May 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

While I obviously don't know the folks on here personally, from what I can tell, New Right Poast/Dudley New Right seems pretty solid and does a good job providing quick overviews of a wide range of interesting content. He's definitely featured some solid writers pretty prominently, like John Carter, Mark Bisone, Grant Smith, Librarian of Caelano, Neoliberal Feudalism (including a feature of his excellent essay about the relationship between the Jews and the central bank owners: https://newrightpoast.substack.com/p/the-38-based-reads-of-2023?utm_source=post-banner&utm_medium=web&utm_campaign=posts-open-in-app&post_id=140374440&triedRedirect=true). As for him not taking payments, there could be other reasons for that. Maybe he makes enough from his dayjob that he doesn't need to bother with it, or maybe he doesn't want to doxx himself to the payment processor? It could be I'm naive, but I haven't seen anything from him that would make me distrust him or what he's doing on the NRP.

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A fair counterpoint to my article, Daniel. Kudos. 👍🏻

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"maybe he doesn't want to doxx himself to the payment processor?"


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May 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

(As an outsider non-Westerner who does not belong to Left, Right or Centre):

Agreed with your overall point that Zionism is the key ‘right wing issue’ these days. Loyalty to the ‘Israelis’ is what keep the Lauren Southerns & Jordan Petersons of the world continue to get paid.

Which I tend to find amusing… simply because this is very familiar to the early 2000s when Mossad et al were funneling billions to manufacture anti-Islamic sentiment… the more things change, the more they stay the same!

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"Follow the money, and it'll usually lead you to the truth."--My father

Well, you TRIED to follow the money here, but there seems to be no money to follow, at least not from genuine Substack subscriptions, therefore the money must be coming from elsewhere.

Good job, Undead One, good job.

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Thanks, OB, glad you liked the article.

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May 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The line between actual Israeli shill and "I'll ignore that" ally-ism is thin. Mayhaps if he really does have a backer they are of the tribe?

As for the ecelebs there is a large segment of this side of culture that adores celebrity drama. He may be here for the drama more than the politics or philosophy.

I treat NRP as a tabloid, with all of its editor's whims and assumptions on full display.

The engagement thing is odd though. Granted I have never once felt urge to do more than like his posts. He seems more like a twitter entity than substacker, might want to contrast there. Likewise he has made note hardly anyone listens to his podcasts, so he is a bit aware of it.

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Good points, I should have checked his Twitter feed and included that in the article. MIght be some gems there to find.

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Also, the assumption that anyone who generally supports Israel is a “Zionist shill” is ridiculous.

More than half the country generally supports Israel.

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May 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Lauren Southern alone suggests funding is from the same guys who fund Rebel News.

Just a heads up.

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May 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Snidely Whiplash will emerge soon enough. Israel has LOST the PR war, they are very obviously investigating every route and avenue to regain Narrative control. They will drop the big bombs on the big stuff like TikTok but an Act-IL 2.0 (3.0, 4.0 etc) will be far more subtle and has to be for a better informed public harbouring far greater disillusionment. Back to basics, good propaganda is mixed with the truth and the war for digital hearts and minds is in overdrive. Never forget - if it looks like a duck ad goes "quack" it's probably a duck.

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Someone I respect, said something about our movement being potentially co-opted by our enemies, if we weren’t vigilant, months ago!

You are right to be wary!

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May 14Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You may have a point. Look at the most recent New Right Poast and look at the last entry in the "A/V of the Week" section about Matt Walsh.


In the video, Walsh tries to make the point that it's patriotic to put America first and not blindly support any nation over America, and the shills around him shut him down. He's making a pretty straight forward and fair point. It isn't even anti-Israel, it's fairly mild. But apparently the NRP thinks Israel is more important than America and that Matt was "BTFOd". They even use the word "kek". They are trying to use the language of the "anti-semites" to SUPPORT semites. The people who use the word "kek" do not support Israel.

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We will see the full story on that site come out eventually. I believe I am right about it, but time will tell. If they post a response as I think they will, I will link it as I did the Librarian's and then people can make up their own mind.

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NRP is probably looking at monetization long term - Build a base of readers, then monetize via author interviews, advertisements, etc. Or he's not looking to monetize at all. Some people just do it for the love of the subject. I mean, none of us are going to get rich being right-wing. We chose the wrong side if that was the goal.

Also the lack of comments is probably more due to the content than to some nefarious means. NRP is entirely derivative, so there's nothing to talk about. If he links a great essay, I'm going to talk about the essay THERE, not at the NRP.

Being bought by a billionaire was in the public consciousness in 2022. Musk had just bought Twitter, and the Babylon Bee was making jokes all the time about wanting to be bought out too.

He regularly highlights memes that make fun of prominent Jews, especially Ben Shapiro. Feels like a stretch to me, man. He's doing good work.

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"Also the lack of comments is probably more due to the content than to some nefarious means. NRP is entirely derivative, so there's nothing to talk about. If he links a great essay, I'm going to talk about the essay THERE, not at the NRP."

Precisely so

I read NRP. Some of it I like, some of it I don't. He's a witty guy with a very good grasp of the jargon. He associates light-heartedly with mischlings such as Peachy Keenan and that Simpson dood (high verbal IQ makes em good co-comperes--concentrate on the *positives*!) but doesn't kowtow. I don't see any big problem with NRP. It's basically entertainment, not to be taken too seriously.

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While I am uncertain about NRP him making fun of the clown jews put in front is not unusual. Game theory wise you figure you'd want to give people a reason to buy you out, similar to how Drudge had a very different attitude towards Trump before and after buyout. So you go broadsides to get a big readership then, in theory, you'd sell lightening the foot off the pedal for specific topics or revving up on others. Why would anyone pay for a publication that already does what they want?

The reason these hub aggregators like Drudge and Reddit are so obviously, historically, targeted for buyout is because people will eventually outsource looking up things to read to gatekeepers. No one can deny that Drudge and Reddit were targeted very hard, murderously so with some rumors, simply because they were a go to for specific crowds.

Is NPR, I mean NRP, attempting to become a buyout? I don't know and he seems to actually be having fun. WILL he be targeted as such if he attains any success? Yes. We already saw the emails where the Biden administration was offering cash money to any instagram or onlyfans girl above a certain popularity threshold who fit certain demographics. It's not a question that the powers that be try to take over any op that is a potential gatekeeper. Again, see Drudge and Reddit.

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I sincerely hope the Feds haven't already shown up at our little corner of the Internet - But I also wouldn't be surprised if they were.

Agreed, Reddit was a big win for them, I think bigger than Drudge since Google heavily references it. But one reason Substack has had such success was the oppressive censorship on Reddit; maybe the Feds are just playing free-speech whack-a-mole. We just have to keep ahead of them.

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May 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Check out AA's recent "What Israel has revealed" podcast.

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May 16Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I listened to their recent podcast and they were running the "it's impossible to protest and or get any support for protests against Israel because it's too unknowable and too hard to understand the conflict"

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Almost all of the “right wing dissident” Substacks are Zionists.

Anyone with a goofy 1980s fantasy book cover profile picture should be disregarded as Zionists as well.

I will admit there is a good point to this… it should make all of us a lot more wary of those who profess to “speak the truth”.

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I dunno, I haven’t dug into the soy meat and instant potatoes of your Substack, but I’ll say NRP is pretty entertaining overall. Strange to reduce their broad reaching content to the dumb “are they secret zionists” question or whatever. This guy doesn’t give a single fig about Israel or Palestine. Take your ancient sandbox fight back to your own sandbox, thank you.

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Dudley Newright - spin on Dudley Doright (of the Northwest Mounted Police) cartoon from the 60s?

NRP just NPR spelled wrong?

Paid writers on a free stack with only 4k subs??

Nothing adds up.

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Ive also noticed something else that pings my radar. I have been getting “following” and “follow” notifications from profiles that have pictures of attractive women. Usually the account a very new, and have very few posts. Mostly just stacking of others work.

Since my appearance, convictions, and demeanor are generally off-putting and never bring unsolicited attention from attractive females IRL, this immediately raises my suspicion. Seems like a good old honey pot ploy. I write nothing on Substack, save commenting. Why are they following me? Why do they send me random messages that simply say “hi”?

So yes, we need to be wary of Mr. Newright, and the other ploys that are all too often employed elsewhere. Admiral Ackbar lives rent free in my head, “It’s a trap!”

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Unlikely follows and messages from apparently attractive women are standard clickbait technique on much of social media. Not so much honeypot, but another way of extracting personal information, money etc.

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"So the site has gone nearly two whole years without taking a dime in paid subs?"

I have more than 1,000 subs (including direct on my site) and don't take a dime.

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