Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

That's not exactly promoting stability. She's just two years younger than Trump. She is a globalist. She doesn't care about people. She has had a hand in the deaths of people.

She is a career criminal. She got fired from the Nixon Impeachment.

She's unethical. She sold uranium to Russia. She has taken bribes.

Why are we replacing a criminal with a criminal?

Or is just proving that the democrats are nothing but criminals and the DNC is a mafia style racket?

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All of that is why she has lasted in politics for as long as she has; from her perspective, everything you listed is a virtue! 😂

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You’re right, she has a perfect resume for the job! 😞

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Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

God help us. We deserve better. I just cannot abide that woman.

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She's got to get through Kamala first, and who knows? Maybe Kamala has some tricks up her sleeve we don't know about? Could be a very nasty battle at that convention, if it isn't settled beforehand.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

She is the WORST, I'd literally rather be ruled by Stalin or Hitler.

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Indeed, but can you blame her? She thought she'd never get another chance to run, and now Biden has dropped it right into her lap! All that stands between her and the nomination is air-head Kamala.

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The problem with Hitlerly from the DIm's perspective is she is unlikeable, white, and old. If I were to hazard a guess, I would guess the Dims will go with 2 relatively youngish women of color and will blather a lot of nonsense about a bright shiny new "progressive" future for America, which is of course really the same old war, and authoritarianism to a hip hop beat.

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I’d rather Stalin and Hitler were married and then had an unholy child together and that child, known as “The Destroyer” were to rule us, than Hillary.

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Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

If Hillary decides to go down this path, Kamala had better tweet ten times per hour that she is fine and in good spirits and not depressed at all.

Then, The Cackle, so we know it’s really her ❤️

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Good point, but Kamala has Secret Service protection so she'll be...oh wait. Nevermind.

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Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You have to admire her drive and determination. She has grit. Evil as hell, but grit.

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She never gives up, I’ll give her that. She’s wanted to be president for many years, and now she sees an unexpected opportunity opening up.

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Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Dems didn’t like her then, doubt they will approve now. Although she is Shrillary. How is her health besides the Chardonnay addiction?

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Good question on her health, I do not know. But if they put her in they are betting that she’ll be fine. It would be amusing to see her pass out again and then watch them have to stuff her into a van like last time. 😂

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If it is Hitelery that will motivate me to get out and vote against her. I loath her more than can be expressed in mere human language.

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I see no alternative to her whatsoever, which is what I've said from the beginning. The Dems are screwed. Biden can't run, Kamala is a retard, and there is nobody else who can step into a national campaign with 3.5 months left until the election. No other Democrat can do it, so it has to be Hillary. There is no one else.

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Meh, there are lots of other flunkies, Big Mike, Newsome, my own state's horrible governor. And there is the fact they want to keep the 250 mil so they have strong incentive to keep Harris on the ticket, tard or not.

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They can keep her as VP, but not at the top. Newsome can't run a national campaign in 3 months, neither can the rest of them.

It's Hill Dog or nobody.

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Never underestimate how stupid normies are. A lot of normies would swoon at Taylor Swift and Newsome on their big tee vee. I am really starting to think democracy is a bad idea TBH.

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That's why the founding fathers set the country up as a republic, not a democracy. But now it's not even a republic any more. It's a fascist oligarchy.

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Dunno why she'd want to lose again, but I look forward to finding out who she blames it on this time.

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Aaaah, you put your finger on an interesting point. Will she lose? She is popular enough to push the Democrats higher, toward the numbers they need to pull off a win by cheating.

Much will depend on the campaign she chooses to run. I have an idea of how she could do it, but I'll save it for an article I might write once her nomination is confirmed.

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Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I think they're gonna have to cheat a lot harder this time around. If it seemed obvious last time, this time will be a parody.

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Honest question - what cheating occurred in '20? I've obviously heard the statement thrown around plenty but nothing has been factually processed through courts. I remember trump bitching and moaning about cheating all the way through the '16 campaign, too. It just went away once his team took the EC win.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

Politicians always complain about cheating when they lose, and they're never wrong - it really does happen on a large scale - but it sounds like sour grapes since both teams are always doing all the cheating they can get away with.

Social media and search engine result manipulation and burying the Hunter Biden laptop story are at the top of my list of concerns for the last election.

And the voting machines being insecure, though there's no definitive proof that their insecurities were exploited since attempts to audit them have been chronically blocked, but this is a nearly 20 year old problem and also probably goes both ways.

The real problem that Trump has is less that the other team is cheating and more that his own team is unwilling to match their efforts.

Oh, as for nothing going through the courts, yeah, a lot of effort is made to make sure that doesn't happen. Nobody wants a repeat of 2000, would be a charitable interpretation of that. But really, they'd all get caught with their pants down and nobody wants that either.

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There is surely still a gaggle of strong Hillary supporters, but time and discontentment have taken of their fill. I wouldn’t anticipate a lot of new converts to her side.

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Interesting, not far off from what seems to be happening.

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Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Martin Armstrong is super connected behind the scenes and globally. often hear the truth from him months or years ahead.

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Tell him to do a Substack. He could get a lot of subscribers. If he does one, I get 15% of the sub money as his agent. 😂

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Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

haha. Substack should pay him directly. i think a decade ago, his website was receiving 400,000 unique visitors a month or something crazy like that.

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If the Democrats nominate Hillary, they're doing it because they think more grift will flow their way from donors with her as the nominee as opposed to someone else. They may even be right; I'm not a sociopathic billionaire donor so I don't know.

They certainly know she can't win without rigging the election as obviously as the assassination attempt on Trump was a setup, but winning isn't the most important thing. The grift must flow; that's the most important thing.

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This MUST happen. We’ve already pushed the boundaries on this election beyond ever before. Let’s make it one for the ages. YES Biden/Clinton … the Disrespect Tour!! This time it is also personal, but even more personal-er!!

Hulk Hogan to referee. Email all your friends! Das Vedanya! I mean … USA! USA!

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It will be a very nasty election with Trump and Hillary, but likely wildly entertaining as well. You can't really ask for more than that from an election.

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Sorry dude but Hitlery Clit-on really has you beat with the whole undead schtick.

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How dare you, sir! How dare you! 🤬 😉

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Jul 21Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Greta is that you?

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Ive been saying Michelle …

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No, she is lazy and she has a more acidic personality than Hillary. Hillary at least has the grace to pretend to smile, but Michelle just scowls and looks peeved that she has to deal with the peasants.

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I actually think a Harris Big Mike ticket is likely. The woke crowd can swoon over TWO WOMEN OF COLOR, and the D.C. insider crowd can swoon over the Obombas being in the Whitehouse directly again.

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No way would they risk that, and they can't dump Kamala off the bottom of the ticket if they want the $240 million in contributions Biden has already.

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You underestimate how crazy and dedicated to the cause (tm) they are.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21Author

Money talks though, and it won't be easy for them to replace that money in 3 months. I'm not saying they couldn't do it, but it would all have to be given back if Kamala is not on the ticket.

If it's a Hillary/Kamala ticket, Hillary better watch out around Kamala at the White House. Don't think Kamala wouldn't give her a shove down a long flight of stairs or something. 😂

Edit: Assuming they win, of course.

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Does she have any money? I mean big money?

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Now that Kamala is the presumed nominee, does Hillary run against her? Or, heaven forfend, Clinton-Harris “why not the worst?”

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Pour a bucket of water onto a sloped roof and pretty soon you’ll hear the dulcet tones of “I’m melting!! I’m melting!! Oh, what a world! … I blame Putin!”

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I still believe if she had won in '16 out nation would have invaded ("liberated") Venezuela within the first year once she was unable to get any legislation passed. I'd still expect something along those lines this time, too. Not saying that's necessarily better than the obnoxious shit that'll flow from a king trump reiign, just laying down my marker. Again, giant douche vs turd sandwich. Why can't we just have a rational parliament type system instead of this "2" party farce which consistently exploits all of us?

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