I've had enough of Taylor Swift!
Why won't Taylor Swift and her stupid boyfriend just go away?
I’m sure you’ve heard about some nonsense about Taylor Swift being a psyop or whatever. That’s not what this post is about; I do not know or care if she is some CIA asset, if she’s voting for Biden, or whatever stupid bullshit is being passed around on the Internet. My beef with her is something more personal that goes beyond politics.
I'm sick of her, and I want her to go away!
Taylor Swift has taken over the Daily Mail
If you’ve read my substack before, you probably know that I read the Daily Mail every day. Yes, it’s a trashy tabloid, but it’s a guilty pleasure of mine. Over the last few months, I have noticed one Taylor Swift story after another on the front page of the Daily Mail. She and her idiot boyfriend keep showing up there.
What did Taylor and her boyfriend eat today? How many times did they fart? What did Taylor wear? Where did she and her boyfriend go? Is Taylor breaking up with her boyfriend? Blah, blah, blah, blah!!!! I’m so sick of it.
You probably think I’m exaggerating here, right? Well, did you know that Taylor Swift has her own page on the Daily Mail site? All the dumb stories about her are gathered in one place, so her fans can keep up with the minutiae of her life:
If you scroll down on her DM page, you will see all the stupid crap that has been infiltrating the Daily Mail’s front page. I wish there were an anti-Taylor Swift filter, so I could get rid of her and her boyfriend. Alas, they keep showing up day after day.
What is the appeal of Taylor Swift?
The thing I don’t understand about her is why anybody cares about her in the first place. She reminds me of Lady Gaga and Madonna. In other words, she’s just another pop tart who pushes out the usual musical dreck, milks her fans for money, and then cashes her checks.
I cannot see her appeal for the life of me. Even her name seems like something created by a marketing department: Taylor Swift. Is she actually human, or some sort of musical android created by one of the big record companies?
In the interest of fairness, I went over to YouTube and watched some of her videos. Here they are, so you know what was viewed:
All three of these songs sound the same to me, more or less. It’s generic pop music, with no soul whatsoever. It all sounded very machine-like to me. They reek of something an AI would create with a simple prompt or two. There’s little to nothing in terms of real emotional content in her songs.
Taylor Swift herself is nothing special visually. Again, she looks like some generic female created by an AI owned by OpenAI or Google. There’s nothing notable about how she looks or how she moves. It’s all been done before, again and again, by other pop tarts.
Her voice is also nothing to rave about; it’s very generic and computer-sounding. Even Madonna and Lady Gaga both have more distinct singing voices. Pat Benatar would blow Taylor Swift off the map, if you ask me. Think I’m kidding? Listen to this song by Benatar and then compare it to Swift’s crap above:
Also see this video that analyzes Pat Benatar’s voice:
Taylor Swift sucks
So I am not impressed by Swift’s voice, persona, or music. Everything about her screams “marketing scam” to me, and I will never understand the people who actually pay money for what seems like machine-generated, AI-pop music. You could not pay me enough money to go to a Taylor Swift concert or listen to one of her albums.
After watching her videos and listening to her schlock, I feel dirty and slimed. Now, I must cleanse my musical palate, and purge it of the sounds and images of the AI-pop-droid Swift with a potent antidote: AC/DC! 👍🏻😎🤟🏻
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This post raised my Taylor Swift awareness to mind-crippling level.
She is evidence that space aliens are among us.
Either that, or it's just AutoTune. (Which is the reason why ALL modern pop music sounds so souless. You are listening to a synthesizer played by a singer.)