There's a mountain of circumstantial evidence that Israel killed JFK and Trump works for Israel.

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The CIA and the mafia? What mafia are you referring to? Kennedy made a lot of enemies. Not the least of which was the Zionists who stole nuclear secrets right under his nose. He wanted his brother to have AIPAC registered as a foreign lobbyist and resisted the sale of classified nuclear secrets to Israel. He made speeches that talked about covert activities that were waging war against America. He was, by today’s standards, anti Zionist. So, if the mafia was complicit with his assassination, I think one should be more specific. I’ll leave it at that.

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This guy was a really good president, so it means loads of people wanted him dead. Humorously, DeGaulle and him didn't get on, as the old General called him 'petit garcon' (little boy), but I think he might be the only person who didn't have any involvement, as he was hated by the Deep State set up by Eick and his affiliates (I say that due to them wanting France as a vassal and DeGaulle wishing to set up France as a third power between the US & USSR).

That said, I don't think the USSR had anything to do with this one, as they quite frankly panicked after it happened in such a way that suggests confusion and horror. I think they appreciated Kennedy and Bobby Kennedy for scaling back the heat between the nations.

If only the US had a leader like Kennedy at the helm to-day. As to Trump, I dunno he does tend to listen to the last person in the room, I still recall how Turdeau trolled him, manipulated him and then others turned him against Turdeau after that. I'll say this much, with a little luck for Canada Poilievre will know to play him, but I doubt it, Poilievre is even more of a Neolib than Turdeau.

So Trump will have unfettered control over the whole of North-America.

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Boomers talk about how disturbing the assassination was for them, as children. Imagine finding out as an adult the whole thing was a Deep State hit. I think that's why they're waiting. When all the Boomers are gone or don't matter they'll release.

And when they do release, it'll be like the 9/11 files - Somewhat nearer the truth, but still not the truth.

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Jack Ruby (Rubinstein) was a Mafia associate, but also a tribe member. I think the Mafia was involved, but the Mafia was not just Italian, but also Jewish. So, I think it could have been Mossad or CIA involvement. Either way, both Mossad, CIA, and the Mafia benefited from Kennedy's death.

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I suggest that you look into the possible Mossad connections to the assasinations of JFK and his brother. The Unz Review has posted a series of articles by Laurent Guyénot on the subject. Here are the links...

Did Israel Kill the Kennedys?


Fifteen Years Before Kennedy, Zionists Murdered Forrestal


Jack Ruby: Israel's Smoking Gun


Angleton, Mossad, and the Kennedy Assassinations


President Kennedy’s Assassination Was a Zionist Coup


Kennedy Assassination: "CIA-Did-It" Theorists Are Covering for Israel


Ron Unz also wrote a two part article as part of his American Pravda series.

American Pravda: The JFK Assassination

Part I - What Happened?


Part II – Who Did It?


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Absolutely critical articles. I would add to them Laurent Guyenot's 90min docu


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While it is true that the CIA and the mafia conspired to kill Kennedy there were so many more people and aspects involved in the whole assassination. It was a big production and and the facts need to be released regardless of who was involved... but it probably won’t be released in it’s entirety.

The primary takeaway is that our government killed our president and most citizens know that.

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"Lock her up" !

What more does one need as proof that Donald John Trump is just another member of the ruling elites ?

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