limits, and his life was taken away in 1963. He has been dead for many years and will never leave his grave in Arlington National Cemetery. Yet, he was once alive, and he occupied what many thought was the most powerful office in the world. But that position did not save him when the Deep State reached out to take his life. Kennedy’s murder has long been a reminder to every chief executive not to get out of line, and it worked successfully until Donald Trump attained the presidency in his long-shot bid in 2016.
Trump’s ascension to the presidency in 2016
When Trump became president, the modern Deep State essentially lost its shit and lived in fear that Trump might successfully do what Kennedy did not live to do: Trump might have destroyed their power and their ability to dominate and control the United States and, through the dollar, the world. So they pulled out all the stops to destroy Trump with political means, including impeachment, the fake Russia bullshit, and the rest of it. You all know the story of how Trump’s first term was mostly wasted by the Deep State’s non-stop attacks on him.
The Deep State went so far as to initiate the fake pandemic to create unprecedented fear and chaos inside the country to get Trump out of office. They deliberately destroyed the best economy in 50 years, caused the closure of millions of small businesses, tried to force a potentially deadly not-vaccine on the population, caused massive money printing that resulted in skyrocketing inflation, and all the rest of it, including the theft of the 2020 election by Biden and his gang of woke communist thugs.
When Trump was forced out of office by all of this, the Deep State breathed a sigh of relief. They thought they had triumphed, at least in the short term. The Neocons and the rest of the Deep State cabal thought they had defeated him and that he would withdraw from politics, be crushed by lawfare, or that his voters would desert him. But none of that happened. Not a single thing they tried against him worked to stop him. Trump was relentless, he knew he had been cheated in 2020, and he was not going to stop until he attained the second term that was his due by winning the 2020 election.
In other words, he gave the Deep State the finger and immediately began his quest for a second term. He is close now—oh, so close to attaining it. He can taste it, and so can the Deep State. But a second term will be different—very different indeed. Trump is no longer new to the ways of politics and government, he is not a stranger in a strange land in Washington, DC. He is seasoned and savvy, and he knows all the tricks of the Deep State, and he knows how things work in the imperial capital.
Revenge is a dish best served cold
But worse, far worse for the Deep State, he is angry. He tries to hide it, but you can see it in his eyes. He and his family have been attacked ruthlessly with lawfare, and his home was even raided by the FBI. Not only that, but he has had to endure what no other president in the history of the country has had to endure, and he has never, ever slowed down or stopped in his quest to get his second term. None of the attacks by the Deep State have worked in any way whatsoever to stop or even discourage Trump. On and on and on their attacks have gone, and all have failed.
Trump knows all of his, but he also knows how to hold a grudge. He’s had many grudges against people in the past, over the course of his life. But this? This is the biggest grudge ever, and he is not going to forget it. If he is successful in regaining the presidency, he is going to go after the people who have persecuted him and his family, including the ones that set up the first assassination attempt. He knows full well that the assassin could never have gotten close enough to him to fire the shot that hit him unless the Secret Service deliberately opened a path for the shooter.
The Deep State knows all of his too, and they know who Donald Trump is, and what he is capable of if he gets back into office. They have never faced anyone like him before, not even Kennedy was as strong as Trump. Kennedy did not take his own safety seriously enough to guard against what happened to him. He recklessly rode around in an open-air car with tall buildings around him that had not been secured. Trump was smarter, but even he didn’t take into account the Secret Service's actions against him. Well, he knows better now, and I don’t think he’ll make that mistake again.
The Deep State shot at Trump and missed
So, taking all of this into account, it was necessary for the Deep State to set up the conditions for the first assassination attempt. You all know what I mean here. A way was opened for the Deep State’s dupe assassin Retard-E-Oswald, to go after Trump in a way that was shockingly obvious. The immediate execution of the assassin after he fired his shots was also part of their plan. No words will ever come out of the assassin’s mouth after high-powered bullets slammed into his head and silenced him forever.
But what of the second attempt? I have not included photos here because the attempt did not progress to an actual attack. But did you notice that the second attempt was also in a very public place? With cameras on Trump as he zoomed around the golf course? That was not a coincidence, my friends. As I said before, the Deep State needs to refresh the memories of all future presidents as to who has the real power in this country. In other words, they need another public execution of a chief executive to set an example for all who come after him. That is why the second attempt was just as public as the first one.
What if the Deep State had killed Trump?
Imagine, if you will, that the first attempt on Trump’s life had been successful. The bullet would have hit Trump in the head, likely blowing off part of his skull. He would have fallen dead right there with all of those cameras on him. The video of his murder would have been in HD, and it would have been all over the planet in minutes. The Deep State scum and filth would have smiled and chuckled to themselves. Every president after Trump would have been shown video of his murder as part of their “security training,” but it would have been a less than subtle reminder that every president is vulnerable, and any president that defies the will of the Deep State in any way can be murdered in plain view of the public.
What do you think the effect of a successful assassination of Trump the first time would be on future presidents? All of them would have to think very carefully before daring to defy the Deep State. Can you imagine the thoughts running through a future president’s head as they watched Trump’s head explode like Kennedy’s? Each of them would know full well the real meaning of being shown the video by the Secret Service as part of their becoming president. Anyone who makes it to the presidency knows how things work in the real world, and watching the video of Trump’s murder would likely scare the shit out of all of them.
But it’s not just the politicians that the Deep State would have wanted to scare with the video of Trump’s murder at that rally. It was all of us. You, me, and every other Trump supporter. The message would have been: Don’t dare to even hope to defy us, because this is what we will do to anyone who you vote for who tries to stop us. There is nothing you can do, we run this country, and we will kill anyone who gets in our way. Shut your mouths and stay out of our way, because there is nothing you can do to stop us. Fuck you.
A successful murder of Trump would also have sent a message of another kind from the Deep State to the rest of the leaders of the world: This is what we do to anyone who opposes us. We killed a former president of our country in public, what do you think we’ll do to you if you get in our way? We will destroy you and your country if you oppose us in any way. No politician, in any country on this planet, would have failed to get the message. Many of them still remember the murders of Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein. Killing Trump would have reinforced that lesson in a very big way that could not be ignored by the leaders of other countries. All would have seen it, and all would have understood.
Thankfully, the Deep State failed both times they tried to kill Trump. We never had to see his head explode like JFK’s, and I hope we never see such a thing.
But don’t count the Deep State out, my friends.
The Deep State, Iran, and Trump
They have shifted to the ridiculous “Iran tried to kill Trump,” and they did not do that on a lark. They did it as a precondition for another possible attempt on Trump’s life. Do you really believe that they have completely given up on it? The first two failed assassinations have certainly caused them some problems. Security seems to have been beefed up around Trump, making another attempt more difficult but not impossible. And now the groundwork has been completed to publicly deflect blame onto Iran for Trump’s murder.
After all, most of the public is likely to believe such bullshit, and just go with whatever the narrative is out of the imperial capital. The people who reject it will have to be very careful about their public statements if Trump is killed in another attack, and it is blamed on Iran. The Deep State will create massive tributes to Trump, and he will be venerated publicly in a complete turnabout from the way he was treated while he was still alive. The regime media will switch from non-stop hatred of Trump to gushing over him, and all of their previous coverage will be memory-holed once he is dead and out of the way, like JFK.
Remember the Camelot bullshit? And how the public got a huge serving of JFK as a martyr after he was killed? Do you think the Deep State didn’t allow all of that? They surely did because it served their purposes. Who cares if the public mourns for a dead leader that can no longer threaten the Deep State’s power? The grieving serves as a distraction for the public, while the Deep State continues its business, cloaked and hidden in the background.
So don’t count the Deep State out, my friends, they may yet succeed in getting what they want: the public execution of a president to keep future presidents in line for the next 100 years.
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Thread pruned. Take the "joos joos!" crap somewhere else. I am sick of seeing it and it is skunking up my article threads. If I see it, it will be removed, along with all responses to it.
If you are going to bring up Jews, be specific about who you are talking about and how they are directly relevant to the topic of the article. Otherwise, STFU about it in my article comments.
Sans doute, the DPS is also peeved with how the vassals are reacting. Trudeau is doubling down on regulation and destroying Canada (this likely pleases them), but inversely what is interesting is that Micron over in France is pushing week by week for the EU to drop its tariff war with China, and to ally with China. From what I'm seeing it looks more and more like the EU is a house divided, with Micron complaining that the EU will fall if it keeps to the path she's on, and about how important it is to ally with China over the US. None listen to him though.
Orban remains firm in not countering neocon/neolib influence in the EU, as it helps him in Hungary by giving him an enemy to maintain his popularity in his home-country. Poland is flipping to neo-lib nonsense, and England has cracked under the pressure.
Yet it is Japan that after checking the news that I think ticks off the DPS the most; Japan's new government looks to be paving the way for kneeling down and allying with a future Trump government. A conservative government modelled after that of Abe Shinzo (and filled by his former cabinet members, friends and staff) has just been sworn in. And if Japanese media's anything to judge by they're just waiting for Trump to come into office, so they could suck up, get investments, funding and support.
Japan's the top economic performer in the Empire, hands down. France could be one of them but has been crushed under heel so long, she's a non-factor, Germany is #2 to Japan but is being suppressed it seems (breaks my heart, I love Germans) and Korea seems to be getting kind of unstable with its neolib stuff and internal problems. So Japan flipping from neolib to Abenomics and Abeisme so to speak with his 'Japan First' policies already promised likely worries the bastards in the dps.
Once again though Morg great article. Hope you don't mind my analysis of the vassals, I know they aren't really important to most Americans but as someone who is from a 'vassal' country and tends to keep to them, I can't help but look at things from an Scotto-Irish, French and somewhat Japanese perspective as these are the ones that matter to me.