Sep 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Building on this a bit. Hear me out. A not insignificant few in the MSM have raised questions about Kamala, including pointing out her failure to face unscripted Qs from the press. Deep down, MSM elements know their business is in trouble. Secretly aiding or the right omissions to get President Trump gives them a new four year lease on life.

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I think you are onto something. Trump was their villain, and he helped keep their businesses afloat for four years. After he left, it all turned to shit for them.

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Sep 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Donald Trump is the greatest thing that happened to the establishment press. Four years of Kamala's cookie-cutter platitude-infested word salad and that whole joy-to-the-fucking-world shtick will gut the media's relevance.

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Sep 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

ABC will get frozen out in any event.

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Sep 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

That's great. Seems like typical Biden though, not sure if he actually would help Trump. Of course he hates her cuz anyone who worked with her hates her.

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I think he wants Trump to win, but would never admit it publicly. That way he can say "I told you so" to Obama and the rest of them who forced him out. It would give him satisfaction to know that they screwed it all up by getting rid of him.

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Sep 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. Jill will do anything to destroy Kamala.

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Agreed. Jill wanted four more years as first lady, and it was stolen from her by Kamala, Obama, and Pelosi.

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Sep 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

The Democrat party reminds me of a Mafia organization in which everyone is backstabbing each other in order to move up into the God Father's good graces.

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Sep 12Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Good piece, Morg. I can see Uncle Joe having just enough wits about him to hate those who ousted him. He looks good in that Trump hat!!

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The real Joe Biden was never woke. Look up Jan Helfeld videos on YouTube. There, you will find lots of Democrats blowing up when faced with an interviewer who is a combination of Socrates, Ayn Rand, and Borat. But Joe Biden did not blow up. He came back for more, enjoying the intellectual stimulation.

But is that Joe Biden still alive?? Maybe that hat thing was the real Joe's death rattle.

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Sep 12·edited Sep 12

We'll see. I still think I'd rather get this shitshow over with so we can move on, and Kamala seems like an incredibly short path to getting that done. So I am completely emotionally detached from this whole thing and don't Want to Believe anything in particular.

Joe is demented and stupid, Jill is a prostitute, and the kids belong in asylums if not prisons. I don't think there's much of a political dynasty there to strike back.

Kamala, also a prostitute, will be at least as pliable to the business and political interests that propped up Joe, and they've already demonstrated that their preference is a moron who sells cheap (i.e. Biden's entire reason for existing in politics) so she's a good fit for them. I don't see any reason why they'd sabotage her.

And the media, which are shamed in comparison to even the lowest of street walking junkie whores, will say whatever they're told to say.

If Kamala is sabotaged I think it's more likely to be by the same people who picked her in the first place. If I was them, the last thing I'd want is the absolute archetypal avatar of my whole public-facing political pitch to be at the wheel next term. Much better to let Trump take the fall and pin it all on his "far right" ideas, so that some new diversity slayqween can ride in on a white horse to save us in 2028.

But are any of them bright enough to hatch such a plot at this point, let alone execute it? Dunno. Pelosi is losing it. Hillary maybe still sharp enough. Schumer. Couple others. Most of the rest are Biden-style pliable retards and Kamala-style shameless hookers because that's what they've been recruiting for the past couple decades, so if the remaining boomer Machiavellians aren't up to the task I don't think anyone else is either.

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Are Pelosi, Hillary, Schumer and the other politicians really in charge? They seem to be just fronts being controlled by a team of bureaucrats in the interests of a hidden elite. The key question is: Who are the elites? What are their names, and where do they live? Do they all gather to meet in some place that can be taken out by a JDAM.

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I figure there's some jockeying back and forth between the more prominent politicians and the glowies. The big ones are not total automata. They have their own interests and leverage. And there seems to be some inter-cabal factional disputes as well. They're only totally unified when it's an issue of us vs. them.

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That is probably partly true, but the sheer obscenity of Dianne Feinstein being dragged from her literal deathbed to pass some petty airport bill in the Senate suggests that even top politicians must obey their handlers. She looked utterly bewildered and in severe pain, shuffling like an animated corpse with eyes entirely bloodshot. She died just four hours later.

I think this is a more significant event than most realize, as it indicates that the real power does not lie with those who hold elected office, but with ruthless, unelected, unaccountable, psychopaths following entirely their own agenda.


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I mean, I think most of the politicians are ruthless, unaccountable psychopaths too, and frankly most of them aren't elected in any real sense. When is the last time Pelosi has had to campaign in her district? Answer: never, she never once had to do that. She was anointed to her seat by her predecessor and has been secure in it ever since. The ones behind the curtains and the ones out front are the same. They all have their roles to play in the game and their own stakes.

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Sep 15Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

Biden was also seen and filmed climbing the stairs to Airforce 1 with a red hat in his hand. He made sure the hat was visible

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Sep 14Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

It’s hard really to believe but you have me convinced and hopeful. Thank you.

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You are most welcome, I’m glad you enjoyed the article.

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Nice piece. Please ditch the black background with white text. It's annoying and pointless. Thanks.

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Okay, it's white with black text now. I prefer a dark background with white text, but I have a thing that changes it in my browser anyway.

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Sep 13Liked by Morgthorak the Undead

I sincerely hope you are right!!

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It seems far more likely to me that Biden, who has been visibly senile for years, just grabbed the hat and put it on without reading it because he relies entirely on his handlers to keep these sorts of things from happening at his appearances.

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You and I seem to be the only ones making this point...

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Since I made that comment I've seen a video of the entire incident in context, and I actually take back what I said. In the video, Biden and a Trump supporter are enjoying some good-natured banter with each other, the Trump supporter gives Biden his hat, Biden takes it, and other people in the room encourage him to put it on. So Biden, again clearly enjoying the moment, caves to the pressure and wears the hat.

I don't think it's a moment of senility, I think he's like Peter Gibbons in Office Space, after the hypnotherapy session, going to work and giving zero fucks.

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Hope he completely screws up their chances, honestly it'd be nice to see the Democrats further implode over the next four years.

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I can’t wait to see Jill’s revenge. I already have my popcorn ready. But we need to be patient. "Revenge is a dish best served cold"

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Given all of the talk about Bidens mental state, why not consider that this, too, was one of his gaffes? As in, he didn't fully know what he was doing when he put the hat on, and people are reading into it at a moment when it's flattering to their (albeit justified) antipathy for Kamala.

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He seems happier there than he has since 2020.

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