Dec 30, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Obama was awful but there at least seemed to be a (terrible) sort of method to the madness. Biden seems like he’s just firing aimlessly at all times. No direction or competence. Like a fusion of Mr. Magoo and the mayor from Blazing Saddles.

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There's a plan alright. Brandon is just a face on TV. Our Luciferian overlords are simply destroying anything and everything associated with the "Old Normal" to plug in their Great Reset.

Brandon's in charge of exactly two things: (1) telling his nanny it's time for a diaper change and (2) choosing 'nilla puddin' or applesauce at snack time.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

It's illegal, so it will have to be paid back someday from printed money. So giving that money to Ukraine is really no different than giving US taxpayer money to Ukraine, it's just that they can't get congress to do that in a straightforward way. But no one will object because they will have been fooled. Plus, I'm sure that at least one percent of that can be stolen and redistributed back to DC, so I predict one more win for Biden and Co. Lots of black money for the DAMP cities in '24.

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Dec 31, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Biden has been an absolute train wreck as president, I don’t think anyone could have predicted just how bad he would be after he stole the 2020 election. Yet, he has also sped up the end of the Globalist American Empire by decades!

Obama, for one, predicted it. "Biden can fuck up a good thing." That and Biden's 47 years of bad ideas in the House and Senate.

Now the situation is about to become even worse as nation-states around the world fully understand that not only can they be cut off from the SWIFT system, but all of their assets in Western banks can be confiscated (stolen) any time the GAE’s government wishes to do so.

To any rational foreign government, that would be an act of war, and I wouldn't blame them for thinking so.

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In a way we are blessed with Biden's stupidity. But part of this is Obama's fault, he was the one that schemed to get Biden the nomination and put him into office by stealing the election. So Obama can take a look in the mirror if he doesn't like what biden has done.

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Dec 30, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The Biden regime is being run by Obama, anyone who thinks this degenerate, dementia patient is running the show is not looking at reality. I really appreciate your posting of the video outlining what a disgusting pedo this creep has been all his life. How “Dr. Jill” can live with this monster tells you a lot about who she is.

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Yes, he is disgusting. He's done far worse than what is in that video, but too many people are unaware of his behavior. He is a monster in that sense. I felt so bad for that little girl, you can tell how uncomfortable she is and how she tries to move away from him.

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Do you mean showering with his daughter, Ashley? Mom seemed to not have a problem with that. Could you mean swimming in the nude in front of female Secret Service officers?

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His own son referred to him as "pedo pete." That says it all if you ask me. Who knows what he did to his own kids? And the creepy video of that poor little girl is just one of many out there of him touching kids.

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Yes, but what about the parents? Why was there no objection? Why bring their child in the first place? Credentialast, careerast, wannabe authoritarians. Biden's just a pedo, ok. What kind of parent brings their kid to a pedo? Why don't we know the name of those parents? Some normal parent lets their kid out in the front yard to play, it's on the news. Why not know the name of the parent who brings their kid to a guy who squeezes a little kid's chest? Shame them, and it stops. Anti-credentialism takes away their power.

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JFC, let's be careful what Russia wishes for. The big question I have is where will the money flow if not into the US$ and Euro. If foreign investment inflows to the west dry up that's the end of the dollar as reserve currency because its the investment money that really created the reserve currency in the first place. Using the US$ for trade helped spread dollars around the world (along with allowing foreign banks with Federal Reserve connections to print US$) but its the flows back into US$ investment that keeps the money printer going.

So given all the money invested in US$ investments, it won't be easy to just extract those funds and then the question is where to move it to once extracted. China isn't opening its economy to massive foreign investment and they're the only ones big enough to handle all that dough. I'm not saying this move won't be calamitous I just have questions about the mechanism and the timing that I'm not sure anyone has the answers to.

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And I should add that if the US$ collapses look out below for all of us because none of us is going to come out clean. If you have investments (I do not) they will tank, including your house. Unemployment may spike to levels higher than the Great Depression and US$ default will be the only way out. As the man says, debts that can't be paid won't be paid. The entire world economy will face collapse and it will take down China and all the rest given how much the US/EU buy from the rest of the world.

It needs to happen I guess but despite all the corruption and oligarchic madness going on I'm still not looking forward to it.

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I do not think the dollar based system is going to collapse overnight. That does not serve anyone's interests, as you pointed out. But I think it will change slowly over time, and I think that is what Russia, China, etc. are preparing for now.

They are not stupid, and they do not want the world's financial system to blow up suddenly, but they know that the dollar based system as it is now cannot go on forever either.

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Who knows? I do not, but if it's a choice between trying to put it somewhere else and risking having it seized, what would most sane nations do?

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Massive widespread financial destruction is exactly what our Luciferian overlords have planned. Such an event serves to pave a way for CBDC and social credit scoring. I don't think that Brandon's plan, if executed, will be the final nail in the coffin. That will come with a false flag cyber attack on the internet that crashes financial transactions. The fix will be CBDC and digital identity verification for internet access, thus providing an overlay for social credit scoring systems.

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I hope you are wrong about that, but I wouldn't be shocked if you were right.

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What replaces the Empire?

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Who can tell? But we will find out in due time.

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My god you beleive the lies of these two. They have taken money to lie ever since the not war started, sorry , unsubing from this drivel.

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Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Tazzy. Also, you would have more credibility if you had actually posted at least one article of your own. 🙄

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Yeah, Mercouris gets the Putin bux big time. This is a person who has no ability to read people at all. My advice: don't ever get into poker.

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Is there any proof that Alexander is taking Putin's money? As I understand it, the Duran is funded by its viewers, ad money on rumble, etc. I've never seen any evidence he's on the take by Putin. Or were you joking? I couldn't tell from your message.

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RemovedDec 30, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead
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Tazzy has been shown the door, and will not comment again here.

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