Jun 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I could live like a Nigerian prince if I could make 2500 a month, are you pulling in that kind of coin? I hate my day job so much I have pretty much stopped doing it, lights are going to go off soon if I don't figure something out.

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No, I am not. Not at all. I wish I were, it would make things a lot easier for sure. But I would like to very much as I am getting worn down driving around delivering packages.

I do not know what to tell you in terms of work. It is very difficult out there, especially for White males in some professions.

If you can drive, you might do deliveries. Or maybe look for work at a local warehouse, moving packages onto trucks for drivers? I do not know your physical condition, but perhaps you could do something like that?

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Jun 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I am not doing any of that crap when I am 58 and I have cute little dog that gets separation anxiety, and even if I wanted to all those jobs over an hour’s drive away from me. I’d barely break even on gas just getting to work.

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I hear you. I have lower back problems and tendinitis in both of my hands. I can tell you that it ain’t easy dealing with packages some days. Motrin helps but I can only take so much of that crap.

Gets tough when you are older like us. We don’t have the young bodies to do the hard physical labor, and it’s some of the only work available to us now with DEI, etc.

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Jun 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

DEI and Covid took my last chance at earning a living other than through physical labor. Like the both of you $2500 a month would be life changing. In my younger days that's half a month of pay, sometimes a week. I don't have the numbers y'all do but it's been improving. I like your idea. One question though, do either of y'all ever feel bad about including donation links or evta direct appeal for funds? One of my reasons for doing this was to help afford homeopathic treatment for my cancer fight, to afford better food for it, because we all know that mass produced corporate slop is poison. It's been mixed results and sometimes I want to pour myself out and save I'M 54 AND DON'T WANT TO DIE PLEASE HELP ME!!! but then feel guilty. And reading about frat boys raising 75k overnight for a kegger, am I delusional?

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I recommended you, so hopefully I'll send some readers your way. I hope it helps.

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Jun 24Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Thank you, I really appreciate that.

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You are most welcome.

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I don't think you should feel bad. putting links in. I recommend Buy Me A Coffee, many people use it and it's easy to put a link. See how I do it at the end of my articles. Feel free to use the text as it is and just put your own link in it.

No shame in asking for help. Many times people are happy to help out.

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Jun 24Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I'm going to give it a shot, was just looking at my bmac page this morning trying to cover a prescription. Thanks y'all.

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Jun 23·edited Jun 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Don’t feel guilty in the least. Most of the people who have money at this point are Jews or Shabbos Goys and the money is better in our hands theirs. I beg here early and often, and occasionally have success at it, and I would like to have more. Heck I could live like a Moravian prince on 600/month as I have no rent or mortgage owning my little cottage outright and driving an old ratty car, no car payment.

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Jun 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Old jap cars with maintenance records are an overlooked resource. Our rent is manageable, there's just nothing left and no room for anything to go wrong. Not where we imagined ourselves at 54. If we were in the sticks it'd be easier to deal with mentally and could be mitigated with gardening etc. But you can't do any of that in a box in clown world. If we could finagle a way to live on the road we'd check out and never look back.

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I hear you, I didn't expect it either. But we must do our best with our circumstances and hope for better days. I know that's easier said than done, but it just seems very practical to me.

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Jun 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I used to buy old Toyota Corollas which was smart, this time around I thought I’d be more swanky and get a BMW, it stands for Broke My Wallet, big mistake.

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Jun 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

You have a legit work complaint, I just find sitting around in my sweat pants, working for Minitru errr I mean G O O G L E, remotely is soul draining, but I suppose it’s churlish to complain.

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Nothing whatsoever wrong with blowing off steam about it, It’s normal and healthy. It’s a tough time now for a lot of people.

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Jun 22Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Just bought a yearly for the $20. Great value. My problem with Substack pricing is that there are many writers I would love to support financially but the default pricing adds up quickly. And BMAC is nice, but I’m also kinda lazy about donating in first place and then keeping track of to whom I’ve given what.

Anyhow, thanks for the $20 option. Keep up the good work.

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Thank you so much, I appreciate it very much. I understand fully what you said, Substack’s business model is difficult. If you are a well known writer, you can rake in tons of cash. But if you are not, it is very hard to make even a reasonable amount of money.

I suppose this is just how things work, but it makes it harder for those who are not as well known.

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welcome back!

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Thank you, much appreciated. 👍🏻

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Jun 28Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Like others in the comments, I have also faced discrimination in the workplace and when seeking jobs. It's good to know that this is not a unique phenomenon. Stay strong, brothers, we will overcome, we will achieve victory.

And Morg, I just subbed! Thanks.

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I saw that, thanks so much for the paid sub. Very glad you enjoyed my work. I have more to say about White males and suicide, so stay tuned on that topic.

I am sorry to hear that you have faced discrimination, but know that you are not alone in that regard. It is widespread now.

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Great! Keep up the good work, I applaud you for having the testicular fortitude to speak about such issues openly. Yes, I’ve also been passed up for job opportunities by the meritless “usual suspects”, even illegal immigrants from Ecuador that have been here for less than a week. It’s not hyperbole and it’s not a conspiracy theory, it’s really happening, and those of us out here on the ground and “in the trenches” are actually experiencing it. It’s time for our WM brothers to not be saddled with despair, but to reframe it into anger and the desire for retribution. IMHO.

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Jun 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Love it, and I wish you mountains of treasure and Lich-level armies of the undead.

But I do have a (proverbial?) bone to pick with you. The top-tier pic is Mindbreaker from Hearthstone!? That card was not exactly a meta staple, if you know what I'm saying :D

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I suppose I could’ve tried AI, but most of the AI art I’ve seen has stunk.

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Do you mean the zombie the goal or the undead? I did what I could find good images, but it was kind of hard because they had to be a certain size.

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This fella!


The art is great. I'm just joking around because I used to play that card game, and his card was one of the worst in the game, so it was funny to see him as the top tier in the subs haha

That said, to nerd out even further, the character the card is based on actually was this dude from Wow, who seems pretty cool, though I never really got into that game: https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Deathstalker_Commander_Belmont

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk :)

P.S. I love the perk descriptions for the different tiers. Had me dying (pun somewhat intended).

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Jun 23Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I'm sorry, my dear lich, but being undead isn't my style. Zombies have rotten teeth, undead smell. Even though I hang around with the undead, (being a necromancer), I try to keep clean. But I agree with you, substack needs to let us set sub tiers. I've worked a permanent discount into my prices, so that a monthly is around 2.50, while yearly is around 17..00.

I'd love to set up pricing by the story, or how ever many stories the purchaser wanted to read.

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BTW, thanks for sharing your price. I think it is a good idea to keep it lower. It's hard for us to compete with these writers that are famous and can command a high subscription price.

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Ha, ha! Smartass! 😂

Yeah, I agree on the changes to Substack's pricing setup. You know what's weird? Substack does not offer any way for people to tip. They could just add a tip button and gain additional revenue, how hard would it be to set up? But they don't offer anything.

The lack of tiers is also a problem, also buying one article or whatever. This is why I think Substack got out to an early lead in newsletters, but seems to be sitting on its ass, not doing anything to keep innovating. They seem to be stuck in a rut or something.

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