Don't take the black pill, even from me
Don't let my scribblings dissuade you from voting or anything else
Good day frens,
The other day
and I had a discussion based on my recent goody bag that concerned the Islamic Boogeyman. Peebo noted that he thought I had a fatalistic attitude toward the possibility of saving Western civilization, and that made me wonder if perhaps I have inadvertently black-pilled some of you.So I will put the question to you now:
I thought Peebo had a fair point, though, so let me lay some things out there:
If you want to vote, then you should vote. Voting doesn’t hurt, and it might do some good at the local or state level, even if it doesn’t do much at the federal level.
Even better than just voting, you should get involved locally and work to take over the school board and other local offices, as well as state offices if possible.
If there are other things you can do locally or at the state level, then you should do them and not let anybody influence you negatively.
Now, here is the deal with my writing lately. I have arrived at the point where I do not believe that the system at the federal level can be reformed or that it will be reformed. It is $35 trillion in debt, and it is run by corrupt, depraved elites. They just voted to piss away another $95 billion for foreign policy adventures that only benefit the military-industrial complex and that will cost the lives of many Ukrainian and Russian men.
By all means, put Trump back in if you can (assuming NY doesn’t put him in prison; the jury is still out on that one), but don’t expect much that is different from him than what you got with Biden when it comes to the MIC. Trump pushed for the $95 billion to be passed, so it’s not like he’s offering anything different from Biden in that regard.
The Globalist American Empire began on the day that the dollar became the world’s reserve currency. Ever since then, the nation known as the United States has become more and more corrupt, more and more authoritarian, and more and more out of touch with reality. It's not even a nation anymore; it’s a collection of competing tribes who cannot stand each other.
So my feeling is that the empire must fall and that the dollar must be dethroned as the world’s reserve currency. There is no other way to even begin reforming the federal government of the United States. The power to print money and then export most of the inflation to the rest of the world must be removed from the hands of the people in DC.
When the ability to create money out of thin air disappears, so too will the giant military budget, and along with that will go the 850 bases around the world, etc. The US government will not be able to do the bullshit it has been doing for so long around the world because it will not be able to finance it.
I do not believe that voting for Trump will result in significant reform of the federal government. But he is hated by the elites in DC, so if you want to take a swing at them and piss them off, vote for Trump in November. Just understand in advance that his presence will drive the Deep State crazy, but he likely won’t do much to actually change things in the imperial capital.
As I told Peebo, I do not believe the Europeans are capable of fixing any of their problems as long as they remain vassal states of the empire. They will do as they are told by the US until the empire’s sword is no longer at their throats. That can only happen after the dollar is removed as the world’s reserve currency and the US can no longer afford to fund its bases in Europe.
Anyway, my point here is that you should not take the black pill and become demoralized, not even from me. That is not my intent in my articles, but I must call things the way I see them, and I do not believe that there is any political mechanism that will insure reform of the US federal government. The US political system is controlled and manipulated, and the choices presented to voters are controlled by the same depraved elites that have run the empire into the gutter.
So, as I have said so many times, the empire must fall. There is no other way. That does not mean that you should despair and abandon all hope. Do what you can in the meantime to make things better in your state and local area, and that will stand you in good stead when the empire’s collapse finally comes.
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My dear lich-friend. This draoidh was black-pilled before you ever came on the scene. I worked in the medical profession for fifteen years and the correction profession for fourteen years. Both professions have instilled in me a strong dislike for authoritarians and soft-on-crime attitudes. I've watched normal people get turned into mindless zombies controlled by the elites in DC. I've watched Americans vote against their well-being, both by allowing mass numbers of illegals to stay and by watching the Marxists take over everything.
I have prayed for the elected morons in DC and Austin to wake up to the dangers of the policies, only to watch them double down on the stupidity.
This is a clown world, one in which a known pedophile is at the highest level of power, backed by rogue agencies that deal in kiddie porn and slavery and routinely lie about it.
If this country were to fragment into 50 individual enclaves, I wouldn't even bat an eye.
I think at this moment, reality tastes an awful lot like a black pill. I I agree that giving your energy to the Monster from DC is pointless. There is no reform of a bureaucracy that chews up and spits out trillions for nothing. Vote and protest to your heart's content. But I am with you: parallel systems and focusing your energy near home are key to happiness.