
Apologies for the three people who voted in the poll, I had to add an option for Biden staying in and it reset the poll. You can vote again though, no problem.

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Ah, yea, I had the old one cache'd I guess.

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Michelle Obama recently said that Trump was an existential threat to "democracy," but running for president was "not in my soul."

Revealing, because if Trump really were a threat to our imaginary democracy, then what does that make Michelle for refusing to stand up and stop him?

That's why I don't think we'll see Michelle; she simply doesn't want or need the job. More likely Kamala, as she can play the racist and misogynist card, too, and white liberal Democrats can feel good about themselves for supporting her.

Besides, the Democratic Party is a money-laundering operation, not a political party. All those millions of bucks already sucked up by the Biden campaign can be smoothly transferred to Harris, but not to anyone else.

Dem Rule #1: The grift must flow.

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Both so called “political parties “ are deeply corrupt. One is the money laundering operation. The other simply goes about making the money; they’re “The Front”.

Right now the money makers are costuming themselves as “conservative” and “God fearing” : tomorrow?, it will be something else:


as long as it keeps the “peons” in line !

Who cares?

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I can see why she wouldn't want the direct job as POTUS, which is high stress, but I can easily see her as VP giving her and Obomba an essence puppet in the form of Kamala to direct, while staying out of the line of fire of the POTUS. The real power is always behind the throne.

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

America 2.0. Banana republic edition.

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Banana republic would be a big step up from where it is now.

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Right ON!

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

If I were to hazard a guess I would say Kamala Prez and Big Mike VP. The progressive brainwashed crowd would swoon at the idea of black female in essence co-Presidents, they automatically go for anything that seems (pseudo) subversive. They probably imagine 2 terms of Kamala and then 2 terms of big Mike. Whether that will fly in rustbelt swing states among white men they need to win is doubtful and I think they'd lose, but progs have so much hubris and confidence in their media spin machine, that it may be their undoing.

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Not to disagree Mr. Raven, isn't Kamala indian? Just curious why she goes around calling herself black when she isn't and doesn't look it. Just wondering why she and the media call her black and wondering if you could clarify this one for me as it is fairly weird on her part.

You're very likely right about the progs and the media. I still don't understand how, given the facts, data and voting patterns throughout the Empire they can still deceive themselves.

Oh and hope you've been well good sir haven't interacted with you in a bit.

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Indian/Jamaican cross if I recall correctly.

AnybodyNotWhiteSkinned is the New Black

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

People of color don'tcha know. Not to be confused with colored people, which if you say makes you a bad, evil, nasty mean racist, sob.

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Ah d’acc, I didn’t know. I just found it weird is all, because to be black I always figured you need to be from Africa or African descent in the US.

(I know there’s like 50 different African ethnicities in Africa don’t shoot me)

Honestly, speaking to Black-Americans it’s amusing how many get annoyed and outright hate her.

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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Jamaican is black. So she is half black like Obama. Strangely the progs just like the KKK basically have a one drop rule to determine blackness, while also disingenuously claiming race is a "social construct." Your problem is you are trying to make the prog worldview make sense, when it doesn't.

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Possibly ?,


However Big Mike ?, might be Big John from

PA, or possibly a Governor from Maryland? Must be from a “Swing State”..(or a southern one will do in a pinch!.


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Jul 12·edited Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Does anyone else get a notice that you need to subscribe in order to vote on the poll? It happens to me everytime on SS, despite already being subbed.

Great summation, lots of twistings of the knife, so glad I don't work in politics any longer, but dealing with a Rentier to get a deposit back this past week brought back all the memories. My guess is that nothing gets resolved until the DNC, and Harris gets the nomination.

Also, I'm gonna predict that Trump choose Byron Daniels as his VP, due to the Obama threat.

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Who the fuck is Byron Daniels? Doesn't Trump realize he pretty much HAS to nominate Vance to secure the white male rustbelt vote he needs to win?

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Daniels is in Congress, great speaker and sharp mind. Trumps already said he'd make a great VP.

Vance is too much a loner imo for Trump and has a lot of baggage from things he's stated. If Trump doesn't mind (but he does) that ticket is OK, but not special. Trump already has that vote, its his base.

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Meh, a lot of people in the Midwest’s vote for Trump rises or falls on America First. If he choses someone like neo-con Rubio many of us are out.

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Its the cities, esp inner, where Trump gets trounced. Daniels is strong on freedom. Hell no to Rubio. He brings nothing but Uniparty.

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The end game is Barry’s 4th term as President.

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Tucker Carlson if I remember right released an interview with one of Obomba's male prostitutes, dude didn't sound like he was lying to me,

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Yeah, I think I remember hearing about that before, I didn't doubt him either.

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

“Slimy/ Backstabbing”:

Describes #45 very well.

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You are being polite and charitable in your description of him. 😂

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Jul 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I will always be at the ready to act in a polite fashion.

I was trained in the fine art of telling someone to go to straight in to hades:

and make certain they enjoy the trip!

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Biden will be the nominee. The movers and shakers in the Dem party literally can't do anything to get him out unless he dies, and I don't think they'll go that far. If they could have removed him before now, they would have done so already.

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Nope, see the front page of the Daily Mail now. All the top Democrats have told him to leave, he'll be gone by Sunday likely.

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the plan to steal another election, pretty simple:

Dominion/SmartMatic/mail-in ballots

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