DeSantis blew his load too early, really a little patience could have won him the presidency. I must admit that I liked him before, but now shake my head at him.

I don't trust him, and would prefer Trump appoint Rand Paul as his running mate as he looks to me to be the only decent option, dunno if you know better ones.

I'm not very knowledgeable of your politiques Morgthorak, who do you think Trump should appoint as his running mate?

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22Author

If he picks Tim Scott, BTW, he'll be signaling he is trying for the black vote yet again. Biden will win almost all of that by default, so it's a waste of Trump's time and energy. He should go for the White working class vote.

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I do not know about VP, I have not spent time thinking about it or analyzing the candidates. However, I have little respect for Trump's ability to pick people, so I expeect whoever it is will suck.

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Ah okay, yeah that seems fair most of my American friends seem to like Rand Paul but say Trump won't choose him. Even the MAGA ones seem to agree with you there.

Honestly I this is why I like Zemmour better, he at least chose Marion Marechal as his running-mate and she's even more right-wing than him.

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We'll see soon enough. Prepare to be disappointed.

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Jan 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Vivek was basically running the whole time for VP or position in Trump's cabinet. He visited every county of my state (IA) twice ahead of the caucus. While I still worry a bit about his past amongst rumors about some of his suspect positions at the beginning of coof mania, I'd be lying if said he hadn't kinda won me over. His work ethic is superhuman and if Trump has any hope of making up to his supporters for his epic failures last time around, he needs to be intimately surrounded by people who, at the very least, know you can fire civil service workers. 🥴

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Vivek seemed everywhere in the media and what not, I'm not sure what to make of him and am cautious with him. Though, he seems to say all the right things.

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Jan 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Lol moment: Vivek has a meeting with Trump recently where he mentions the danger of CBDC. Trump then mentions it at a rally in New Hampshire. It's incredibly unclear whether Trump had ever heard of it before...

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How would he not have heard of it, if he's been President and been campaigning for the Republican party, il parait que everyone has heard of it. Not disagreeing genuinely asking.

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Def could be me misreading him but I found it odd that he seemed so genuinely surprised that the audience was quite familiar, which suggests to me that he wasn't.

*I'll add a disclaimer that my view of him admittedly remains colored by his actions in 2020.

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To be fair, it’s impressive that he was able to run for as long as he did while wearing five inch heels.

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What is the heels thing? I heard somebody say something like that but I don't get the reference. What did I miss?

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Jan 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

He apparently wears cowboy boots, which have heels.

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Oh, I thought it was some sort of troon reference. 😂

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Widely speculated that he had some kind of bizarre high heel lift apparatus in these odd boots he is always wearing. No idea if it’s true, but I prefer to believe that he does because that would be funnier.

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It's also thought that there are lifts inside the boots.

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Nikki Won't stop. The Democrats WILL find some way to ensure that Trump can't run and then who are you guys left with?

Maybe Ron should have stayed running until at least Nikki dropped out? What do you think?

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LOL that lasted.

I'm dropping my subscription that I started six hours ago because as conservative as I am, and ass much time as I've spent toting a gun for my country, and as much as I loathe Democrats, I can't bring myself to vote for Trump again.

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One other point I forgot to make about your subscription: you must understand that I call it as I see it. Sometimes that pisses people off, but that's what you get when you subscribe. You are always welcome to disagree and to point out weak spots in my arguments, but you should never expect me to write from the perspective of trying make everybody happy.

That will never happen. 😂 😉

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Jan 22·edited Jan 22Author

So don't vote for him, you are not under any obligation to do so. But if you wish to know my mind about Trump, see my previous Trump posts. If you think I am some kind of sycophant, you are wrong and obviously have not read my previous material about him.

I will hold my nose and vote for him, but not because I believe in him or believe any of his bullshit. I will do it because I detest the Deep State scum who hate him more than I detest him.

Go here:


Be sure to read my Open Letter to Donald Trump.

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Then enjoy the second Biden term...

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I think some DeSantis voters need time to get to where you are, and that Trump is the only option to send a message to the Deep State scum. True, it's not exactly what many of us wanted, but it's the only opportunity we have to smack them upside the head.

I think there's some bitterness among some DeSantis voters right now. Understandable, but hopefully most of them will get over it and hold their noses for Trump.

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RemovedJan 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead
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I know, you've read my previous stuff about Trump. I am not a fan, but I also know that if he doesn't get in, Biden and the neocons will continue to run wild.

On the upside, if Biden somehow gets in (cheating, etc.) it means a quicker end to the empire. Trump will slow down the decay for a bit and might even reverse a little bit. In the end, the empire will fall anyway, but Trump could hold it together for a while longer.

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I’m seventy. I figure I need Trump to hold off the inevitable for about 10 more years...

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I cannot help but think that in this our politics directly reflect our citizenry. We have access to so much more information but we are far more shallow and less intelligent than the Americans of Eisenhower’s day.

Lyrics from “Kill Bill” the top song from 2023.

“You was out of reach

You was at the farmer's market with your perfect peach

Now I'm in the basement, planning home invasion

Now you laying face-down, got me singing over a beat”

Lyrics from the top song of 1960.

“A summer place

Is that it's anywhere

When two people share

All their hopes

All their dreams

All their love

There's a summer place

Where it may rain or storm

Yet I'm safe and warm”

Don’t get me started on the actual composition of the music.

The top movie of 2023 was Barbie, top movie for 1960 was Psycho. I cannot stand horror movies but there’s simply no question as to which of those movies is the more mature and reflective work of art.

I think we are looking at this problem quite backwards. We are worried about the elites and political class when they are simply a reflection of all the worst excesses of the civilian population.

True Biden can barely string a conversation together but how many Americans spend every day drunk or stoned on something or other be it prescription or illicit? Trump is abrasive and rude but he’s positively civilized compared to the average social media interaction. We do not have serious political candidates because we are not a serious people.

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RemovedJan 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead
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Isn't the NH primary tomorrow? Or Tuesday? Trump needs to beat her by another 30 points or whatever.

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