Discrimination, theft, and exclusion: White males need not apply!
The Globalist American Empire is cutting off jobs to White males in the name of woke communism's "diversity, equity, and inclusion."
When the Irish first began immigrating into New England in large numbers, they poured into cities like Boston. Unfortunately for them, many people already living there did not want the Irish around. There were even signs in shops saying “No Irish Need Apply.” The Irish were regarded as drunken lowlifes, with nothing to offer, and decent people were obligated to avoid contact with them.
White males are the new Irish
Well, those days are long behind us, but now there is a new group that has taken the place of the Irish: White males. The Globalist American Empire has made it clear over the last 30 years that the only White males they will tolerate are the ones who bend the knee to woke communism.
Any other White males are considered sub-human scum, and fair game for any discrimination that any company or organization wishes to engage in inside of the GAE. The primary tool used by the woke communists is called Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, which means Discrimination, Theft, and Exclusio…