14 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

Morgthorak, husband and I have just now returned from the Tucker Carlson/Jack Posobiec/Alex Jones confabulation in Reading Pa. As I sat, watching, listening, I thought: here on stage are 3 males, Caucasian of ancestry, (and all 3 of Christian persuasion). So good to see unapologetically-male males (of course, I keep one of those with me at home....)

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13 hrs ago·edited 13 hrs agoAuthor

I met Posobiec once when I was in my human form, and found him to be a fine fellow. Little did he know that he was meeting an undead! I thought he was intelligent, kind, and down to earth, though he is Polish so of course he has no common sense. You know how those polarks are! I kid, I kid. Take no offense Polish readers. 😉

It sounds like you and your husband had a wonderful time together. Bravo! 👍🏻

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13 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

Where I grew up, western Mass. mill town, they were “Polaks”. [“My people” had arrived 3 ½ centuries earlier….] There were two Polish catholic churches: the Polish RC and the Polish National (in that one all services in Polish). My brother, on the kids’ hockey team, was, we joked, the only one whose name didn’t end with “ski”. And a fun thing now, is that Poso’s hometown, the county seat, is contiguous to my township. He speaks of the city in his growing up years, which were the same years (as well as a few years earlier) when I took my first-born, and then second-born, for Water Babies, to the YWCA, which organization then asked me to become the Water Baby instructor….used to take my little ones to the Children’s Department of the Public Library on Powell and Swede (Poso mentioned living on Powell, I recall).

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Ha, ha. Love the "ski" thing. Gotta love the poles! 😅

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11 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

Paid up for the year. I hope all goes well with your health issues. Speaking as a former tradesman, doesn't the winter suck?

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Thank you very much, sir, I do appreciate it. Yes, winter is tough. It would be better to have a comfortable laptop job where you sat in the house and just didn’t have to go out into the cold and bad roads and what not. 😂

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4 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

Okay, so do I understand right that when I bung you some caffeine, you don't know it's me, as there is no pass-through of info from BMAC to Substack? Makes sense now I think about it from a security point of view !

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The only way I might be able to figure it out is if you were using the same email. Or the same screen name. Otherwise it’s hard to tell who’s donating what so you can comp them for the time. I have done the best I could, but I have run into problems where I simply can’t figure out who the person is.In some cases, sometimes people will do the anonymous type donation so then you don’t really have any idea of who it is to do something for them.

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44 mins agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

Okay. I will have a think about what I do in future then. I saw your note about contacting you on email so that might be an option. Or just doing the regular sub. Good luck with the plan, I hope it helps keep the lights and heating on etc.

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I’ve wondered why Substack doesn’t buy BMAC or just build something like it for tips into the interface. Some people don’t want paid subs, so some sort of tipping would be helpful.

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5 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

As I recall I was having trouble with BMAC last time for unknown reasons. Don't forget to post alternatives (paypal, bitcoin, whatever else the kids these days are using). Particularly if you find yourself in a tight spot again this winter.

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Yes, I do have a bitcoin link at the bottom of my articles, but most people don’t seem to use bitcoin here. Everybody likes Buy Me a Coffee rather than using crypto. I don’t know why, but that seems to have been the way it works since the beginning when I started on Substack. Just a few people use crypto.

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6 hrs agoLiked by Morgthorak the Undead

Do current paying subs get the discount too?

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It depends on when you did your paid subscription, if you want me to check I can and I’ll just add extra time to your subscription to give you the same discount as exist now. Sort of an extension so it works out to be the same price.Just let me know.

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