Apr 25Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

My dear lich-friend. This draoidh was black-pilled before you ever came on the scene. I worked in the medical profession for fifteen years and the correction profession for fourteen years. Both professions have instilled in me a strong dislike for authoritarians and soft-on-crime attitudes. I've watched normal people get turned into mindless zombies controlled by the elites in DC. I've watched Americans vote against their well-being, both by allowing mass numbers of illegals to stay and by watching the Marxists take over everything.

I have prayed for the elected morons in DC and Austin to wake up to the dangers of the policies, only to watch them double down on the stupidity.

This is a clown world, one in which a known pedophile is at the highest level of power, backed by rogue agencies that deal in kiddie porn and slavery and routinely lie about it.

If this country were to fragment into 50 individual enclaves, I wouldn't even bat an eye.

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I cannot argue with a single word of your assessment. Bravo, sir! 👍🏻

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If this country were to fragment into 50 individual enclaves, I wouldn't even bat an eye.

The white pill is that it seems like it finally might.

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Apr 25Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I think at this moment, reality tastes an awful lot like a black pill. I I agree that giving your energy to the Monster from DC is pointless. There is no reform of a bureaucracy that chews up and spits out trillions for nothing. Vote and protest to your heart's content. But I am with you: parallel systems and focusing your energy near home are key to happiness.

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Apr 25Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I think the US decided they don't want the dollar to be the world's reserve currency when they seized Russia's assets.

Who's going to trust them now?

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Very, very true, whiskeys. It shows you the arrogance and stupidity of the people in DC. They remain clueless and think they can force the world to stay in the dollar system. Wow, are they ever going to get a wake up call someday.

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I don't think the elite in this country are stupid. They are succeeding at tearing down the American nation state. Aside from all the evil things they have done, weaponizing the dollar was their masterstroke. Obama's father has been revenged, and the white devils are getting their due.

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Apr 25Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I’ve found a way to swallow my own black pill. I’m with you 100%!! The inevitable is coming, and it is the only way.

With that said, with regard to voting…LOCAL, LOCAL, LOCAL, folks!!! And if you don’t vote for Trump, you’re part of the problem. This is bigger than you and your feelings people. WAKE UP!

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Apr 25Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

B.S. Peebo is a good guy and very smart, but on this particular issue he is pushing the narrative of his tribe which has an interest in demonizing Muslims. I used to buy into that mindset, but honestly Muslims aren't doing any damage to my life unlike certain people, cough, cough.

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Yes, I understand where Peebo is probably coming from, but I do not fear the Islamic Boogeyman. However, his comments did make me stop and consider my content. I wanted to make it clear that I do not wish to black pill people and that sort of thing. Thus, I published this article to clarify.

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Apr 25Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

A noble gesture on your part.

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Thank you, though I don't know how noble it is, I just don't want people to despair because of something I wrote. That isn't helpful for anybody.

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Apr 25Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I cannot share this post because it is so extreme. There is no proof of your doomsday predictions. There is no light to balance the darkness. I read and consider but I only share what I believe will inspire others.

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Many seem to think the end of the empire is something to despair. Rather, I see it as something hopeful. When the Empire falls, then the opportunity comes for determined reality-based men to create something new from the ashes. Bide your time, weather the collapse, and then seize the day when the time is right.

The only way out is through.

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You as a writer, a journalist, doing this kind of work and presenting what seems to be fatalistic and/or the “gloom and doom” to someone, in my opinion, is you doing your job. It’s our responsibility as the reader(s) to process what we read in the manner we see fit.

Saying that your work is fatalistic is akin to a victim mentality, e.g., “Stop writing that stuff because of what it does to people’s thoughts and beliefs.” We all have the choice to read or not read — and quite honestly, I perceive your work as something that speaks the truth that also mocks the elites we oppose; your work doesn’t empower them.

You preserve or save a culture by speaking truthfully about it and not sticking your head in the sand — and something that’s portrayed as fatalistic is always better than being lied to.

Sometimes, collapse or death of something is reform. Ask Jesus Christ. His mission would never have been completed if not for His ultimate sacrifice.

Keep goin, brother.

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So many comments already! I was 23 years in the USMC, 10 years at Boeing. Love my operators (the working man) but "leadership"? Not so much. I've been blackpilled for a long time. But I will always fight the good fight. And I have skills useful to whoever rules the wasteland.

Recommend readers and frens read John Michael Greer's `The Long Descent'. It's easy to find in PDF but happy to put it up here later today. He wouldn't mind.

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Do you think Tucker Carlson was actually accepted by the CIA and he’s really just the most elaborate CIA plant or am I losing it? Everything he says black pills his listeners... might be true... but still black pills

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I don't think the goody bag post was blackpilling. You correctly called out Robert Malone and Peebo as demanding people to spend all their strength maintaining the status quo despite that status quo robbing them every year of their quality of life. It's simple tribal self-interest of one group demanding support against another. In short a shaming tactic. There are similar ones all the time in the dating world with demanding men to 'man up and marry those sluts or you're an incel'. Here it's 'man up and defend Israel, the unelected European Union and Joe Biden or you're a blackpiller'.

The fall of the Globalist Satan state should be a joy to anyone who enjoys God, freedom, health and community. There's nothing blackpill about being relieved at the end of the governments who gave us vax-shots, genocides, fiat currency, drug trade, child trafficking, major assassinations and so on. Only those overly reliant on that evil nanny state would despair at its end.

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I feel like I was black pilled before I found you. 😂

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Despite agreeing with much of what you have posted it feels like a "cut off your nose to spite your face" solution. If the dollar is devalued, that will take the teeth out if the idiots in DC. But what will it do to ordinary countrymen who have worked and saved? How will it embolden those who might wish to take parts of the country by force? What real horror of war might it start? It's one of the last things that's holding the faith of our country as a country together. The consequences of taking that seem very severe.

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What will it do? It will make the ordinary countrymen very, very angry. And it should, but it remains to be seen where they will direct their anger. Boomers will blame the youth, the youth will blame the boomers, and we'll be right back where we started: Looking for government to solve the problem.

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The "Left" wins most battles by default.

The "Left" wins by taking the Yellow Pill. https://rulesforreactionaries.substack.com/p/take-the-yellow-pill

Develop a mindset of action by default. 90% of those actions will be wasted efforts. The 10% that are useful lead to ultimate victory.

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There's plenty to still feel hopeful for; Quebec is voting better policies and is pondering its own army, navy and currency at last, Texas is pushing back, Japan is dethroning the LDP party chipping away at and pushing forward new Nationalistic parties and France's national parties are coalescing together. Sweden & Norway have rejected the WEF agenda and are clinging to cash, Greece is starting to wake up, Spain may have to cede ground to Catalonia and French Catholique schools in Canada are in revolt against wokisme and are gaining in popularity, with Albertan and Anglo-Canadian parents pushing French now, so there's plenty to be hopeful about still.

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Keep writing my friend, you speak for many of us. Think it’s important to know that we are all on the same page, albeit screwed.

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