Will Trump betray the J6 political prisoners?
Nobody got a fair trial, so a blanket pardon is needed for all the J6 political prisoners on Trump's first day in office. Cherry-picking pardons will likely blow up in Trump's face in 2026.
I’m late in writing this post, but it is necessary to comment on the J6 pardon issue because it bears on the question of Trump’s loyalty to his supporters. I have hammered Trump in older posts for being disloyal to his supporters, even after they put their own lives on the line for him. So it is critical that Trump rise to the occasion on the issue of pardons for the J6 political prisoners by issuing a blanket pardon that covers all of them.
Here is what JD Vance had to say on the J6 pardon issue:
Vance’s comments drew the ire of some Trump supporters and he attempted to backpedal a bit in a post on X:
The problem I have with this is that Garland’s “justice department” mistreated all of them. Additionally, some J6er’s who have been accused of violence were simply defending themselves against violent actions by the cops and undercover federal agents. Yet they have been blamed for acting in self-defense as though the entire situation was their fault.
The solution here is a blanket pardon that covers all of them. None of them should be left behind because of some arbitrary accusation or “conviction” because of violence. Why is it arbitrary? Because none of them got a fair trial. Not a single one of them was treated fairly under the law.
When I wrote my “Open Letter to Fat Orange Retard,” I was furious that Trump did not issue a blanket pardon before leaving office in 2020. Here is some of what I said in that article:
And what about the J6 prisoners? What did you do for them? Nothing that I know about, all you did was run to Florida to lick your wounds and complain to anyone who would listen that the election was stolen from you.
No blanket pardon for the J6 political prisoners, no financial aid for their defense, no nothing from you whatsoever. Why not? Because you never, ever gave a shit about them in the first place. They were just a means to an end for you.
And whose idiotic idea was it to call the J6 rally in the first place? Yours? Kushner’s? Somebody else? To the best of my knowledge, it’s never come out where that awful idea came from, but the consequences were horrific for many of those who were stupid and naive enough to heed your call to go to DC.
Your enemies, as usual, were ten steps ahead of you. Pelosi, the FBI, and goodness knows which other federal agencies, laid their trap well and you stupidly sent your people right into it and then washed your hands of the entire situation when they were arrested and tortured while in federal custody.
Trump could argue back then that his hands were tied, and that perhaps he had been threatened by McConnell or others that if he issued pardons for the J6ers, the Senate Republicans would vote for the second fake impeachment done by Pelosi. I have heard such stories, though I do not know if they are true or not.
But now? No such argument can be made by Trump or Vance. Trump is the lawfully elected president, and he has the biggest mandate in many years. Now it is time for him to use that mandate to issue a blanket pardon for every J6er who has suffered under the unconstitutional and unlawful persecution of the Democrats. There is no valid reason whatsoever for Trump to slowly cherry-pick who gets a pardon and who does not because none of the J6ers were treated fairly.
I also explained the difference between Nancy Pelosi and Donald Trump in my open letter to him:
As much as I dislike Nancy Pelosi, this was the difference between the two of you. You called her a “third-rate politician,” but that was entirely untrue. She was a political pro, and after 2016 she and her people plotted your takedown, and they grabbed power back in 2018 by taking the House. From there it was just a matter of time until you were impeached.
Say what you will about her, she knew what had to be done to destroy you, and she did it. The first impeachment, the trap at the capitol building, the second impeachment, she did everything within her power to destroy you, and she never even considered showing you mercy or “working together” or any of the other bullshit that gets flung around DC by the self-serving, lying politicians. She even ripped up your speech on national TV to humiliate you, and you did nothing to return the favor.
Pelosi would never have abandoned her people, she knows full well that to keep her power she had to deliver for them and to use her power to protect them from their mutual enemies. Peloso never forgot this and acted accordingly throughout your term as president. Her people were always safe from you, and they all knew it.
And you? You were never anything more than an amateur with a big ego. You meddled in power politics that you did not understand, and you were utterly clueless about how and why power is wielded in DC. The people in that town only respect you if they fear you, and the power you can wield against them. You were never feared, but you were laughed at frequently behind your back.
You never understood real political power and you still do not, even after all that has happened. Remember when Antifa and the BLM communists rioted outside the White House, and damn near went in and dragged you out by the roots of your dyed orange hair? A bunch of secret service agents were wounded in what was a real attack and insurrection against the acting head of the GAE’s government.
So what did you do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing whatsoever. From that point on, everybody in Washington knew you were weak and could be attacked with impunity. You never drew blood from your real enemies, not once, not ever in your political career. And no, I’m not talking about the losers you ran against in the Republican primary, I’m talking about the political and power heavyweights that infest the institutions in the capital of the GAE.
If it were Nancy Pelosi who was about to be inaugurated president in 5 days, she would not hesitate for a moment to issue a blanket pardon for her people. She wouldn’t even pause for a single moment to worry about it; she would simply do it because she understands that she owes all of her power to them. EVERY. BIT. OF. IT.
Trump? He is a narcissist, so in his mind his success always goes back to himself, not to the votes of his supporters. So he likely does not feel the sense of obligation that someone like Pelosi would feel toward her supporters. This is the real difference between the two of them, and JD Vance’s comments illustrate this, and it’s obvious he has been talking to Trump.
Not issuing a blanket pardon for the J6 political prisoners also has the potential to piss off and drive away a significant number of votes that Trump needs in 2026. Why does the 2026 election matter in all of this? The Democrats are already plotting to retake the House of Representatives. If they do, then they will run the impeachment playbook on Trump again and paralyze him in his last two years in office. The last half of his second term will be spent in misery as the Democrats use hearings and impeachment to relentlessly attack him at every turn. He will be given no mercy, nor will those in his administration.
The Democrats burn with hatred because of the Drunken Slut’s loss in 2024, and they are already preparing a counterattack in 2026. Trump needs every single vote in 2026 to keep the House under his party’s control. Any screw-ups on the issue of the J6 pardons (and on other issues such as immigration, H1B visas, etc.) have the potential to hand the House back to his enemies by diminishing turnout by Trump supporters. It will be bad enough that Trump himself isn’t on the ballot, but any betrayal of the J6 prisoners will encourage some of his supporters to stay home in 2026.
There is another potential problem with Trump and JD Vance bungling the J6 pardon issue. In his first term, nobody in DC respected or feared Trump whatsoever. Unlike Pelosi, Trump wanted to be liked or even loved by his enemies. That is his narcissistic desire for approval, and that was why he kept trying to “reach out” to them. Instead, he needed to do some “fuck you moves,” like issuing a blanket pardon for the J6 political prisoners. In this second term, Trump must move aggressively as soon as he is in office. Issuing a blanket pardon is a HUGE “fuck you” move and a bitch-slap upside the head of the Democrats who used lawfare against Trump’s supporters.
The Democrats need to be taught a lesson about using lawfare against their political opponents, and a blanket pardon for the J6 prisoners is the most important way Trump can do it. Given that he himself has been a victim of such criminal attacks by the Democrats, he should go all out to smack them hard upside the head. It would set a good example for future presidents, and it would also send the message that Donald Trump stands by his supporters and will use his power to protect them as much as possible.
Remember that the J6 political prisoners have suffered terribly over the last four years. Some of their lives have been completely destroyed, and some have committed suicide. Ashli Babbitt did not even survive to become a prisoner! Why did these people suffer? They believed (rightfully) that the 2020 election had been stolen, and they went to Washington, DC because Donald Trump called them there. They trusted Trump, and then they put their lives on the line for him. He owes them, and he owes them big. Leaving any of them behind because of crooked, fake “convictions” by Democrat-controlled courts will constitute a base betrayal that will cost Trump dearly in 2026 and haunt him in history. He will be remembered as a self-serving narcissist who left his own people high and dry when they needed him.
I do not know how this pardon issue is going to turn out, but the potential for a mega-fuckup that results in Trump betraying some of the J6 political prisoners looms large in this situation. JD Vance and the others working on this issue need to wake up immediately and understand that there will be consequences if they screw this up. Any J6 prisoners that are left behind by cherry-picked pardons will send the message that JD Vance and Donald Trump cannot be trusted to protect their supporters.
You only have one chance to get this right, Donald. Screw it up, and you will suffer the consequences over the last two years of your presidency. 🧐
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At this point anyone who didn't commit serious battery should be let out of jail because they have been adequately [or excessively] punished. Only those who did things like bonk a guard over the head with a fire extinguisher resulting in major damage or death should be behind bars.
We have a serious problem with excessive punishment for small stuff and inadequate punishment for serious stuff. On the former, I'm on the side of BLM. On the latter I'm Mr. Pro Death Penalty.
Excellent analysis Morg.