Jul 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I think you nailed it.

As much of a Trump supporter as I’ve been over the last few years, I must say that there is a very fine line between supporters and blind followers like the far left wants people to be.

I never agreed with every single thing Trump did or said, especially his delivery on the things he said. I remember really well in 2020 when my wife and I were talking about his Twitter rants, and one of us made the comment that what he’s saying on there is going to be used against him somehow. Surely enough, it was. The left knew they couldn’t beat him so they let him hang himself on there before they started censoring not only him but everyone who spoke out against them.

This year has been much different for Trump. His performance during the debate this time around — in my very honest opinion — was much more tactful than his performance in 2020. In some ways he played the same game as the libs and let Joe Biden — who we know whose brain is falling out of his ears at this point — hang himself during the debate.

So, before I ramble anymore, I have to agree that Trump has changed and that (I think) we were starting to see it before the attempt on his life. Now that it’s post-assassination, it’s like you said, we KNOW he’s going about things differently.

My last thought: Yes, I both fully believe and affirm that this really is a miracle of God.

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Yes, Trump was much smarter that the debate. He let Biden's dementia shine through and it caused shock waves among the Democrats. Trump has become a much more formidable political foe than he was in 2016 or during his administration.

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Jul 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I think you are correct. I saw him Monday night sitting at the Convention. He seemed a bit softer. God works in mysterious ways His wonders to perform.

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Thank you for sharing that, Ellis. I have not been watching the convention, I have been busy with other things. I shall try to find some clips on X as I find your observation very interesting indeed. 👍🏻

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Jul 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Watching the speech from that cute stripper, I noticed that Trumps reactions to it seemed to be humility and, yes, a soft emotion. He looked like he had dropped his trademark shtick and showed his true face. I have high hopes for this November (and that amazes me!)

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Interesting observation, Laura. I have not been watching the convention. Thanks for sharing it.

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This wasn’t the first or even the second attempt, according to many truthers. But it was the most public and others got hurt (one killed). That might account for the change - it’s now out in the open, they want him dead. Of course it was a setup with many parties involved, just like JFK.

He will have time now to redo all that he did in his first term that got undone by FJB. And then go further.

I’m expecting an avalanche of cleaning and ousting right shortly after Jan 25. Remember one of his first EOs last time was to seize all assets from those who committed crimes against humanity, aimed mostly at human/child traffickers. Then almost immediately a huge portion of billionaires and CEOs were “selling off” their goods and stocks.

I think we’ll see something like that times ten this time.

I hope. 🤞

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There will likely be other attempts, but this was the one that the Deep State put its money on, it will not be so easy to get him into a vulnerable situation like that again. Trump is aware of it, and he knows now that he cannot rely on the Secret Service to protect him. He must keep a close eye on them and calculate his movements in a way that maximizes his safety.

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He used a bullet proof screen on Jan 6. He knows

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Well, I rejected Christianity, and all monotheism, long ago, but for some reason this old Zen pagan agnostic does believe in fate, or destiny, and some of my old ancestral gods who I swear have intervened in my life for the better, though I'll never try to prove that to anyone because I cannot.

That turn of the head was for a reason, though I can't prove it any more than you can prove that Christ, who is in my pantheon to the annoyance of both many Christians and some pagans, had a hand in it.

The Deep State bungled the assassination just as it bungled the recent coup attempt in Bolivia, bungled the war in Ukraine, bungled the pier in Gaza, and bungled American military preparedness in general in the name of More Profit Soonest.

The people who are running it, living in their bubbles, surrounded by sycophants, are so arrogant that they really believe their own propaganda about the meritocracy and their own superiority. As Lando Molari said in Babylon 5, arrogance and stupidity in the same package. It's a typical description of ruling classes shortly before imperial collapse and/or successful revolution.

In that alternate universe that was created on my 66th birthday last Saturday, either Marco Rubio or Nikki Haley, probably Haley, is about to become the Republican nominee as the Deep State chuckles in their coats, and the specter of World War III just loomed larger.

8 years ago, I never would have dreamed that I would see Donald Trump, of all people, as the best hope for avoiding nuclear war, but here we are, so I will not mock your belief that your god had a hand in things. Besides, Freya tells me the White Christ did, so that's good enough for me.

Y'all can mock me now if you want.

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Happy birthday, OB. Many more to you too! 🎂

I would not mock you for what you are saying, much of it makes sense. The Deep State scum and their minions do live in an imperial bubble. There is no one there to tell them they are wrong and full of shit.

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Jul 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Excellent piece. Very insightful. God, in his inscrutable wisdom, often uses very flawed tools to exert his Will. He uses the “foolish” to shame the “wise”

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Thanks, Madjack. Glad you liked it.

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Jul 17Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

He's being used by the Almighty. I think this has hit him at the cellular level. Destiny awaits.

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Indeed, such a situation cannot help but cause introspective thoughts.

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Trump looks likely to end the Ukraine conflict if it's still going in 2025. But what about Israel? And China?

The $1million donation from the Adelson widow, his son in law Jared Kushner, his Abraham Accords and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem all indicate a strong Zionist. And Trump's & JD Vance's recent rhetoric about Iran is **very** troubling.

We may avoid WW3 in Ukraine, but instead get WW3 in the ME or China with Trump. So, I'm not going to do a GOP "hope & change" with Trump or conjur Christ intervening, at least not quite yet. I would like to believe, but though The Donald is showing a softer, more sober side at the convention, his soul is larded with grandiosity and arrogance. So I'll wait and see.

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Trump is likely to do tariffs to deal with China, but I do not believe he would start a war with them. Tariffs are fine, war is not.

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I invested over a decade of my years to research various alternate history lines for my Starshatter series. Thus, I know how close we all are to tripping over the proverbial cliff's edge. The deep state and their overlords are all too overconfident of their control over normie and npc, their belief that people already awakened will not do what needs to be done. 'Tis simply yet another postponement of the inevitable Storm which would wipe them all out and for good. This alternate Earth had its Storm during their version of WW2. What about ours? Postponed artificially and for so many times, our own Storm of Freedom will be five times as bloody and the pyres of clensation, they will reach the stratosphere...

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