May 26Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

NRP doth protest to much methinks. Someone suggests you are "A" but you are actually "B" then all you say is "sorry, you've got that wrong - this is who I am and what I do" and they could also add "sorry but my funding is my affair". What you don't do is go fucking mental and pile on a screed of personal insults. And what is up with those insults ? - neither cutting nor original, threadbare unimaginative ad hominen.

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Indeed. There's a bit too much mocking and laughter there, if you ask me. And it's curious it took so long for the NRP's response to be posted. 12 days to write that article? Could have been written in 15 minutes, given the amount of detail in it.

Well, as I said before, we'll see eventually what the story is with the NRP.

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May 26·edited May 26Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

sounds more like a Snidely Whiprash than a Dudley Newright.

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Snidely was a great villain. I had forgotten about him.

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May 27·edited May 27Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

No-one expects the Snidely Whiplash! His chief weapon is train tracks and surprise... oh, wait. his two weapons are train tracks, surprise, and the incompetence of Dudley DoRight. wait, can we start again?

<dorks up the quantities again for a while>

Prosecutor Biggles, read the charges!

you stand accused of heresy against the Rocky and Bullwinkle Show, how do you plead?

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Yeah, he’s not much of a villain with trains and tracks. 😂

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May 26Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Woke commie is a very good term for those that wish to destroy the traditions of the west.

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The root of that ideology is marxism, so the term always made sense to me. And the woke commies always call anybody who disagrees with them a "nahtzee," so one good turn deserves another. It was way past time somebody labeled them back and shoved it in their faces.

Regarding "Dudley," it was very telling that he called it "useless and irritating" and I'm glad he said it. It's something that tells us a lot about who is running that site.

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May 27Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The infighting makes you both look petty and immature

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An interesting point, but it presumes that we are on the same side and that sort of thing. I do not believe that is the case, but we shall see eventually. Sooner or later, we’ll know more about who is behind that site. If I’m wrong about it, I have no problem saying so publicly, but I do not think so.

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You don't see BLM activists, Muslim activists and gay activists infighting when it comes to attacking anyone who isn't intersectional (straight white men basically). Yet the right goes into a purity spiral whenever they don't agree on every single point. It's so tiresome and the reason the right loses over and over and over again. Extend the olive branch and attack the enemies of the right, not the right itself.

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Love your work Morg.

Don’t let them get under your undead skin. There are always haters. Don’t give them the reaction they want. That’s basic elementary school wisdom. It’s not always easy. I wish I was better at following it. But it’s the only way. Rise above it.

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Anyone who’s objecting to calling commies commies is a suspect in my book

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