What is a woke communist?
The communists never went away, they just switched from class to identity
I keep getting comments from people asking why I use the term “woke communist” to describe the current generation of marxists. The answer is so obvious to me that I must admit that I have not paused to consider that others might not see or understand it.
So here is the answer: the communists never went away; they just switched from class to identity.
Class-based communism failed; identity-communism has flourished
Consider that the old, class-based commies never had much success in America pushing their marxist blather. With the fall of the Soviet Union, and the morphing of China into a socialist/capitalist entity, the old Stalin/Mao/Lenin-type communism more or less disappeared (with the possible exceptions of Cuba and North Korea).
However, the commies in the West didn’t disappear with that class-based version of their ideology. They simply moved into Gramsci mode and started running a whole new scam based on identity in the name of “social justice." If you are old enough, then you have seen the effects of woke communism as it grew in power over the last thirty years.
These disgusting creatures began their long march through the institutions of Western societies, and have now achieved more power than they ever dreamed they could have when they were focused solely on class-based marxism. They have corrupted and inverted Western societies and changed people’s perceptions so that good has become evil, and evil has become good.
The woke commies hate to be labeled, so label them
I also use the term “woke communist” because today’s commies label anybody who disagrees with them about anything as “Nazis.” I’m sure you’ve all seen this happen again and again, and it just happened recently here on Substack.
Labeling is important in political warfare, and the woke commies do not like being called that at all, which is why we should use the term often. It annoys them, and it also underscores that their “social justice” ideology is simply marxism with a more modern veneer.
I could call them “woke marxists”, but the word “communist” is more insulting to them, and it summons up visions of Stalin’s gulags and 70 years of unremitting totalitarian repression under communist rule in the Soviet Union. So I will stick with the word "communist,” as it much more accurately reflects who and what they are, and where they will take the world if they are allowed to continue to have power.
So I hope this answers the question of what a woke communist is, and why I use the term to describe the marxist trash of today. From now on, when anybody asks me about this, I am going to point them to this post, so I don’t have to type this stuff out again as an answer to them. Please feel free to share this post if anybody asks you about the term.
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"America Is Following in China’s Footsteps. Here’s How We Stop It."
FANTASTIC. Watch and share it everywhere. What she is saying in that video is why I use the term woke communist. All of the identity marxism comes from the same political sewer as the class-based communism that tore apart China.
My new term for all the crazies! Thank you! Let’s send this out into the ether as the response to all their derogatory “right-wing, MAGA” slurs. Woke Communists! Onward with the labeling!