White Jews versus the Woke Communists
White Jews are under fire by the woke commies, and it's all so delicious to see!
For many years White Jews have pretended that they aren’t White even though almost all of them in the Globalist American Empire have fair skin. Many Jews in Israel also have fair skin, however, and that has now cost all fair-skinned Jews their permanent victim status.
You see, dear frens, the woke communists do not slice and dice people with fair skin into separate ethnicities. If you have fair skin, you are an “evil oppressor” by default, even if you’ve never oppressed anybody in your life. The woke communists simply do not care, and you can whine and bitch about it as much as you want.
Before I go any further into this post, I will point out that not all White Jews went along with the woke communist ideology. However, those that did have caused all White Jews a gigantic headache as the woke commies consider all of them to be as white as the driven snow, and could not care less about any ethnic distinctions held by Jews themselves.
White Jews shocked to find that the commies hate them
All of this has come as a surprise to many White Jews who thought they were immune from being considered oppressors. You can see them squawking non-stop on X and other social media as protests rage across the planet in favor of the brown-skinned Palestinians and against the fair-skinned Jews in Israel.
It’s all so delicious, isn’t it? I’ve been making popcorn and eating my fill as I watch the woke commies tear into the Israelis non-stop over the bombing of the Palestinians in Gaza. The woke commies have it in for the jews in Israel, and it has been hilarious to watch so many White Jews in the GAE freak out as they realize that their “allies” on the left are now plunging daggers into their backs.
Muslims versus the Alphabet Tribe
It’s similar to what has been going on with Muslims making it clear that they are not down with the Alphabet Tribe’s agenda. This refusal by faithful Muslims has shocked and angered their former woke communist allies, and there has been a great deal of rage on the left that Muslims are not going along with the Alphabet Tribe’s narratives.
Pride flags were even banned from being displayed on city property by a Michigan city with an all-Muslim city council. You have to give it to the Muslims, they waited until they were a majority then promptly stuck it to the Alphabet Tribe and the rest of the woke commies.
White Jews and anti-White male discrimination
I have to admit that I did not expect all of this to happen, but I’m delighted it did! Far too many White Jews have jumped on the anti-White male hate train over the last 30 years, and now it has come back to haunt them big time. Really, it’s almost funnier than I could have imagined when I look back at the evolution of woke communism over the last few decades.
Don’t feel too sorry for the White Jews in the GAE, however. The White Jewish elites in the GAE pretty much control that entity. White Jews are heavily overrepresented on corporate boards, government bureaucracies, media, etc. So White Jews are still doing quite well and will likely continue their domination of the GAE for the foreseeable future.
But now their heretofore permanent place at the top of the victim identity totem pole is slipping away, slowly but surely. The events of World War 2 are more than four generations away, and today’s youth could not care less about them. World War 2 is to them what the Civil War (or the War of Northern Aggression if you please) was to Generation X: so long ago that it is ancient and irrelevant history.
However, the recent actions of the Israelis in relentlessly bombing Gaza have backfired spectacularly. The woke youth of today identifies with the Palestinians, not the Israelis. They see the Israelis as “white nazi jews” who are “committing genocide” against the “helpless Palestinian civilians.”
White Jewish media can’t undo woke communist brainwashing
No amount of regime propaganda from its media complex (which mostly happens to be owned and run by White Jewish elites) will change the minds of these youths. Remember that there have been more than 30 years of brainwashing going on in the schools and media that has convinced many young people that anybody with fair skin is wrong, evil, and an oppressor by default.
So, the White Jews in the GAE and other Western countries now have a terrible problem on their hands: how do you undo the brainwashing of all of these people? Even if such a process were started today, it would take generations to undo the damage of woke communism as Yuri warned us about in his video.
The woke communist power structures inside of the government, media, schools, colleges, etc. would all have to be dismantled. That is no easy task, given how many people in those organizations now have a vested interest in protecting them. The White Jews who rule the GAE are going to have serious problems as their former allies continue to turn on them and define them as genocidal maniacs who are out to murder Palestinians and steal the rest of the their land.
Make more popcorn as the White Jews and Woke Commies fight it out!
It’s all so delicious to watch from my vantage point! I said years ago that White Jews would rue the day they pushed the woke communist ideology. They bear far too close a resemblance to the people they helped to demonize: White males and females. Sooner or later, the woke communist ideology was going to come for White Jews, and now that day is here.
Me? I’m going to make some more popcorn and continue to enjoy the show. I’m betting it has many seasons left to run, and nobody knows quite how it is going to end. 🍿
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Ouch. What about us white Jews who aren't pushing communism, never realised we were oppressed (at least I didn't!), have little money and don't rule anything?
Also, I like men generally of any colour.
Ran into a pro Hamas rally last week - that was damn scary. Trust me, those are not people you want to throw in with!
I feel like you should have added the Michael Jackson eating popcorn picture for added effect. I did also laugh at the Muslims banning LGBT stuff on Government property. The shocked Pikachu face also sprung to mind.