Sep 5, 2023Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

It's been 60 years since WWII. If people can't handle someone speaking bad them, they are a damned cult. I think it's time that the ADL and the SPLC get taken down a notch. Almost everyone is tired of being accused of being racist, anti-semitic, etc.

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Don't get me started about the SPLC, that's a whole other article on its own. They are every bit as bad as the ADL, both groups are Hate Hustlers and out to make a buck off of it whenever possible.

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C'mon Musk, the show must go on!

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I am not sure that there isn't a crime. Market shaping through extortion? Kind of like BlackRock and their ESG scores. Nice store ya got dere. Shame if you got hit with an accusation of antisemitism or a low ESG score! Such organizations wield enormous power to make or break companies and individuals while hiding behind the shield of ersatz moral righteousness.

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Rocket Man is ZOG owner, by defn being the heir of the Anglo-American Corporation ( south-africa ) deBeers/Rhodes, prior east-india-company, today OSS->CIA the ROCKET-MAN is technically the heir owner of the JDL/ADL franchise.

With the demise of the jew-buck and FED-REServer bank, Rocket-Man will surely lead us to new places.

The simple fact is NWO means new institutions. Besides back in the day, FBI needed feet on the ground in the form of JDL&ADL to tell them which doors to kick down and who to arrest.

Today the GOV has NSA to do JDL&ADL INTEL

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JDL, ADL, and post 1980's SPLC all were created to feed raw INTEL to the FBI, who would kick down doors and arrest opponents of ZOG;

JDL&ADL came out in 1920's just after creation of FBI

The original point was that criticism of the Federal-Reserve-Bank ( jew-bucks) was anti-semitic;

SPLC in the 1980's was an attempt to modernize the ADL, by using skin-heads as the demon, and show them harming poor innocent blacks, which took the 'jew' thingy & anti-semitic card off of the table;

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THE FBI, ADL, & JDL were all created by GLOBO-HOMO at the same time;

By ZOG, essentially ZOG created FED-RES bank and they need spys, sticks&carrots to shut up people dissing the FED-RES bank, given that it was 100% JEW OWNED & RUN, the anti-semitism GIG was their first defense;

Of course ZOG being ashkeNAZI and NOT jew is bullshit, they kill palestine people and stole their land, only palestine are the true semites, but that is just typical for the assholes that OWN&RULE the USA

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Musk is not our friend but when he does something good, that's great. Short story; there once was a pizza chain called Milton's pizza. Their pizza was fantastic and at great prices. The govt shut them all down. Their sole purpose was drug distribution. But their cover was truly great pizza. ADL and SPLC are Marxist Soviet origin communists. Their goal is the American Soviet union their ancestry means nothing as they are traitors and apostates to God. But they like Milton's pizza sell a product of fighting bigotry and did some real good once as their cover. Their sort of pizza chains unlike Milton's grew so huge and powerful that they blew their cover and don't care if their pizza really sucks now. They need raided and put out of business like Milton's pizza.

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ZOG is the original 'anti-semite' cuz they kill and displace palenstine people the only real semites

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How do I get in on this ZOG action? I've been a Jew my whole life and can't find a way into all that filthy power and money. Is there a passcode? A secret handshake? A portal in an alley somewhere? Please! I'm desperate.

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