Mar 10Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Ditto on your sentiments regarding our rulers. A pathetic display of the parasitic nature of those that seek public office.

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Mar 10Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

2 things.

1) Joe Biden has now apologised for saying illegal but not for getting Laken Riley’s name wrong EVEN THOUGH IT WAS ON THE FREAKING PIN HE WAS HOLDING.

2) I’ve been saying for months that’s why they’re bringing illegals over. I learned it from Tim Pool and he’s been saying it for 2 years I think. It’s disgusting they can do that.

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Mar 10Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The Carey Birmingham story is up the road from me a few minutes. It is only bizarre in that it was recorded for posterity. This shooting and the sentence isn’t too far from the norm in what you’d expect. The father of a girl I was dating a few years back had shot and killed a man in the mid 80’s who he’d witnessed breaking into his neighbor’s trailer. He waited outside until the burglar re-emerged and said “you fucked up now” before shooting him. Right around this area. Never arrested, just a pat on the back.

I’m going to use that Carey Birmingham quote to end my phone calls.

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Mar 9Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

It has been more than 4,000 years since the woolly mammoth last walked the Earth, but these extinct giants might not be gone for good.

Why would they try to bring a mammoth back? They'd only have to kill it because of Methane farts.

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If they try to kill the newly reborn mammoths, I shall make my last stand with them! 🤬

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Mar 9Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

To be honest, most people loathe the undead. I mean they either want to suck your blood, eat your brains or shamble slowly toward you whilst wrapped in linen rags.

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You are confusing us with ghouls, zombies, vampires, and mummies. We are none of them.

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Mar 9Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

All the undead say that…

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Mar 9Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Another good recap of news Morg, thank you. This makes it easier for me to get the info I need to say informed.

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Look at the slob in the driveway and one can understand the wife’s stepping out. The jury is an obvious symptom of how sick this society has become. Bleeding heart fucking whiney little Karens.

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The contempt (((they))) have for us is religious in nature, they literally see Goyim as inferior and suited only to be servants to "the chosen people" who get spend their lives in contemplation as to what they perceive to be God. Shabbos Goys are the worst, as there is no religious or tribal motivation, just pure sociopathic greed and lust for power.

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Also, this business of doing ((( ))) just makes your posts look trashy. If you are going to talk about jews, just type the word "jew" or "jews" and be done with it. The ((( ))) is unnecessary and spam-like.

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It's a habit the old alt-right got into on censored platforms, I consider to be an in-joke.

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right, but you’re not being censored on this platform. And it’s just kind of old and sort of tiresome at this point, don’t you think?

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Mar 9Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I'll tell you what, I will not use them when I respond to your long post essays, but I do not promise not to use them on my own Substack, lol.

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I think it's funny, are we not allowed to have a sense of humor?

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((( for your own brood,))) (((the 1%))) Do people really just not get this? Or are you all afraid to name the Jew?

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Mar 9·edited Mar 9Author

The problem with your approach is that you are focused solely on jews. By doing so you allow the rest of them to get off the hook. Do you really believe that ALL of the elites in the GAE are jews? Every single one of them? At all levels of power and influence? That is silly and not accurate.

If you are going to name jews, then be specific about it. Which jews are you talking about? What positions of power or money do they hold? Are there non-jews in those positions? Who are they? Name all of the elites, not just the jews. Otherwise, you are talking out your ass and letting every other non-jew rich bastard in the country off the hook.

A better way to identify these people across the board is the amount of money they have, and how that money is used to buy the politicians, judges, media, etc. Money tells the tale about jew and non-jew. Money exposes all of the elites, from those at the very top to those at the very bottom of the wealth tree.

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It is undergirded by an ideology in the Talmud that the Jews were bitter that Jesus predicted the destruction of the 2nd temple if Jews didn't accept Jesus as Messiah which came to pass. The Jews reacted with fury having Jesus boiling in excrement in the Talmud and basically setting themselves apart. Since the post 2nd temple Talmudic Jews did not consider charging usury interest a sin like was true in the Old Testament, New Testament and Islam they wound up very rich as the money lenders in the middle ages and basically funded what came to be known as "capitalism." If you are interested in this subject this is literally a 1400 page book on the subject.


Free version:


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"Do you really believe that ALL of the elites in the GAE are jews?"

No of course not, the Jews have no power without Shabbos Goys. I actually think the Shaboos Goys are more loathsome as they don't have the excuse of making shekels to strengthen their tribe.

I do think a close examination of the Talmud, Jew usury, and looking at how Jews fuel global wars is a powerful lens to understand both history and contemporary society. We ought not sweep it under the rug just because it is an uncomfortable subject.

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