Democrats sabotaged Trump's victory margin in New Hampshire
Crossover Democrats helped Haley, and did some White males stay home?
Everybody has been focused on New Hampshire, and now significant results are in as I write this post. Trump won, as we all expected, but not by a big enough margin to drive Haley out of the race, so she’s staying in and going to South Carolina. She is not on the ballot in the Nevada caucuses.
Two thoughts about New Hampshire’s results:
New Hampshire has an open primary of sorts; there was obviously a concerted effort by Democrats to vote for Haley to try to stop Trump.
How many White males showed up to vote for Trump today versus 2016?
If you don’t know how New Hampshire’s primary works, here’s the deal:
Voters can register as “undeclared” before the primary.
On the day of the primary, “undeclared” voters can vote in the Republican or Democrat primary.
Democrats voted for Haley to sabotage Trump
There were various news stories about Democrats who had decided to cross over and vote for Haley to try to stop Trump. This is perfectly legal, and it obviously fed her vote totals and cut significantly into Trump’s margins. He likely would have beaten her by far more if it had just been Republicans voting in this primary.
Rich Baris noted that these voters will vote for Biden in November; voting for Haley was just some mischief on their part to stop Trump.
This, of course, is a bit of a dirty trick by the Democrats, but they have always pulled out all the stops, destroyed or ignored precedents, lied, cheated, and done everything imaginable because of their hatred of Trump. So it’s nothing new and not surprising that they did this in New Hampshire.
I also have no doubt this was a well-orchestrated effort by the Democrats to give Haley a big enough boost to beat Trump. It obviously failed, but it did cut into his victory margin enough for Haley to remain in the race. So the sabotage plan of the Democrats did have a noticeable effect on the results.
It’s also clear that the cross-over dirty trick was one of the reasons why Democrats did not have a real primary in New Hampshire this year. Supposedly, it was a “disagreement between national and NH” Democrats, but just connect the dots, and you realize that the Dems wanted as many of their voters to cross over to stop Trump, or at least hurt him as much as possible. Eliminating a real primary made it possible for this to happen.
Did White males show up for Trump in New Hampshire?
And what of White males? How many showed up to vote for him today? I ask this question because he turned his back on them during his administration and also when he ran for re-election in 2020, and some of them might still remember that betrayal. Remember the Platinum Plan for blacks? No such plan existed for White, working-class men.
Here’s Pedro Gonzales on what happened in 2020:
Trump ultimately underperformed with whites relative to 2016. As a result, he either legitimately lost the election or put himself within striking distance of the margin of fraud because Biden cut into Trump’s white base in states like Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. “The percentage of white working class men voting Democratic increased from 23% in 2016 to 28% in 2020, while among white working class women, support for Democrats increased from 34% to 36%,” Joan C. Williams wrote in the Harvard Business Review. “These voters played a key role in delivering victories for Biden in the Rust Belt states where Clinton lost the presidency in 2016.” If the numbers hold up under scrutiny, two-thirds of the Michigan counties that swung toward Trump in 2016 turned Left in 2020.
Trump scored roughly 64 percent of non-college whites in 2016, compared to 62 percent in 2020. Among non-college white men, the gap is even more profound: 71 percent in 2016 versus 64 percent in 2020. By contrast, the same data show Trump won between 6 percent and 8 percent of black voters in 2016 and 8 percent in 2020. After the First Step Act, the Platinum Plan, a soft touch on riots, and a Republican National Convention heavily focused on courting black voters, Trump improved his share of the black vote by just 2 to 4 percentage points. Trump improved with Latinos by 7 percentage points, though they constituted a smaller share of the overall electorate compared to 2016.
“The decided view internally was that white working class men lacked an alternative,” a senior White House official told American Greatness. “There was no need to develop policy that would improve the social or economic conditions in America’s industrial communities. They voted for Trump once, they’d do it again,” this official said of the campaign’s thinking. “From late 2017 foward, the goal was to make the Republican Party the vehicle for blacks and Latinos. They wanted to build off of white working class men and discard them, not build an electoral coalition around them.”
Remember the little weasel Kushner saying that White males had nowhere to go in 2020 and thus could be ignored because they had to vote for Trump? Well, some of those White males stayed home in 2020, and some went to Biden or voted third party.
So back to my question: how many showed up for Trump in New Hampshire today? I have not been able to find numbers on this, so if you have any, please post them in the comments below. I am guessing that at least a portion of White males did not show up today, but how big a number that is remains a mystery for now.
More cross-over mischief by Democrats in South Carolina
South Carolina has an open primary as well. So you can count on the Democrats trying to do the same thing there that they did in New Hampshire. At the very least, they will try to cut deep into Trump’s margins and keep Haley in the race through Super Tuesday.
Haley staying in the race forces Trump to expend money, time and other resources rather than focusing on Biden. This serves the purposes of the Neocons and the rest of the Military-Industrial Complex, who do not want him back as president. It also helps Biden, obviously. He does not need to spend time and money as he has no real primary opponents.
It will be interesting to see how this plays out, but it’s clear that Haley and the Democrats are going to drag this nomination contest out as long as possible. Get ready for much more cross-over mischief in South Carolina.
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Meh, “undeclareds” voting for Haley doesn’t bother me, although it seems that open primaries and/or undeclareds voting in primaries should be stopped in every state which allows it. Why is it even allowed? It just increases Dem f-ckery. )Well, just answered my own question!)
Of more concern is if white males did stay home. Perhaps they figured Trump has the nomination wrapped up, so what’s the point? I just hope they vote in the general, regardless of how butt hurt they may be. Biden certainly isn’t focused on helping white males!
we knew this was coming, Tomb.
we knew New Hampshire’s f^£€ed
up “open house” for all voting rules
was gonna skew a true republican
consensus.!!!!🤮so much for integrity!!!!