Deadpool and Wolverine: A non-woke film worth seeing?
The Hollywood morons have finally released a funny super-hero movie that doesn't take itself too seriously, and the woke commie movie critics are up in arms about it!
I grew up reading Marvel and DC Comics, but I stopped reading them many years ago. It was apparent to me even back then where both companies were going, and so I’ve tried to mostly avoid their products. Why would I want to pay for comics or movies that push woke communism and that vandalize the characters created by older generations who could actually tell a good story?
The woke commies can only mar, they can never make, and everything they touch turns to shit. And, unfortunately, for far too long, the commies have been running Marvel and DC. You can see that in the execrable comics they’ve produced over the last twenty years or so. Most of it is pure garbage that I wouldn’t read if you gave it to me for free, and that I certainly wouldn’t pay a cent to acquire.
So when I heard there was going to be a Deadpool and Wolverine movie, I didn’t much care until I ran into an article this morning on Breitbart. Apparently, this new movie caught the attention of some of the woke movie reviewers, and it has outraged them. Well, as soon as I saw that, I knew I had to find out more about the film.
First, here’s a quote from the Breitbart article, so you know the background:
Marvel’s Deadpool & Wolverine is one of the few unqualified hits of the summer, drawing audiences all over the world with its mix of action and R-rated comedy. But one group isn’t having a good time — LGBTQ+ movie critics, who are calling out the movie for its numerous gay jokes.
Deadpool & Wolverine features an abundance of “gay panic” jokes made at the expense of its two male superhero protagonists: the spandex-dressed Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) and his extremely muscular buddy Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). Since Deadpool’s sexuality has long been a matter of enjoyable speculation among fans — he is “pansexual” in the original comic — many viewers are interpreting the jokes as something of an in-joke themselves, taking the franchise’s ambiguously gay subtext to another, often raunchier level.
Gay movie critics aren’t laughing.
The Guardian critic Guy Lodge led the grievance parade, slamming the movie for what he deemed was its “schoolyard homophobia.”
“Same-sex attraction is thus treated as little more than a gag, neither fulfilled nor corrected by the film itself,” he wrote.
“It’s a taunting akin to juvenile schoolyard homophobia, scarcely remedied by Deadpool himself being queer-identified. At this point, the next time Disney dredges up the character, it might be more progressive to draw less attention to his pansexuality. That, or simply let him fuck Wolverine.”
Ha, ha, ha! Priceless! These woke movie reviewers are the modern prudes who can’t take a joke and who take themselves and their ideology way too seriously. As soon as I saw that they were upset, I knew I had to dig into this movie and see what else it had to offer. I can’t tell you how much it pleases me that these people are upset about “Deadpool and Wolverine!” That alone almost guarantees that many people like me will go to the theater to watch it, purely to spite the woke commie biddies who can’t stand for anybody else to have a good time.
One very funny bit was embedded in the Breitbart article and here it is for your enjoyment:
Here are some other trailers to check out:
It looks pretty good, doesn’t it? I know some of you have written off the “cape-shit movies,” but here’s the thing: Deadpool and Wolverine don’t have capes. So there goes that argument down the tubes! 😉
Given the nature of some of the humor, I’m glad they went with an “R” rating for this film. It would have been a shame if they’d tried to tone it down for the kid market. Deadpool and Wolverine are both characters that often deal with mature themes in their stories, so it makes sense for this film to be written and produced for an adult audience.
Obviously, I haven’t seen the film yet, but as far as I can tell, it doesn’t have a lot of woke communist messaging crap in it. Better yet, it doesn’t take itself too seriously either. In other words, it looks like a fun popcorn movie, and we could all use that kind of film, given all the crap going on in the world right now.
Audiences seem to agree, since “Deadpool and Wolverine” is breaking box office records around the world:
After its massive and record-breaking opening weekend, Marvel/Disney’s Deadpool & Wolverine is quickly on its way across the $500M global box office mark. With Monday’s numbers included, the duo have slashed their way to $496.3M worldwide. When today’s figures are factored in, the Shawn Levy-directed sequel will have blown past the five-century milestone.
Monday tallied another $26.5M from all overseas markets, which was 13% of the debut weekend. This lifts the international box office cume to $260.5M through July 29. Domestic is at $235.8M.
I have to admit that I was not very familiar with the Deadpool character until I saw the first Deadpool movie. I enjoyed that film, and it surprised me. Ryan Reynolds pulled that character off brilliantly, and I liked the film far more than I expected to when I first sat down to watch it. Deadpool is a chaotic character, and it takes real acting talent to properly convey that in a movie to viewers.
Wolverine, however, is another matter entirely. I was reading X-Men back in the 1970s, so I’m very familiar with that character. Unlike Deadpool, Wolverine was never a humorous character, but he’s the perfect foil for Deadpool, given how serious Wolverine tends to take things. The combination of Deadpool and Wolverine is not something I ever considered, but based on what I see in the trailers, it seems to work very well.
It’s refreshing to see a film like this released by Hollywood. Given the massive box-office success, maybe it will finally get through to the idiots running the movie studios that people want to be entertained, they don’t want a load of woke communist propaganda being shoved in their faces. Maybe I’m being too optimistic here, but money talks and bullshit walks. So maybe we’ll get more films like this in the future.
Let’s close this article with a poll to see if you plan to see the movie:
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Watched it. Loved it. For pretty much the reasons you posit. Fun, funny, action-packed fan service fest that knows exactly what it is and mocks even that with irreverent glee, and yet still manages to find an emotional grounding in the key characters when it needs too.
Enjoyed first Deapool, wasn't that keen on the sequel, but this was a cheer and laugh-out-loud good time at the theater if you have any affinity for the genre and characters.
Apparently, Reynolds fought behind the scenes to fend off a lot of the wokeness and make some of the fucking EPIC CAMEOS happen (I won't spoil 'em), so good on him. I've rewatched The Proposal, twice, and signed up for Mint Mobile, twice, in solidarity with our brave Canadian brother and Marvel Jesus.
I thoroughly enjoyed Deadpool and Deadpool 2. Ryan Reynolds plays this character to perfection.