
Give my article a reload if you've already read it, I posted a couple of interesting updates. One is about the shooter, the other about some criticisms of the Secret Service.

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Jul 14Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Very well said Morgthorak. At the risk of sounding very superficial / callous - judging by that one photo of the shooter. He looks like a prime candidate for psychological manipulation. MK Ultra anybody ?

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Agreed, he looks like the typical patsie they groom for these sorts of things.

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An accomplished world of warcraft sniper team leader.

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My question is simple. How can a civilization last when 40 - 50% of people support political parties now actively passing laws & pursuing policies that are: 1) shutting down economies across the West, 2) sequestering & transferring title to lands to shut down agricultural activity, 3) allowing inflation to run riot, 4) corrupting most public institutions leading to huge loss of trust, 5) turning health care into it's opposite, 6) a rising minority face homelessness, with no end in sight, 7) central bank debt levels are beyond the point where paying down debt is still possible, 8) promoting woke that directly attack childhood & the family.

The answer: a civilization that chases after such soul-destrohing practices can't survive in roughly its existing form. That is why a BRICS multipolar world will likely survive & prosper even as it rescues the very things our hideous Left betrays - such worthwhile concepts (created by earlier generations) as human rights in principle (anchored in the sacrosanct individual), small business capitalism, a rigorous rule of law, & Christian tolerance. Within 2 generations the former West will likely be an 'occupied' cultural space.

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That’s the real news. Partisan politics, including an assassination attempt? Less newsworthy, but more titillating.

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Jul 14Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Loved your acknowledgment of God and Jesus Christ in this as that is the only conclusion I can come to as to why Trump is still alive. The thing about evil is that the more opposition it faces, the more it exposes itself; the evil plaguing this country has never been more exposed than it is right now.

I couldn’t agree more about the secret service aspect: “You mean to tell me that even though your sole job is to protect the president yet reacting and not preventing this was the best that you could do, especially when that sum bitch was within a few hundred feet of him?” Get the f*** out of here with that.

And if I might add, It’s now 1:15am and not a single riot has started over this. Not one. If there are or have been, news of such hasn’t reached me yet.

These nihilistic sociopaths aren’t done yet.

You’re the man and thanks for posting on this.

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Christ is the only explanation for Trump turning his head at exactly the right second. 🙏🏻

The Secret Service is compromised; Trump would be a fool now to solely rely on it for his security. He must provide his own security, and part of that means scheduling events in places where there are no options for someone to shoot at him with a rifle.

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Jul 14Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Glad to see your change of heart regarding Trump. Frankly, I always though of him as a bit of a dick but still voted for him in 2016 due to my hatred for Hillary Clinton. During his presidency and how he handled things I became a lot more fond of him and although he is still a bit "too much" at times, I am a fan now and have been since 2017.

Thanks for joining the effort to oppose the Deep State by voting for Trump (if any of us get the chance!). I was worried about exact this kid of thing and wrote about it recently. Perhaps we all need to be even more vigilant and observant now.


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Here’s an anecdote I heard years ago, long before he ran, about Trump:

His limo got a flat tire while on the highway. While waiting for assistance, a middle aged couple stopped and asked if he needed help. The guy said he’d change the tire for Trump, and did. Trump thanked them and took their name and number. When he got home, he found out their home mortgage holder and paid off their rather considerable mortgage as thanks.

This is only one of the random acts of kindness I’ve heard about Trump over the years.

Every time I hear a DEMOCRAT mean-mouth Trump, I think of this story. It was one of the reasons I voted for him the first time, and why I’m crawling over glass this time.

Over the past couple of days I thought about dropping you as I’m paring back the time I spend on line. I’ll stick with ya a little longer…

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Yes, Trump's compassion & generosity & courage don't surprise me. But notice how much he's had to endure. God doesn't lighten his load - quite the opposite. Except when it really counts, ie. saving his life. Having a simple faith always stands one in good stead. Period.

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Jul 14Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Well said Morg. I agree.

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The globalists really want for their forever war business to continue... forever. Us peons and dirty serfs are expendable pawns in their game and they will stop at nothing to keep their rotten grip on worldly affairs. However, just like I wrote in my books, the Storm is inevitable and it is coming...

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They didn't secure a rooftop with a clear line of sight to the stage. Stay focused on that. How did it happen? Did somebody mention it before the rally and get overruled? Did the Secret Service and police just miss it? That's possible--never underestimate incompetence--even though it seems very unlikely.

The shooter was a 20 year old kid who had donated to a Democrat organization, so he'd definitely consumed some Trump is Hitler propaganda. And he looks incel as fuck to me. IOW, a perfect patsy.

Whatever, plenty of people will never believe this wasn't a deliberate setup, and Trump just won the election no matter who the Dems nominate, assuming he lives through the process.

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More interestingly, the SS counter sniper video appears to show him focused on that roof and engaging almost immediately. If that was a known threat vector, you have someone on that roof already, not watching it through a scope.

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Yah. I’ve seen more videos. I don’t know what the SS or police snipers seemed so focused on, except that it wasn’t the would-be assassin himself.

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Just keep him alive until November should be his allies only job. The “evil powers that be” are more desperate than ever and have lots of power so you can’t be too careful on this goal here.

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Agree. You are the best commie evar.

Ducks... :-)

Hey I need a joke, the last 12 hours has been grim.

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You've earned this joke, good sir, after the past 16 hours, Mr Raven crack all the jokes you want.

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I am just ribbing OB, I respect him tremendously.

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I know, I'm fond of him myself. For once I caught onto the joke, as I'm familiar with OB he rocks. I should have mentioned that hahaha.

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FBI are now calling it assassination. I think it's too early to call incompetence vs conspiracy. It is at minimum, incompetence tending toward wilful incompetence. And if it is not a deep state action, it's inspired by the constant hysterical Regime rhetoric. Of course the official story will be lone psycho, and we will likely never know the truth.

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Sure seems suspicious having an open roof available with a clear shooting lane. I'm surprised it took this long for something to happen, I guess everybody assumed he would be in jail by now. The funding for Trumps protection is coming from the same source that just held a failed kangaroo persecution circus against him. We are treading the razors edge.

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Just know that I respect you even more for being willing to own your past disdain for Trump yet still see what must be done. I’m right here with you, and I too see this as divine intervention.

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I agree that Trump was saved by the hand of God.

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Holy crap that was close, hand of God indeed! God be praised!

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Trump may have been saved by the ladder cop forcing Crooks to take a hasty shot while rattled.

I'm not convinced a 5mph wind gives enough drift on a 5.56 round at 130m to save Trump.

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I honestly find it hard to believe that skinny 20 year ANTIFA twerp was the shooter, I think he was a brainwashed patsy. I know I would have a hard time hitting a plate sized target with an AR-15 at 400 feet out which is the distance between home plate and the stands at a major league ball park. AR-15s aren't that accurate, the bullet is light and easily deflected by the wind, and the M1 it is based on was made for close quarters "spray and pray" combat. He almost hit the mark and if Trump hadn't turned his head at just the right time he would be dead. That's professional trained sniper level shooting of someone who knows how to compensate for any wind, and knows the exact trajectory of AR-15 at that range.

And IMO the sniper whoever they are was aiming for his head which is a small target, I say this because bullets drop with distance they don't rise, so the idea they were aiming for his body and missed upwards is unlikely.

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M16 not M1. The M1 is utterly unrelated to the M16/AR15.

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Ok, you got me, there. Anything else.

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It's possible to miss upward at this relatively short range as the shooter was in an elevated position and may have incorrectly compensated for that.

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400 feet is not a relatively short range, especially with an AR which is not a rifle made for long range shots. Sure it's possible to miss upwards, but most people who are bad shots miss downwards due to the bullet dropping, and he was a comically bad shot apparently. Literally couldn't even hit the back of the firing range from 50 feet.


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