White males: A military draft is coming
The Selective Service is trying to automate registration for the next military draft to ensure as many White males as possible are snared in its nets of war slavery and death
I have written a bunch of articles for White males, and I’m going to add this one to that page because I think it is one of the most important ones I’ve written. If you haven’t heard yet, the Selective Service (which should be called the Department of War Slavery) is moving to automate registration for the next military draft:
A new plan from House lawmakers would automatically register men for a potential military draft when they hit age 18, avoiding potential legal consequences connected to failing to file the paperwork at the proper time.
Language included in the House Armed Services Committee’s draft of the annual defense authorization bill would mandate the automatic registration of all males between ages 18 and 26 living in America in the Selective Service System, the federal database used for a military draft in case of a national emergency.
The system hasn’t been used for that purpose for 52 years, but men who fail to register can face a host of legal consequences, including forfeiture of eligibility for federal programs and possible jail time.
But the number of individuals who have skipped registering has increased in recent years, in large part because registration options were removed from the federal student loan process two years ago. That had accounted for nearly a quarter of all registrations in prior years.
Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Pa., sponsored the automatic registration language and called it both a money-saving and common-sense reform.
“By using available federal databases, the [Selective Service] agency will be able to register all of the individuals required and thus help ensure that any future military draft is fair and equitable,” she said during debate on the idea Wednesday night.
“This will also allow us to rededicate resources — basically that means money — towards reading readiness and towards mobilization … rather than towards education and advertising campaigns driven to register people.”
The timing of this effort is no coincidence: the neocons have publicly signaled that they want a war with China by 2025, and the Pedophile-in-Chief recently gave the go-ahead for Ukraine to begin using long-range missiles to attack targets inside Russia. The handwriting is on the wall for a new military draft, for those who are wise enough to see it.
The empire needs White male cannon fodder
The empire is in deep trouble because White males are not signing up to fight and die for the elites who own and control it. The word is out on the street that the US military is no place for White males, and enlistment numbers are in the toilet (as they should be). Moreover, White males, especially young ones, understand fully that Israel is not “muh greatest ally,” and they are not signing up to fight and die for that foreign country.
The brutal, violent way that the Kiev regime is grabbing Ukrainian men off the streets and sending them to die in the Globalist American Empire’s proxy war with Russia has also caught the attention of many young, White males. Videos have circulated all over social media showing Ukrainian men being forced into military slavery as disposable cannon fodder, and smart White males in the US know full well that they could be next.
Heretofore, heretofore mind you, the Pedophile-in-Chief has not dared to send US troops into Ukraine because he knows he must face the voters in November. As I write this article, he is behind the Orange Felon™️ in the polls, and that has the pedophile very nervous indeed. He is unlikely to make any kind of move toward sending US troops to fight and die in Ukraine until after the election.
Did you catch that last part? If not, here it is again: UNTIL AFTER THE ELECTION.
Once the election is over and another four years have been secured, Biden and the cabal of neocon scum and filth that surround him, will undoubtedly send in US troops against Russia in Ukraine. They’ll set up some kind of situation that will then give them a pretext for doing so; you can always count on the neocons to come up with some bullshit or other.
So White males had better start planning now how to avoid getting drafted. Once a draft begins, no young White male will be safe (except the sons of the elites, as they will be protected and kept inside the US even if they wear a uniform). All will be subject to potential military slavery and death for the benefit of the elites that control the empire.
White males will also be deliberately targeted for the most dangerous missions on the battlefield, given that the woke communists that control the US military hate White males. The woke scum inside the military will undoubtedly celebrate the deaths of White males killed in action for the empire.
Consider seeking Conscientious Objector status
So what can White males do? I recommend looking into conscientious objector status. In an earlier article, I included some information about how to go about it, so I will paste that information here for your benefit:
I have told friends of mine to immediately begin working toward attaining Conscientious Objector status for their draft-age sons. Make no mistake about it, now is the time to begin establishing CO status to save the life of a young White male that is at risk to be drafted and sent to die in a foreign war that has no benefit whatsoever to the American public.
I’ll list some CO resources below, but here is one idea that is worth pursuing: make sure young White males post pacifist posts on social media right now. Why? Because those posts will be time and date stamped and can be used to help prove that they are indeed against war and killing in principle, and that they held such beliefs BEFORE the war began. That will stand them in good stead if they have to go before a draft board to prove their commitment to non-violence and pacifism.
It might also be a good idea to join a local church that opposes all wars, and have your young White male embrace their theology and belief system. It is critical that he be able to prove that he is against all wars, and a pacifist church membership along with regular attendance can help achieve that in tandem with the other things I’ve listed here.
Here are some helpful resources that you should bookmark and share with the young White males in your life to help save their lives from being wasted by the rotten neocons in DC:
Globalist American Empire Official Military Slavery Site
The Guide for COs in the Military
Conscientious Objection to Military Service
GI Rights Hot Line: Conscientious ObjectionMy point here is simple: start working on CO status now, do not wait for the draft to begin scrambling to protect your young White males from the evil neocons and the rest of the warmongers.
I am well aware that some of you might think that I sound like a broken record on the issue of White males and military slavery. But if you follow the war in Ukraine and the behavior of the neocons in DC, then you should understand why I write these articles.
They are coming for White males to use as cannon fodder for the wars they have planned; make no mistake about it. The time to plan a personal strategy for survival is now, before the wars begin, not after they’ve already begun. By then, it will be much harder to attain conscientious objector status, as the neocons will tighten their nets to prevent as many young White males from slipping through to safety.
Don’t fall for the “patriotism” bullshit
And if any of you have retarded ideas of “patriotic glory” or World War 2 propaganda about the “greatest generation” (there was nothing “great” about them, they were dumb pawns that were used for the benefit of the elites) and other lies of the empire running through your heads, I can only say this: WAKE. THE. FUCK. UP. RETARDS.
The neocon scum do not care about you at all, in any way. Your life means nothing to them whatsoever, so you had better make it mean something to you and take whatever steps you can to avoid being pulled into their military meat grinding machine. The neocons will use you and then discard you with no remorse whatsoever. You are nothing but a hunk of White meat to them, to be flung at China or Russia whenever it suits them.
Do you feel safe as I type this article, White males? Do you think that what I’ve written above won’t apply to you? Surely, I’m exaggerating, right? REMEMBER THIS: Many young Ukrainian men felt the same way before that war started, and they are all dead now and rotting in their graves. 🪦
Don’t become a corpse, dumped into a lonely grave for the benefit of the neocons, White males. Do what you can to protect yourselves, and do it now!
UPDATE: See also this article about those pushing a “national service” model, which is just a backdoor military draft. The article focuses on those around Trump, but there are plenty of others in DC who aren’t in Trump’s orbit who doubtless have similar sentiments:
Collectively, the military services fell short of the Pentagon’s recruiting goal by about 41,000 last year, officials told lawmakers in December. Only the Marines and the Space Force met their objectives.
In explaining its shortfall, the Army, the largest of the services, points to internal data indicating that most of America’s youths — 71 percent — do not qualify for military service for reasons that include obesity, drug use and aptitude.
Only 1 percent of the U.S. population serves in the armed forces, Army data shows.
The United States halted conscription in 1973, two years before the Vietnam War ended, and since then the idea of mandatory military service has remained politically unpopular. But some in the GOP appear willing to make a case for change.
Sen. J.D. Vance (R-Ohio), a potential Trump running mate, said in an interview that he sees a clear need for measures to boost participation. “I like the idea of national service. And I’m not talking about in wartime,” he said, calling for more Americans to put “some skin in the game.”
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), the onetime Trump confidant who has recently clashed with the former president, suggested that military recruiters need more leeway to work in the country’s public schools and said, “I will take no option off the table” when it comes to addressing the shortfalls, including compulsory service.
Rob Hood, a former official in the Trump Defense Department and in the George W. Bush White House, said he thinks 18- to 20-year-olds would benefit from gaining “a better appreciation for how great this country is.”
“Who gave them their Social Security numbers? The United States government,” Hood said. “There can be the takers and there can be the givers, and once we’re all a bunch of takers and there are no givers, this country will collapse.”
The Pentagon declined to comment.
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Next Sunday, go to a Quaker Meeting for Worship. Sit in silence and observe.
Afterwards, stay and talk to a few people about the Society of Friends. Become acquainted with their religion.
This will serve you in good stead. The Quaker Conscientious Objector status is universally recognized and accepted as valid.
This is excellent advice. If I read it 30 years ago I would have thought you crazy. Now I agree. Our war mongering corrupt government does not deserve our lives. They cannot be trusted.